Bill and his bimbos, Hill and her emails: vast security danger

Bill and his bimbos, Hill and her emails: vast security danger

—sloppiest security on the planet—

by Jon Rappoport

September 15, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Colin Powell’s emails have been hacked and exposed. One email contained Powell’s 2014 comment to Jeffrey Leeds, as reported by the NY Post: “Bill [Clinton] is still dicking bimbos at home.”

Naïve Americans believes sexual agents only exist in fiction.

Bill’s endless string of bimbos are all farmers’ daughters? Are you kidding? Foreign intelligence agencies play this kind of situation like a piano. It’s so easy, it’s ridiculous. Send in a female operative, or five or six. —Pillow talk, on-the-scene observation, blackmail, the works.

Who knows, Bill may actually want to spill secrets. After all, he did send advanced military tech to China back in the day, in exchange for campaign money. And as an arch Globalist, why should he care about America as a sovereign nation?

Meanwhile, Hillary, stricken with some kind of neurological deficit, sets up a private email server through which she sends and receives classified information. Either she’s too far gone to notice, or she doesn’t care.

What a pair.

If she staggers into the White House this November, with Bill at her side, why not just open up all the books and classified briefings and print them in the New York Times?

The only secrets the Clintons want to keep in the dark are their own; for example, the inner workings of the pay-to-play cash laundromat known as the Clinton Foundation.

And while we’re at it, what does Hillary think about Bill’s continuing parade of women? Has it never occurred to her that some of them are mining her husband for information, on behalf of foreign governments? Apparently, she’s beyond caring about it. Which tells you about her overall attitude toward security issues. As in: she’s a disaster.

Again: she and her husband could take over the White House in a few months.

The mainstream media avoids discussing the security aspect of Bill. Aside from the fact that they want Hillary to win the Presidency, they certainly don’t want to revisit Bill’s sexual history going all the way back to Arkansas.

The Matrix Revealed

I assure you, there are work-a-day reporters who understand the security and spying implications I’ve sketched above. They know very well that Bill has been an open target, in that regard, for a long, long time. But they don’t bother writing about it, because their editors would never touch those stories.

Any one of these reporters with CIA connections could, in a few days, open up a line of conversation that wouldn’t quit. How do CIA agents and overseas Agency assets feel about the specter of a former US President who was, and is, an ideal candidate for sexual exploitation by honey-trapping operatives?

No, this isn’t fiction. The use of such operatives has been a fact of political life since the discovery of sex. In intelligence communities, the denial of such activities would be laughable.

The Clintons. A dream couple.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

14 comments on “Bill and his bimbos, Hill and her emails: vast security danger

  1. Chris Banks says:

    I enjoy your guest appearances on The Conspiracy Show and you always bring a wealth of “behind the scenes insight” and a different take on issues that opens up the mind for many different possibilities that most Americans have never thought of. As far as Bill goes, I think his days of banging chicks are mostly over. He has aged so much over the past few years and with heart complications to boot I couldn’t imagine him lasting more than a few minutes through an encounter, but I could be wrong. After all, they are reptiles so they may very well live forever? As far as Hill da Hun I think she’s on her last leg………….or possibly suffering the symptoms of accepting her new Demon? If she makes a remarkable come back after her “pneumonia” spell then that may tell all. Nobody in her condition could come back vibrant and fully healed without some outside intervention. Maybe a subject for analysis on your part? I haven’t seen anything about the “Reptilian” aspect in your research, have you given that theory any play at all? Lot’s of videos on the subject and some are quite compelling, but if you search YouTube long enough……………well you know. I enjoy your investigative reports and you have opened my eyes so to speak about things I never made a connection to especially the Zika virus “Myth” and I thank you for that. Everything is coming clearly into view now. The more I listen the more I learn and the more I doubt the ethics, efficiency, and worthiness of our own corrupt government. In the end, our own government is ultimately behind everything that’s controversial. That really makes me sad.
    Stay Strange,

  2. marlene says:

    Bill prefers to rob the cradle of underaged girls who don’t yet know the difference between him and a real man. I’ve always suspected he was being set up on many occasions because his inflated ego makes him a likely target. This is the first great article on the subject i’ve read. PS: I felt your heat-under-the-collar in this one. I’m so outraged at our “leaders”-to-the-slaughter…

  3. vince kemp says:

    This just confirms to me that something rather big is in the works. I am not alone. You can just feel it in your water. Time for the plan of all plans to be put into play? There are enough creditable researchers like James Corbett and yourself Jon along with many others who speculate the same. What will it be, who knows. Sit back and enjoy the show, for that is what it is, a grand illusion. Sad that many will suffer. I hope that Oz is far enough away from the MAD neocons. Regards to all..

  4. Michael says:

    I don’t know where I heard this one but it’s funny. A first world war British general was asked whether he informed the cabinet regarding details of military operations. He said no… because they would tell their wives and Lloyd George (PM) would tell somebody else’s (wife).

  5. Bruce says:

    Great observations. Thank you for this post Mr. Rappoport. I suspect neither Bill nor Hillary would actually have to be black mailed as both have repeatedly demonstrated they are openly 100% for sale regardless of consequence. That said, they certainly are obvious possible targets and pose a risk. Regarding Hillary’s security sloppiness, I wonder if she’s so lazy, or perhaps entitled, she feels she stands above the game, not even bothering with pretense as she must understand in her role as Elite gofer that modern warfare is usually a series of manipulated Oligarchy blood letting events poorly planned for decades in advance? Could it be possible she’s actually this crass?

  6. gokmencakal says:

    late to the hillary party but I got something for my friends

  7. swo8 says:

    Your dream couple is a nightmare.

  8. Jon, this plot is a bit thicker than you’ve outlined.

    For instance, Bill was “originally” sprung by Israelite (wh-what?) surveillance equipment in the Whitehouse which recorded an incident between him, intern Monica Lewinsky and a Havana cigar. At the faux-court pantomime, which seemed more about heading off potential real 911 impeachments to come, Bill made an extraordinary statement under his breath (far removed of court sessions, of course, but close enough to tittle-tattle merchants).

    “Hillary’s had more women than me”.

    Then there’s that salacious Cathy O’Brien. Oh boy, she says things that make the “hair curl”!

    All recent talk is “grist for the mill” I think.


    • Hawkeye says:

      LOL…. Did Bill really say that under his breath?
      Well the same can be said of Mr. Trumpet too et al.

      Sorry guys but he is just as big of a disaster as his running mate is. Just to stay on subject, he has been with more women then can be counted and what is it….3 or 4 marriages now so far? LOL…oh and the current mrs. trump has been seen naked by the entire world and that is who pub people want to be our “respected” first lady? LOL… this has to be a nightmare world. Please wake me up!!! AHHHHHHH….. LOL.

      Boycott the poles and the chems! Both are toxic to our health.
      Good day.

  9. homosaps says:

    You forgot to mention Hillary. Huma, Foster, Hubbell and other Hillary bisexual liasons present a clear and present danger for blackmail.

  10. jtremaine says:

    Reblogged this on OCCUPY AMERICA and commented:
    Bimbo Banging and Treason in a basket.

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