Intimidation of 9/11 Commission witnesses: the “minders”

by Jon Rappoport

September 15, 2017

Let’s say you work for a large corporation, which is undertaking an internal investigation of possible corruption and fraud within the company.

You’re sitting in a room, and an employee of the company is interviewing you.

But next to you sits your boss. He hears all the questions, and he hears your answers. He takes notes on the interview. He answers questions you are supposed to answer. He is your “minder.”

Getting the picture?

On October 2, 2003, during the 9/11 Commission investigation into what happened on September 11, 2001, a memo was sent to two Commission attorneys, Daniel Marcus and Steven Dunne. It was ominously titled:

“Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses.”

The memo was written by members of the 9/11 Commission’s Team 2: Kevin Scheid, Lorry Fenner, and Gordon Lederman. There is no indication that any official subsequently acted on their highly serious charges:

“When we have asked witnesses [in interviews] about certain roles and responsibilities within the intelligence community, minders [in the room] have preempted witnesses’ responses by referencing formal policies and procedures. As a result, witnesses have not responded to our questions and have deprived us from understanding the intelligence community’s actual functioning and witnesses’ view of their roles and responsibilities.”

“[M]inders have positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselves in a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions. Minders generally have sat next to witnesses at the table and across from Commission staff, [falsely] conveying to witnesses that minders are participants in interviews and are of equal status to witnesses.”

“[Minders now and then] answer questions directed at witnesses.”

“[Minders write] verbatim notes of witnesses’ statements [which] conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution.”

“[Minders making notes] facilitates [government] agencies in alerting future witnesses to the Commission’s lines of inquiry and permits agencies to prepare future witnesses either explicitly or implicitly.”

“[T]he net effect of minders’ conduct, whether intentionally or not, is to intimidate witnesses and to interfere with witnesses providing full and candid responses.”

This key memo defines the term “cover-up.”

Take it even further. This Commission “minder procedure” would be analogous to you sitting in the witness box at a criminal trial of a mob boss. You’re testifying for the prosecution against the boss. But in the box, next to you, sits a mob assassin.

So you say: “I may have implied I was there on the night the defendant was planning…whatever it was. But I didn’t really say that. I was misinterpreted. I don’t recall being there. I’ve never met the defendant. I’m a retired investor living on a pension. I’m receiving treatment for early-onset dementia…”

Granted, the 9/11 Commission interviewers were certainly asking superficial questions of witnesses from the get-go. But if a government witness by chance saw something or heard something or knew something that would have exploded the official 9/11 story, with his minder there he was in a straitjacket.

And he’ll stay in a straitjacket.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

21 comments on “Intimidation of 9/11 Commission witnesses: the “minders”

  1. paschnn1 says:

    Exactly. Giving full, complete and honest answers wouldn’t be “kosher”.

  2. onebornfree says:

    FACT: The U.S. T.V. broadcasts for the morning of 9/11 were pre-fabricated computer simulations of 1 plane crash and 2 tower “collapses” broadcast as “live”imagery.

    See: “The 9/11 “Truth Movement” Versus Simple Commonsense Logic “: Regards, onebornfreeatyahoodotcom

  3. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    More 9/11 disclosure. It was an inside job, folks, if you haven’t figured that out by now, 16 years later.

  4. JB says:

    More likely the bailiff standing behind the witness is the assassin and the mob boss is the judge and the prosecuting attorney his appointee.

  5. truth1 says:

    When conspiracy abounds, none dare call it a conspiracy. I know a good line when I steal it. I was gonna return it, though. 😛

  6. Weimar Wheelbarrow says:

    A good false flag will have to be ginned up for North Korea.
    The banksters who run Amerika want a war before the fiat dollar is worthless toilet paper and the BRICS get too strong.
    Folding a once great republic into the new global soviet serf plantation is also on the menu.
    And I almost feel bad for anyone who fell for that MAGA from carny barker Donnie.
    But if the Arkansas carpet bagger had got in we would already be a cross between Venezuela and Zimbabwe.
    Interesting times are highly overrated.

  7. bob klinck says:

    And what is the threat in the situation? Exceptionally it could be physical harm, but in nearly every case it is actually the loss of one’s job and income. It is a most pervasive and intimidating system of population control, yet practically everybody conceives of it as being normal — and even celebrates the servile condition it generates as “freedom”, thereby proving that the bankers’ brainwashing of the populace is virtually absolute.

  8. Aron says:

    Engineer Richard D. Hall peformed 3D analysis using radar data and available videos of the “planes” that hit tower 2 to evaluate the speculation that computer simulations were shown on TV the morning of 9/11. The results of his analysis showed that computer simulations were not required because a “plane” did in fact hit the tower. However, other evidence suggests the object was not a plane (eg, impossibility of aluminum wings slicing directly through 2″ thick steel columns) leading to the hypothesis that a missile masked by possible holographic technology struck tower 2.

    The missile theory is also plausible for the attack on the Pentagon (eg, no damage observable to the Pentagon exterior due to wing strike; impossible corkscrew manuevre of the plane as it descended towards the structure) and at Shanksville (impact site not consistent with large commercial airliner crash).

    Richard’s work is shown in these videos:

  9. From Quebec says:

    Do you want to know how deep is the rabbit hole?

    Read this incredible article published today. The article also includes 3 videos.


    NSA and CIA at the top of the shadow government apparatus

  10. elliottjab says:

    Thanks Jon…

    Most if the comments are in sync. One – so far – doesn’t see losing ones job/ income as disastrous & goes so far as to say everyone is “brainwashed”…

    I watched this on the broadcasting news channel & first thoughts were:
    Doesn’t look right – sethimg off with that ‘plane’
    Very little moving traffic in the area
    How did someone position themselves to ‘film’ this?
    Bush Jr – notified as he was reading to small kids at some school… Registered no surprise – seemed to take the news as a given…
    NO interceptor jets?
    The buildings going straight down – 1,2,3.

    Then all who were paying attention – the crater & molten remains… Molten…

    People STILL losing lives to radiation exposure.

    And for the deep state – the swamp critters in DC & away – life as usual.

    All this long time.


    • bob klinck says:

      The brainwashing consists of persuading the population that there is something normal about the accumulation of technology (in particular now the rapid shifting of production onto industrial robots) resulting in economic life for individuals becoming increasingly precarious. In this inherently promising situation the total failure of imagination of a blinkered population is mind-boggling.

      • elliottjab says:

        U r very correct Bob Klinck; however using the same paint & brush is counterproductive to the non- brainwashed … Havva great Sunday!

        • bob klinck says:

          In my experience, those who don’t think a 21st-century robotized economy of superabundance should, in so far as distributing products is concerned, operate on the same principles as an 18th-century labor-intensive agricultural economy might be 1 in 10,000. Our banker-designed system was conceived in iniquity (the ab nihilo creation of society’s money by a self-appointed oligopoly) and born in sin (the destruction of personality by central planning).

  11. From Quebec says:

    New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

  12. patriot9878 says:

    Barbara Olson should be who you guys should focus on. Is she above the law? Nobody wants to reveal this fraud.

  13. I wasn’t aware of that, Jon. Thank you. It seemed the “logical” step would be to create a fake commission to preserve the terrible deeds on the few.

    Of course hurling [false] accusations and then tying your foe up in legal knots is an old Jewish trick. It’s all over the Bible. Just an FYI….


  14. fauxscienceslayer says:

    David Chandler uses high school Physics to prove NIST fraud….

    • Gaz Masonik says:

      NIST totally refuted and found to be liars 4Year university of Alaska Fi dings over a year ago. ..deafening silence.

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