by Jon Rappoport
September 2, 2020
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Based on my vast experience as a translator, this is what these leaders are saying:
“We’re too stupid to know what’s going on. So we rely on our public health officials. What they recommend becomes law or edict. Right away.”
“We’re in the process of committing economic suicide. We would ask you to join us, but there is no asking. You’re in, whether you like it or not. And the ‘we’ is a bit of a misnomer, because as leaders, our paychecks are secure. Also, ‘in the process of committing’ isn’t entirely correct, because we’ve already accomplished the aforementioned suicide. Apparently, one can achieve the act of self-destruction multiple times.”
“For example, we re-open our economies, expand testing with worthless tests, rack up false positives, and then on the basis of these meaningless case numbers, we move to lockdowns again.”
“Don’t blame us. We’re too stupid to know what we’re doing. Of course, we SEE what we’re doing, but there is a distinction between seeing and knowing. Our people are sorting out that distinction now, and we’ll get back to you with clarifications, as we can.”
“There are two issues we need to explain. First, the CDC has announced that only six percent of COVID deaths have been caused by the virus alone. In all other instances, the elderly victims were already suffering from multiple and serious health conditions. We’re aware that these prior conditions, plus the inflicted terror of a COVID diagnosis, plus the ensuing isolation from family and family, have been sufficient to cause death in 94 percent of ALL persons labeled ‘death by the virus.’ NO VIRUS IS REQUIRED. Startling, isn’t it? But we ignore all this. Why? Because we’re told to.”
Second, as the New York Times has revealed, up to 90 percent of all cases of COVID, defined by a positive test, are indeed meaningless, because the quantity of virus in people’s bodies is so infinitesimal, no harm would come to them and no contagion from person to person would occur. We also ignore this matter, because we’re told to.”
“Ordinarily, these two major developments would lead us to proclaim, ‘Go back to work, go back to your lives, take off your masks, it’s all over.’ But we don’t make that proclamation. We carry on as if nothing has happened. Why? In order to remain consistent, and because we’re told to. We’re that stupid.”
“There is a third issue, now that we think of it. The US and the UK, back in March, were considering open policies. No lockdowns. Then a demonstrably failed computer modeler named Neil Ferguson, from the Imperial College of London, stated that 500,000 people could die in the UK, and two million could die in the US. On that basis, with no investigation of Ferguson’s abysmal track record, both countries went to lockdowns and the first round of economic suicide. Other countries followed suit. Why? We leaders of these countries understood the economic and human consequences, but we didn’t GRASP the consequences. The distinction, here again, is in the process of being sorted out.”
“In the interest of full disclosure, there is a yet a fourth issue we must place on the table and enter into the record. You see, at the beginning of this whole business, in Wuhan, we really have no idea what researchers did or didn’t do, in their lab, which resulted in them announcing they had discovered a new coronavirus that was causing a serious outbreak.”
“We’re not permitted in these labs. There is no video of the step by step process which occurred in the Wuhan lab. There were no non-conflicted independent observers. Bottom line: we don’t know whether a new virus was actually discovered.”
“We do know no traditional large-scale electron microscope studies have been performed, using tissue samples from, say, a thousand patients who were supposedly afflicted with the epidemic disease.”
“We also know the researchers started with a piece of RNA they simply PRESUMED came from a virus. One more…oddity.”
“We also know the researchers stated that pneumonia was the cardinal feature of the new epidemic. Yet, going back decades, about 300,000 people a year in China die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases of pneumonia occur every year in China.”
“We also know that if these researchers in Wuhan had looked through the windows of their lab, they would have seen a deadly haze. This is called air pollution. In Wuhan, and other Chinese cities, the lethal mixture of early industrial age and modern industrial age polluting toxins is unprecedented in human history.”
“This pollution causes all sorts of lung infections, including pneumonia, which, again, was said to be cardinal feature of the NEW epidemic.”
“We know and yet we don’t know, if you catch our drift.”
“We can add things up but the conclusion evades us.”
“We see but we don’t understand.”
“However, bear with us. There is much to sort out and clarify.”
“The light WILL shine through the darkness.”
“You’re in our thoughts and prayers.”
“Thank you for your service.”
“That is all.”
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
So history repeats. Medicine men advise chiefs. Court intellectuals advise kings. When will the individual abolish belief in external government and rule himself?
“That government is best which governs least” (Thomas Jefferson); and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe- “That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.” ~ Thoreau
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Étienne de la Boétie
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” ~ Pogo Possum
Thanks for the Pogo quote. I’ve had that running in my head since January but couldn’t quite recall it.
And, it is the absolute truth of this matter.
As per this:
WWWIII is upon us, and most haven’t a clue!
we are our own worst enemy, being persuaded by external controllers all the time.
Prose or Poetry. Poetry or Prose. Difficult to tell with you Jon.
A wonderful Synthesis.
Feathered & Plumed.
The trouble with you is you’re too polite. Referring to Them as stupid, only. I think you know better, but you’re being unduly kind.
Of recent, you wrote “that we’re engaged in a long war, with large powers (big pharma, etc). And it may go on for another 1000 years.”
I think that’s a fair assessment.
It’s nice to know the timeline. It prevents a loss of hope.
Reincarnation supplies reentry, onto the field.
“… if these researchers in Wuhan had looked through the windows of their lab, they would have seen a deadly haze.
Jon, why must you be so clear!
So simply clear.
Blue skies & all…
Is it all just a smokescreen for the Great Reset?
Seems to be all the same suspects involved as Event 201
I grew up in Canada. I check Canada’s news frequently and discovered there is now a prediction that more than half the restaurants in the country will close. How can this be? Canada is huge. How can covid paranoia be the same everywhere? Then I discovered Jon covering a similar idea this morning. The only thing that occurs to me is the Rockefeller Lockstep plan. Still, I would have thought there would be more independence than what we’ve seen despite an attempted lockstep plan. Do none of the political jurisdictions in Canada read Jon Rappaport? How is this possible?
There is a bacterial infection called tetanus that leads to lockjaw. I thought that because tetanus was a bacteria, that a vaccine would be valid for it. But it’s not. Source. ….See the disease occurrance related to when vaccination was introduced as especially interesting. I think we should redouble our efforts to point to those types of graphs. Lockjaw led me to consider “lockmind”– which is the phenomenon Jon is writing about today. To wit: Regardless of evidence, authorities are not changing their minds on the the… “lockdown”. And the “lockstep” policies continue. Not even friendly local people are able to escape “lockmind”.
Jon reminded us of Ferguson’s failed prediction. Quote “Then a demonstrably failed computer modeler named Neil Ferguson, from the Imperial College of London, stated that 500,000 people could die in the UK, and two million could die in the US.”. I would add that Fauci took that projection and met with Trump. Jon wrote an account of how that meeting might have gone earlier in this blog. It turns out Trump was persuaded by that to declare an emergeny and shut things down. He should not have done that– and at least the U.S. could have led the world in being smart about phony computer projections. Trump then renewed the useless emergency in late June or July I think…. doubling down on his mistake. Trump continues to be a buffoon in this regard, apparently. His new appointment, Dr. Atlas, has done nothing.
Jon points to Wuhan and the lack of evidence there on the existence of a virus. I would add that Wuhan will always be associated with the introduction of 5G and that 5G rollout around the world are causing symptoms associated with Covid. I also believe that by focusing on SYMPTOMS rather than cases, we can understand what’s going on better. We should start with asking what are the symptoms being seen in society, as opposed to “testing”. The next logical step is to treat symptoms first, then gradually determine cause– the philosophy of the VA hospital system in the US. The authorities, however, are intent on testing people with NO symptoms. That flies in the face of medical and health logic and VA medical philosophy. I believe we can UNLOCK their minds beginning with the question “what are your symptoms?”. The myth of the “asymptotic carrier” is just that– a myth. Because contagion is a myth too but people in general still believe in contagion. Interestingly, the CDC recently said asymptotic people don’t have to be tested.
Jon wrote ““We also know the researchers stated that pneumonia was the cardinal feature of the new epidemic. Yet, going back decades, about 300,000 people a year in China die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases of pneumonia occur every year in China.” I would add that we should look at symptoms. A symptom of pneumonia is shortness of breath. In Wuhan, people fell down from lack of air. In the US, Trump mistakenly gave Cuoma “ventilators” which pressurize oxygen, not just concentrate it. It turns out that lack of oxygen could have been due to 60 Hz microwaves zapping the hemoglobin in Chinese Wuhanians destrying their oxygen pick-up. In the US, a doctor discovered nubulizers for asthmatics and allay that symptom immediately. Turning off 5G would help but as the covid crisis continue, 5G continues to be installed. I saw news adds from Verizon for 5G in Phoenix recently. The lockstep cooperation of authorities might be related to their cooperation with the 5G plan.
Jon points to Wuhan and cites pollution but again ignores the CENTER PIECE of the Wuhan incident– 5G– with the argument that there is not a single cause for the symptoms being seen associated with “the virus”, another “single cause”. Jon is mistaking the falsehood of a “single cause” virus with the “single cause 5G rollout”, unfortunately. The threat of EM radiation sickness in history has been well documented in The Invisible Rainbow. Some researchers even blame the Spanish Flu on the rollout of electrical wiring early in the 20th Century. Why does Jon continue to ignore the central theme of the Wuhan ground-zero incident of “the virus” being related to 5G? His continuing marginalizing of 5G can, in my opinion, no longer be ignored. There ARE other causes for symptoms being seen but INCLUDED in those MUST be 5G. Jon refuses to even mention it.
Opie wrote “So history repeats. Medicine men advise chiefs. Court intellectuals advise kings. When will the individual abolish belief in external government and rule himself” I would add that Jefferson foresaw the problem and that part of a solution might be a medical bill of rights, similar to the current Bill of Rights or the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
As always, thank you for your insight and somewhere along the line one hopes there will be a grand enlightenment, but, not betting the bank on that.
HOW DARE YOU! Dr. Rappoport, telling these Dear Leaders how to lead. Or These Scientists how to do Science. Or These Reporters how to accurately Report.
“We carry on as if nothing has happened. Why?[…] because we’re told to. We’re that stupid.”
translation for ‘stupid’; ‘maliciously deceitful’
or as paul states in colloquial vernacular;
and yes they are told to.
And may there be a toilet paper issue.
The entirety of the Covid swindle sits on the ever-loosening lynch pins of the nursing home slaughter and the bogus PCR tests.
Remove the nursing home deaths from the equation and there simply aren’t the bodies to warrant any discussion at all about any of this. And why those bodies? No need to go over that here- but go after folks who are ignoring this relentlessly and take the offensive. The elderly were killed- we need investigations.
And to the PCR tests- look at the Ct values. They were (are) amping up the cycles to 40 in both the UK and US (elsewhere?) to produce the desired effect- false positives. That is grossly irresponsible bordering on the criminal given that devastating policies are the outcome from this. Hammer that home.
Yes. DON’T GIVE UP! Rather die out in the wilderness than inside comfortably in front of the fire at home eating the junk GMO, grown in China, factory “food” I “bought” with my Universal Income card, while watching some drivel “reality show” that tickles my dead brain.
Amusing Ourselves To Death, by Neil Postman, is an interesting read.
AK in VT
“Remove the nursing home deaths from the equation and there simply aren’t the bodies to warrant any discussion at all about any of this.”
If a person on Medicare tests positive for Covid19, the hospital receives a one-time payment of $13,000. If that same patient is placed on a ventilator, the hospital receives an additional $39,000.
The sociopaths responsible for the falsely-premised, catastrophically injurious global shutdown are now designating mask deniers sociopaths:
People Who Reject Face Masks More Likely To Be Sociopaths: Study
Once again, psychiatry is an agent of state power.
Also: “The WHO Admits It’s Playing You”
“Immunizing the public against misinformation” ~ W.H.O.
Nuremberg 2.0 is overdue. First in the dock? Henry Kissinger.
Amazing JR reader/commenters, I am looking for help w/ the CDC website: Jon reported the CDC 6% story on 8/31 and again today. The data item is said to be a column entitled “died from the virus and no other causes” – which I cannot find (or even differently worded but equal meaning data entries) after quite a bit of looking on the referenced URL:
Anyone else get stumped? Has anyone been able to find where they hid it? How am I missing it?
Jon, thanks again for keeping us focused.
F????????K COVID
James, try this: John E Hoover goes deeply into the CDC numbers. Truly stunning.
“We’re too stupid to know what’s going on. So we rely on our public health officials. What they recommend becomes law or edict. Right away.” QUOTE
The thing is, most of these “public Health Officials” are just as clueless. And there the problem lies.
Jon perfectly lays out the depressing reality. At least his touch is light. Others fighting the good fight, who are more matter of factly, strangely fail to cover all the bases.
Jon did his part to inform us about the fakery of “pandemic” propagandas, and we, the readers, can share his informative articles to public health officials to try to make them see that these planned “pandemics” have much deeper agenda behind them than what’s being reported on the “news”. Many of health officials (but not all of them) know that this is a hoax, but they remain silent and don’t want to do anything about it just to protect their careers, as dr. Andrew Kaufman said.
If most of public health officials knew about the real reason and agenda behind this gigantic hoax, they might be able to see that this is far more important than to protect their own careers and image, because their lives will also be affected in the same way as we ours, if we let the globalists succeed to implement their plan with “covid-19”. An agenda that’ll make communism look like a child’s play.
Even though I know that it’s not going to be easy, I’m willing to take a leap of faith here to share articles that contain eye-opening information to government officials, public health officials, etc., in many countries, to try to make them think about what they’re doing, because they really believe that they’re helping and protecting people all over the world by telling them to stay away from each other, shutting down the nations and destroying economies all over the world just because that’s what they’re told to do by their trusted sources. If only we could, at least, make them think.. Make them question the sources they trust.. Would they (govt. officials, doctors, etc.) take their blindfolds off and see what’s really going on with this “covid-19” hoax and start to question it?
(A Reader’s request) Jon, will it be possible for you to write an article using a language they (dr.’s, etc.) can understand, that anyone can share with them? Starting with an introduction to let them know that information they get from you is reliable and trustworthy, assuming they never heard about your work before, and break down the whole propaganda and give them a reason why the information about “covid” that comes from CDC, WHO, Fauci, Gates, Ferguson etc. is unreliable and is not based on real scientific studies, as you wrote in previous months, but now all in one article. A lengthy article or a report about “covid” that will undoubtedly provoke their thoughts. And I’m asking you because you’re an expert investigative journalist who sees through propagandas like this that even the so-called ‘medical experts’ can’t see. I’m wondering if they could/will start to question the “covid” narrative if they read your article that’s wrapped in logic, science and reason. Just ignore this if you’re not interested, I just feel like I need to make a request because I’m willing to take a leap of faith to share your articles everywhere I can. Especially before they force a “second wave” on us..
Dr. Jennifer Daniels has stated that medical doctors are very obedient, in fact are extensively selected for that trait during the arduous task of “medical school”, which I call “obedience school.” So don’t expect a huge wave of rebellious medical doctors trying to establish the truth.
“[…]lack of willingness” to consider the question of choosing between”… “Spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient or laying off ten teachers. But that’s called the death panel and you’re not supposed to have that discussion,[…]” unless… you get $13,000 for a COVID-1984 diagnosis and an additional $39,000 if you put them on a ventilator.
So glad Gates skirted our 2c opinion to execute his plot….
I have a favorite motto in the new abnormal – Never ascribe to stupidity and incompetence that which can be better explained by malevolence. Our dear “leader’s” simply order what they are told to do by their handlers and Overlords behind the curtain. They are not really stupid in general – just corrupt, psychopathic, and malevolent. This whole scamdemic is so obviously a global coup d’tat by the 0.000001% who own and run this demonically controlled planet.
El, totally right-the exact word I was looking for when people simply describing our blood stained communist governor as an “idiot.
I have to share this because I think the covid (insert year here) rules of insanity finally bottomed out up here in Canada. Our chief medical blah blah minister/officer has now announced that people should wear masks when kissing or when engaging in sex…with an exception: “The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone,” she added.
No. Really. She said that. Honest.
Thank God, I’m safe then. haha.
Sorry, correction…STOP kissing and wear a mask during sexual activity. My bad.
The “virus” just wiped out foreplay too.
Since this is the worst ‘pandemic’ ever in the history of the world, how come it only affects “first world” countries? No coverage of the countries of Lesotho, Grenada, Mauritania, Gabon, etc etc and how they’re doing with the ‘killer virus’? Maybe because they’ve been wiped off the face of the earth?
This IS the Great Reset. The fake virus is the cover story being used in the first world countries to usher it in. Fear. Lockdowns. Behavior modification. Social unrest. Commerce disruption, economic collapse and restructuring. Educational restructuring. Rollout of 5g for IoT/AI, censorship(total surveillance and control).
To think that these things have happened spontaneously and coincidentally is naïve. To foster these events is criminal. This is WWIII. A few against the world.
Terrific piece – agree wholeheartedly with this, ‘they’, the elite planners, really don’t know what they are doing in terms of the potential consequences.
Had the elite planners decided to abort this whole mess around May-June they might at least have got out of it looking red-faced but, in fact, may have learnt from the ordeal and extracted some future advantages for whatever the particular agenda might be.
Yet they were so pig-headed and out of touch with humanity as well as certain clear lessons of history – such as the dire consequences faced by those psychically deranged occultists during the fall of Rome – that they shoved their narrative out anyway, and now the absurd contradictions of it, due to its being a false and totally out-of-sync superimposition of reality, are leaping out all over the place.
Moreover their minions are setting the stage for a reality that they themselves are in no way equipped to survive. Farcical…and tragic.
Corona World: The game for the crisis
another hollywood actor tests positive. lock everything down immediately and strictly enforce masks. 6pm curfew
also im wondering if they’re told/paid to say they have it to help push the narrative or if they get the same meaningless tests. either way, the masses love worshiping celebs
I find that it is odd that Boris seems to be the only leader to fall to the covid virus. Does anyone else find this curious?
New revelations on the COVID death count:
It is the End of the World! Well, anyway, it is the end of the Age of Pisces and the move into Aquarius. I wish I knew what that means, but it is supposed to mean that human beings will no longer need rulers – and Aquarius, or Uranus, is said to “rule” technology.
WHAT to make of that?
HELP, please, somebody.
In other words, what can we DO. How are we going to get rid of the vile people who rule the World at this time? HOW???
I heard that Tennessee intends to send officials to each house or home where there are children under the age of eighteen, EACH MONTH to check up on how they are!
It seems to me that it is going to be much worse than th eBolshevick Revolution – but that is what it is, a world wide Bolshevick Revolution disguised as a pandemic.
God help us! Solzenitsyn said in his Gulag book “Oh! How we burned in the camps realizing that we should have fought with kitchen knives and pokers – we had nothing to lose.” or words to that effect.
And who was responsible for that Revolution? The same people who are doing it now, I feel quite sure – and they have far more power because of technology. They are extremely stupid people who believe they are intelligent! They are very sly and underhand – but we are not allowed to mention them. They are cruel and suffer from envy and hatred for all the rest of mankind.
God help us all.
God help them too! Wretched people.
“If most of public health officials knew about the real reason and agenda behind this gigantic hoax, they might be able to see that this is far more important than to protect their own careers and image, because their lives will also be affected in the same way as we ours, if we let the globalists succeed to implement their plan with “covid-19”. An agenda that’ll make communism look like a child’s play.
The perpetrators of the Fake Pandemic, couldn’t care less about Flattening the Curve…their real agenda is to Thin the Herd.
A Conspiracy of Silence. Vernon Coleman has a few questions for the United Kingdom government, regarding the proposed Covid vaccines.
Yes, he did. Hmmmm…, Nobody has stepped up to meet the challenge! Gee. Wonder why?
Brilliant as usual.
It doesn’t matter how great the economy is or whether America is “Great Again” if we all loose our individual rights in the process…under Bush we lost our “rights to privacy” with the “Patriot Act” based on a criminal 911 and now under Trump we have lost our individual rights to our own health with phony lock-downs, dangerous masks and threats to dangerous vaccinations…to me that is “Making America Subservient” not “Great”…ratings will drop in proportion to Trumps failure to expose the fraud…You can’t fool all the people all of the time.
Jon, I’m thinking more like: “Bury yourselves. Idiots”! The world will be better, have more peace and freedom to LIVE without your forked tongued mouths and twisted minds!