Power Outside The Matrix: my tutorial on disinformation

Power Outside The Matrix: my tutorial on disinformation

by Jon Rappoport

December 4, 2016

In my mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, I include an 11-hour audio tutorial, Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation.

This tutorial is built from my 30 years of working as a reporter and researcher.

It is more than a logic course. I give you everything I can on how to penetrate the shield of disinformation, to the truth of a situation. I do this with the full understanding that we live in a world where the men who keep the truth secret are building structures designed to divert us.

Navigating this maze is an art and skill I initially learned about while writing my first book, AIDS INC. I realized I was dealing with a flood of disinformation, coming from several different angles, as well as misinformation based on other people’s incomplete research.

Sorting all this out was, eventually, a revelation. In my tutorial, I pass along valuable lessons learned.

Because every significant subject in our time is now a whole mountain range of data, coming from separate sources, there is an entanglement factor. How do you separate the strands? How do you navigate? There is a way of reducing the “noise” and clarifying the approach. I present and explain that way.

Another section of Power Outside The Matrix is my Writer’s Tutorial, eight-and-a-half hours of audio. For those writers who are deeply interested in presenting their factual research, this Tutorial meshes with Analyzing Disinformation.

Additionally, I include a section consisting of exercises a person practices daily to increase his own stability, energy, and power—a necessity for operating beyond the structure of the Matrix.

This collection is the equivalent of several years of post-graduate work—if colleges taught anything useful in these areas.

power outside the matrix

Here are the contents of my collection, Power Outside The Matrix:

These are audio presentations. 55 total hours.

* Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation (11.5-hours)

* Writer’s Tutorial (8.5-hours)

* Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality—creative techniques (6.5-hours)

Then you will receive the following audio presentations I have previously done:

* The Third Philosophy of Imagination (1-hour)

* The Infinite Imagination (3-hours)

* The Mass Projection of Events (1.5-hours)

* The Decentralization of Power (1.5-hours)

* Creating the Future (6-hours)

* Pictures of Reality (6-hours)

* The Real History of America (2-hours)

* Corporations: The New Gods (7.5-hours)

I have included an additional bonus section:

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst (and how to analyze them). I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

* A 2-hour radio interview I did on AIDS in Dec 1987 with host Roy Tuckman on KPFK in Los Angeles, California.

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the books are pdf files. You download them upon purchase. You’ll receive an email with a link to the entire collection.)

This is about your power. Not as an abstract idea, but as a living core of your being. This is about accessing that power, expanding it, and using it.

On this road, there are no limits.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

2 comments on “Power Outside The Matrix: my tutorial on disinformation

  1. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    The whole world is now mentally-ill, sickened by realization that government science was misused to take totalitarian control of the world, and we scientists were too caught up in self to see it.

    Nations and national academies of sciences were united on 24 OCT 1945 to hide the source of energy in atomic bombs – NEUTRON REPULSION – an empirical fact clearly recorded in rest masses of atoms.

    Fifty-seven years later BBC News admited Kuroda secretly retained a personal copy Japan’s successful design for atomic bombs:


    World leaders and guilt-ridden scientists were told they were saving the world from nuclear annihilation by hiding “nuclear secrets” from the public, but Kuroda realized this as abuse of science to gain totalitarian control of the world.

    In 1956, Kuroda showed there are, in fact, NO “nuclear secrets” to hide. Uranium deposits became self-sustaining nuclear fission reactors on Earth two billion years (2 Ga) ago, without assistance from mankind.

    In 1972 scientists of the French Atomic Energy Commission discovered self-sustaining nuclear reactors had burned spontaneously in the Oklo Mine in Africa.

    Trying to maintain the UN globalist delusion of nuclear secrets>/b>,” the Scientific American described Oklo as an extremely unlikely event:


  2. flyingcuttlefish says:

    Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines

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