Chemical-dosing experiment to force friendship toward migrants: not science fiction
by Jon Rappoport
August 30, 2017
I really hope you understand this.
It is not a fantasy. It isn’t science fiction. It isn’t satire.
It is Brave New World, but not the Huxley novel. It’s happening now.
It’s a new published study that appears on the website of the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
The title of the study is, “Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection.”
Xenophobia is defined as: “fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.” (
Oxytocin, the chemical used in this study, is described by Medical News Today: “Widely referred to as the love hormone, oxytocin has also been dubbed the hug hormone, cuddle chemical, moral molecule, and the bliss hormone due to its effects on behavior, including its role in love and in female reproductive biological functions in reproduction.”
“Oxytocin is a hormone that is made in the brain, in the hypothalamus. It is transported to, and secreted by, the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.”
“In chemistry, oxytocin is classed as a nonapeptide (a peptide containing nine amino acids), while its biological classification is as a neuropeptide. It acts both as a hormone and as a brain neurotransmitter.”
The published study details a successful attempt at chemical mind control. The goal is making people more “happy and friendly” about mass migration, by changing their hormonal response toward migrants.
Nothing in the study cites inherent migration problems, such as increased violent crime, back-breaking financial pressure on government budgets, and the eroding of local cultures. It’s all about shifting feeling and reaction toward waves of immigrants.
Here are extensive quotes from the new study:
“Here we report the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment showing that enhanced activity of the oxytocin system paired with charitable social cues can help counter the effects of xenophobia by fostering altruism toward refugees. These findings suggest that the combination of oxytocin and peer-derived altruistic norms [social cues] reduces outgroup rejection even in the most selfish and xenophobic individuals, and thereby would be expected to increase the ease by which people adapt to rapidly changing social ecosystems [mass immigration].”
“Never before have individuals had to adapt to social environments defined by such magnitudes of ethnic diversity and cultural differentiation. However, neurobiological evidence informing about strategies to reduce xenophobic sentiment and foster altruistic cooperation with outsiders is scarce. In a series of experiments settled in the context of the current refugee crisis, we tested the propensity of 183 Caucasian participants to make donations to people in need, half of whom were refugees (outgroup) and half of whom were natives (ingroup). Participants scoring low on xenophobic attitudes [already accepting toward immigrants] exhibited an altruistic preference for the outgroup, which further increased after nasal delivery of the neuropeptide oxytocin. In contrast, participants with higher levels of xenophobia generally failed to exhibit enhanced altruism toward the outgroup. This tendency was only countered by pairing oxytocin with peer-derived altruistic norms [social cues], resulting in a 74% increase in refugee-directed donations. Collectively, these findings reveal the underlying sociobiological conditions associated with outgroup-directed altruism by showing that charitable social cues co-occurring with enhanced activity of the oxytocin system reduce the effects of xenophobia by facilitating prosocial behavior toward refugees.”
Here is the study’s basic backgrounder: “At this time, we are witnessing one of the largest movements of refugees since the end of World War II (1, 2). Ongoing conflicts, persecution, and poverty in the Middle East and Africa have continued forced displacement of more than 65 million people since 2015 (2). Accommodating the large influx of migrants not only challenges the humanitarian capacities of European countries but also requires their native populations to adjust to rapid growths in ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, and cultural differentiation. However, the impetus to adapt to changing social ecosystems is susceptible to considerable interindividual heterogeneity (3). Resistance to this transition often goes along with xenophobic sentiment (4), and as a consequence, recent elections in Europe have favored populist candidates who have openly expressed xenophobic attitudes toward refugees (5). However, at the same time, volunteer work for migrants in the hosting countries has reached all-time highs and is estimated to exceed 1.6 million hours per month in Germany alone (6). In the face of growing tensions over differences in ethnicity, religion, and culture (3), there is an urgent need for devising strategies for helping foster the social integration of refugees into Caucasian societies.”
The truly disturbing and mind-boggling aspect of this study is: many people would accept it as a reasonable way to “solve” the migrant crisis.
Forget about the actual effects of immigration. They’re irrelevant. Instead, focus on re-shaping people’s minds, through chemical intervention.
The authors of the mind-control study are basically saying, “If you have a problem with mass immigration, the problem has nothing to do with facts. It only has to do with your hormone system. Basically, you have a deficit of oxytocin.”
I have written many articles about the effects of philosophic materialism, including its conclusion that humans are merely biological machines and, therefore, can be manipulated at will by “those in charge.”
“Free will? A delusion. Individual choice? Unacceptable. Humans are inherently programmed in every respect, and badly programmed at that. The central flaws must be fixed. Humans must be reconfigured so they automatically respond to stimuli in new ways. ‘More humane ways’.”
Lost in this study, as well, are the effects of dosing with oxytocin on a person’s overall hormone system. You don’t suddenly ramp up one hormone without changing levels of others—testosterone, for example. But who cares, when the social and political goal must be attained? If men become more passive in the process, why not?
Perhaps that notion will be the formation of the next study. “Let’s cut testosterone and see what happens. How much of it do we need to reduce before men just lie around and play with toys and dolls?”
Interestingly enough, the authors of the study never considered dosing male immigrants of military age with the oxytocin “love hormone.” Heaven forbid. That would be “interfering in their culture.”
That’s called a clue.
(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
I’m not buying this crap! These people are as vile as it gets! It also reveals that there is an agenda here, a very evil agenda being forced on us. And the creators of this agenda are so desperate to bring in these 3rd World barbarians that they will even resort to dosing us with hormones! This is sick! Hormone or no hormone, it’s not going to change how I feel! Period! Any sympathy I could have had for refugees, was long ago replaced with disgust and anger, and no freaking hormone is going to change that! Especially when I know what’s really going on. This is NOT about saving people in the middle east, it’s about destroying our culture and way of life. I don’t buy it and I willl never drink the koolaide!
Madness. This is a Hollywood villain’s evil scheme couched in obtuse scientific jargon. What kind of psychopaths would come up with this….
“Edited by Bruce S. McEwen, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY,”
What a surprise.
This is so blatant that I’m going to consider showing this to people. It will be a test of the limits of cognitive dissonance.
‘…It will be a test of the limits of cognitive dissonance.’
if you do show it to others i would love to know the results of the test : – o
cheers –
why don’t they concentrate on doping the immigrants to integrate into our society, why do we have to be moulded to them, surely this attitude will turn more people against the immigrants, The aim should be to encourage not force good will towards them.
When I first started reading about the New World Order and the so-called elite who run things, I remember that one of the goals was to equalize the countries, to make the U.S. into a third-world country. At the time, around 2000, I couldn’t imagine how that would happen, but now, I am beginning to see that those world planners are doing an excellent job of bringing the U.S. down and erasing familial and national loyalties. In just these few years, so very much has happened in that direction. When government pays for science, it controls it. That’s why we are the ones being doped (and duped).
This news puts “The Onion” out of business. They’ve probably already snuck it into vaccines. Feeling overly friendly lately?
No, it’s true. They did a study in Europe. And that was from a different website.
Yep, the war is for your mind, people. It’s not enough to force you to accept whatever they plan for you – they want you to like it.
Didn’t believe there was this article “Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection”, but sure enough there was. Thank you so much, Jon, for bringing it to our attention.
Our mentor often talked about the Seven Deadly Sins, fear, hate, shame, greed, lust, guilt and prejudice. Only the one concerning prejudice bothered us because we knew we had outgrown the others, but we thought we might still be prejudiced against others of different races and cultural backgrounds. Confound it, we like living near people who are like us. Thinking back we remembered the time when a young Caucasian woman with a black child came to live with our family of families. Our mentor suggested to the woman that she ought to make friends with a black family and let her daughter socialize with them because her Speciel Memory came from her father who was a black man, and the daughter would have a chance to be with people like herself. Our mentor said this is important for children for their acceptance into society is a need we all have.
Being on the low income scale we often lived with people of color and though we tried to be friendly, there was always a wall between us. We lived in a Latino community at one time and they stole everything we left out in the yard and had to put locking gas caps on our vehicles. The children were more friendly and our son made friends with many of them and we made aprons for the young girls and passed on costume jewelry we had inherited, having no need for it ourselves. Still there was this distrust. Cultures are not meant to be combined it seemed to us.
We have to admit that we did feel “fear” with the growing Muslim presence and we butted heads with several on different occasions, but any religion which condones the “murdering of infidels” or those who do not accept their religion scares us, and rightly so. There is nothing stronger that religious convictions.
My husband was in apartment maintenance and many immigrants gained housing assistance and lived in the apartments where he worked. In one area a number of Somali Muslims resided. All the children played together, of all races. Some American girls were playing with a few Somali boys, and the boys would now and again call the girls bitches. The girls didn’t like it and felt it wasn’t warranted, and complained to the parents and what they found was interesting. Apparently the Somali men slap their women and girls when they say or do something they don’t like. When my husband learned this, he about lost it. To him, hitting a woman is the lowest thing a man can do, shows how weak the man is and is a disgrace to the gender.
So, we wondered if, in the end after a number of years of integration, what culture would win out. How could we protect our children’s minds from cultural habits which were offensive to us.
The intentional creation of immigrants is what the Good Book calls “the flood of waters”, the combining of different cultures and races which only causes confusion. The confusion is a tool the maggots use against us to weaken us.
So, they work hard to find ways to get us to accept those different than us into our society. Let’s spray oxytocin on the people. Let’s project thoughts during their sleep to accept the immigrants like they did for us to accept homosexuality. The introduction of estrogens into the food supply is one way, through soy products. At least that is what they do in Texas prisons, mix soy and beef 50/50 to make the prisoners docile. Soy is in so many foods now.
We found this suggestion for increasing oxytocin, “Studies have shown that suppressing your emotions lowers oxytocin levels. Withholding your feelings and not dealing with them causes stress and other physical issues in the body. Your emotional state should be imbalanced with your spiritual and physical bodies. The release of tears allows the body to return to a state of calmness as oppose to holding on to anger or frustration.” How can we do this, Social Media. Make “snowflakes” out of everyone.
Jon, your article makes me suspicious that this may have been happening in Canada unbeknownst to the population. When I moved to Ottawa, the nation’s capital, I honestly wondered if there was “something in the water.” As long ago as 2003, often on the public bus, I was a minority as a Caucasian. Sometimes I felt like I was surrounded by crowds at the bazaar in Africa or Iraq, or wherever all these people came from. It was interesting and I thought how this is unknown to people who have not been to Ottawa. It’s also difficult to get a good job in Ottawa if you don’t speak French (the second official language). My observation is that the people in Ottawa are unlike the people elsewhere in Canada. But I think that my observation skills have not been changed and I remain a longstanding peaceful protestor! Thank you for your article about Oxytocin – used via injection in hospitals – if a new mother’s milk is very slow to come in.
just including the following — for possibly additional background info — because it was published in 2012, meaning a while ago, and before mooslim migrants were a topic in the US MSM landscape…
Theodore, it makes sense that nature wants the family to stay together, and the hormonal balances are a result of this. It is unethical and abominable for scientists (voodoo priests) using these beautiful balances to manipulate.
When one becomes a father or mother, everything changes, as it should be. Those who are deluded and think nothing should change are missing out on this sacred experience of communion.
just so. important words and thank you for them.
The bastardization of nature continues. Take something sacred, as is the mother child bond and make it profane. Oxytocin is very important at birth and during the breast feeding years. It gives the new mother help in coping with the millions of changes going on, and gives her more capability for love and patience during this time. It helps create the beyond this lifetime bond between mother and child. Women who choose to not breastfeed are missing out on a most hallowed experience and an opportunity to transcend into the level of the miraculous.
Now I know why they insist on giving women who are giving birth artificial oxytocin, its to keep them docile and compliant. I can not come up with any words vile enough to describe these insane possessed creatures. The war is stepping up and they have no boundaries or limits to what they will do.The gauntlet has been thrown, what say you?
They think so little of the masses, because the peasants have allowed this for so long, that it only makes sense to them to continue making these decisions, due to the abdication of responsibility. We have less than 20 years to go till they plan on putting everyone into the singularity and hooking them up to computers to save you from A I(see Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil) The technology is there. The destruction of our environment makes perfect sense in this context. Borgs do not need nature, do they. Then they will tell the people, the environment is a disaster, you are ill and suffering, we can save you, you can live forever, just let us hook you up. Just look at the addiction to phones and tech. How many would let go of them, no matter what the cost to their soul at this point, and what about the next generation, who are playing with these “toys” from infancy?
This comes from the philosophy of one of their “heroes”:
The thought of Machiavelli is so radical and pure, says Leo Strauss, that its ultimate implications could not be spelled out: “Machiavelli does not go to the end of the road; the last part of the road must be travelled by the reader who understands what is omitted by the writer”. Strauss is the guide who can help his neoconservative students do that, for “to discover from [Strauss’] writings what he regarded as the truth is hard; it is not impossible”. This truth that Machiavelli and Strauss share is not a blinding light, but rather a black hole that only the philosopher can contemplate without turning into a beast: there is no afterlife, and neither good nor evil; therefore the ruling elite shaping the destiny of their nation need not worry about the salvation of their own souls. Hence Machiavelli, according to Strauss, is the perfect patriot.
Here is one of the best, a new interview from David Icke, where he reminds us who we really are, which we really need to hear right now.
terri – thanks again for such important words. i find myself wishing you lived near me so that we could have our earthy refreshments and wild, free all night long
much love,
ps i am glad your daughter has an interest in language.
Me too Arc!
Thank you for sharing David Ick, it was profound!????????
Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
How about stop bombing the countries and causing the conflict as a start??
Yes. This is the real solution that nobody hardly ever touches upon. As long as the blind sheeple support the destruction of other countries (in order to effect regime change or as part of a mineral and oil-grab, or whatever other greeed-fueled reason), there WILL be refugees.
What else will oxytocin combined with manufactured social cues help us to be charitable towards? Socialism, psychopaths, Child trafficking?
The fact that we’re hearing about this ‘study’ means to me that this has already been rolled out and beta tested ‘somewhere’ … my guess is Sweden … and the means of it’s administration would most likely be the already ongoing ‘chemtrail’ bio/geo-engineering aerosol spraying program.
I agree wholeheartedly.
There is a skyrocketing and silent epidemic going on…the numbers of adults and for that matter teens and childen that are using SSRI’s, anti-anxiety drugs.
People are going to their doctors and asking for anti-depressants.
Here is a study that will blow your mind a bit. And one possible avenue and entry into populations. And no one would know. Oxytocin in your antidepressants.
Or better still, a new line of antidepressants that use Oxytocin as the catalyst. And a new market for those drugs; xenopobia.
“Oxytocin as a possible mediator of SSRI-induced antidepressant effects.”
[…] So, we all know where this is going, if course. Drug us and overrun our countries with violent immigrants. The government’s have their agenda in motion toward the One World Order. Breaking down our cultures, our national pride, our individual rights and threatening our security. Make it as bad as possible. Then as we are wallowing in the depths of despair, we will be offered the way we can be “saved”. It will sound appealing after all the suffering. And, alas, we will go as lambs to the final slaughter. We will quickly accept the One world borderless government, currency, police, etc. That is…who ever survives all the crap in the middle. Hmmm, in the meantime, and while Africa and the middle East are invading us with their “refugees”, who sets up shop there and to what end?
And which (((country))) doesnt let in the third world and even has a big beautiful wall but its denizens lobby to impose this madness upon other countries in order to destroy them?
There is one particular “religious” people that precede a reputation for acute xenophobia, Shlomo, er, sorry, Jon.
If they can inoculate against rabid “Z nationalism” that surely must be a positive step forward for humanity?
How do they introduce the drug into the population??
Jon you wrote an article on the current situation evolving North Korea a few weeks ago.The analogy you used was A b and C. I have been searching for this brilliant article but can not find it. Will you please direct me .I so much enjoy your writing. Thank you.
All the Best to you and keep up the valuable work Jacqueline
Hey man, loved your piece on Oxytocin. Interesting relation between xenophobia and lower levels of altruism. I just made a post on Oxytocin, check it out and let me know what you think Jon
Keep up the good work bud!