Biden: naked socialism/technocracy for America; the great land theft

A new chapter in the Energy Wars

by Jon Rappoport

March 11, 2021

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We are living in the middle of a giant scam: “Reduce energy use, in order to cut CO2 emissions and save the planet.”

Here is the next chapter in that scam:

On January 27, 2021, the White House published Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” [1]

Obviously, this document was long in the making, and Biden had no role in composing it.

Buried deep in its mind-numbing text, here is what its opponents are calling “the 30 by 30 plan” [2]:

“The Secretary of the Interior…shall submit a report to the Task Force within 90 days of the date of this order recommending steps that the United States should take, working with State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, agricultural and forest landowners, fishermen, and other key stakeholders, TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL OF CONSERVING AT LEAST 30 PERCENT OF OUR LANDS AND WATERS BY 2030.” (emphasis is mine)

Does this mean the federal government would suddenly and illegally OWN 30 percent of all American land? Some people think so. They believe this would be the largest theft of private property in US history.

The key is the meaning of the word “conserving” in the Executive Order.

The context of the Order makes it clear that “conserving” involves imposing massive new regulations on all this private property—conversion to “clean energy use”; employment of workers according to rules of “inclusion” and “social justice,” for example.

Conservation also implies overall reduction in energy usage, because so-called clean energy technologies the government favors—wind, solar—stand absolutely no chance of replacing oil and coal and natural gas.

Whether or not the Executive Order means the government will own 30 percent of all US land, it DOES mean the government would effectively CONTROL all that private property.

You couldn’t ask for a clearer intent to impose socialism, top-down, on America—beyond anything tried in our history.

What’s behind this plan for grand theft? An elite technocratic agenda. The aim is to lower energy production and use on the planet.

It is a means for further CONTROL of the population.

Patrick Wood [3] [3a], in his landmark book, Technocracy Rising [3b], traces the history of the technocracy movement, and its inception in America, early in the 20th century. Engineers wanted to replace politicians and lead civilization into a “scientifically planned” future.

One plank in their misbegotten platform? The longed-for ability to measure, in real time, moment to moment, the amount of energy being produced on the planet, and the amount of energy usage.

The means to accomplish this weren’t available in the 1930s, but they are now.

And because technocrats always want to impose their plans on the population, they now want to allocate, precisely, both energy production and usage levels.

And because these technocrats are also Globalists, bent on control and oppression and domination, they want to LOWER ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USAGE, WORLDWIDE—thereby blasting apart the lives of the world’s population.

The agenda of so-called climate change, conservation, sustainability—these are all fronts behind which technocrats operate and justify their actions. Their true goal, again, is control, through LOWERING ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USE.

Their number-one target—America.

And by the way, “conserving the land” has nothing to do with punishing corporations who actually damage the environment by grossly polluting it. When was the last time you saw a corporate CEO sent to prison for 40 years, for fouling a river with cancer-causing chemicals? Never? Correct.

We are in an energy war. We’ve been in that war for a long time.

If the federal government actually wanted to solve the energy problem, they would help kick-start—for a tiny fraction of the money they’ve poured into nuclear and oil industries—ACTUAL innovative technologies:

For two example among many, water turbines and hydrogen energy.

These alternatives are clean and abundant. They work. And furthermore, the best way to deploy them widely is through THE FREE MARKET.

Thousands of companies could, if not suppressed, launch sales of turbines and hydrogen (and other technologies) around the world—to anyone who wants to buy them.

THAT would be a genuine revolution. Government would have no need to steal massive amounts of land from private owners.

Nor would governments have to pretend their Swiss-cheese science of “climate change” is valid.

Welcome to the Energy Wars.

There is a personal dimension to this War. The entire fraudulent COVID operation—which I’ve been exposing in over 300 articles spanning the past year—is an effort to diminish and destroy the energy of the people—

—Through fear porn, masks, distancing, lockdowns, closure of businesses, bankruptcies, toxic antiviral drugs, murderous breathing ventilators, and now a toxic injection of RNA, mislabeled a “vaccine.”

Yes, your personal energy is part of this War. If the Globalist powers-that-be can soften up the global population sufficiently, through the COVID op, they believe the resistance to their overall control will be manageable.

Our task is prove them wrong.

Here is a backgrounder I wrote, in 2018, about suppressed energy technologies. It’s a smoking gun:

Five thousand inventions in limbo and under “secrecy orders” at the US Patent Office

For decades, people have been accusing the government of hiding advanced technology. Here we have a serious clue. Something in the record and on the record.

How many patents, if granted, would be game changers for planet Earth?

From FAS (Federation of American Scientists), Secrecy News, Oct. 21, 2010, “Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong,” [4] by Steven Aftergood:

“There were 5,135 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2010, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office told Secrecy News last week. It’s a 1% rise over the year before, and the highest total in more than a decade.”

“Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 [4a], patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be ‘detrimental to the national security’.”

“The current list of technology areas that is used to screen patent applications for possible restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act is not publicly available and has been denied under the Freedom of Information Act. (An appeal is pending.)…”

“Most of the listed technology areas are closely related to military applications. But some of them range more widely.”

Thus, the 1971 list [4b] indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction IF THE PHOTOVOLTAICS WERE MORE THAN 20% EFFFICIENT. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction IF THEY OFFERED CONVERSION EFFICIENCIES ‘IN EXCESS OF 70-80%’.” [Emphasis is mine. Read this paragraph again!!]

“One may fairly ask if disclosure of such technologies could really have been ‘detrimental to the national security,’ or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth. One may further ask what comparable advances in technology may be subject to restriction and non-disclosure today. But no answers are forthcoming, and the invention secrecy system persists with no discernible external review.”

If you’re one of those people who maintains that advanced technology is being held away from the public, here is an overall smoking gun that validates your stance.

And you can see that breakthrough energy tech, which would radically lessen the need for oil, would be on the secrecy-do-not-release list.

What else is on the list? Old Tesla patents, for example?

The US Patent Office is an official chokepoint for the “planned society”—or should we say the “restricted society.”

But this is not to say advanced technology is always shelved or scuttled. The patent applications, in suspended animation at the US Patent Office, can be quietly disclosed, for example, to government researchers engaged in black-budget projects, where the data and the research are turned to “other uses.”

Innovative inventors, who can revolutionize society for the good, incur risks if they submit their patent applications to the State. Getting trapped in limbo, while outright theft of their research occurs, is one of those risks.

On the other hand, if a giant corporation has an invention that deploys the genetic engineering of food crops, and adds millions of tons of toxic pesticides to the environment, its patent application sails through review at the Patent Office…

The Planned Civilization absolutely depends on government suppressing breakthrough technologies that would secure energy-abundance for the planet, and would also enable companies within the free market to sell those technologies and devices to all willing customers, at affordable prices.

The technocratic Planned Civilization relies on the illusion of energy-scarcity.

If that illusion were ripped away, we would see freedom and prosperity explode.

THAT is the new era. NOT the propagandized “global warming” threat; NOT the insistence on using less energy in order to “curtail carbon dioxide emissions and save the planet.”










The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

51 comments on “Biden: naked socialism/technocracy for America; the great land theft

  1. Opie Poik says:

    Agenda 21/Rewilding/Smart cities

    Judge Dredd/Robocop/Skynet

    The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster (1909) “I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is able to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear with him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him. Surely a striking situation! Yet it is so common that one must grieve the more and wonder the less at the spectacle of a million men serving in wretchedness, their necks under the yoke, not constrained by a greater multitude than they… “

  2. Sabreena says:

    Americans have been so dumbed down they do not realize that Executive orders only affect those working for the Executive who issued them, not the general public, and certainly NOT Americans.

    All 50 Nation states are now in session and the American government, of, for, and by The People/people are now in the process of our own restoration of the American government.

    What Biden is is CEO of a corporation attempting successor contract, which has been refused by the American government because we will not have a self-admitted criminal working for us or doing business in our name/names. We have already informed the Pope, who is under contractual obligations of the situation and our refusal to do business. What you see are criminals attempting to do business as usual.

    We have denied them access to our credit and our estates by being in session once again. By operation of law all the delegated powers have returned to the People/people of the several states.

    To find out more and to come home to the land and soil of American go to find your state and contact your coordinator.

    • stephen langley says:

      Thank you !

      • stephen langley says:

        Tried getting in touch w/my state coordinator but only r’cvd an autoresponse to explore online “resources”… which appear to be broken/shadow-banned links. As long as we continue using their control grid, The Matrix, we won’t accomplish jack ! We all need to meet face to face in gatherings large and small… yet we take the easy route and “build an online ‘presence’…what a crock of shite… we get what we deserve; meager VIRTUAL efforts yield no REAL results. It is way past time to be gathering our local circles… screw all the online SLACKTIVISM !

  3. Jim S Smith says:

    How about all those mysterious “disappearances” of the inventors and researchers who designed and developed these technologies?

    I even remembered a story about a man who worked for HEWLETT-PACKARD years ago, who invented a battery that would only need to be charged ONCE (it’s initial use). When the battery ran flat, you just set it aside to “rest” for a little bit, and then it would regain full charge!

    He was made to “disappear” along with all of his research. It was said that executives from UNION CARBIDE ordered the seizure of all models, prototypes, notes, and effects of this research and development.

  4. Opie Poik says:

    Oops. Forgot thorium salt reactors. Search terms ” Kirk Sorenson thorium “.

    The military-industrial complex wants its nightmare plutonium, so we don’t have these safe, clean nukes for power. The fuel needed to run them for hundreds of thousands of years is already above ground in slag heaps, the result of other mining. Sitting there wasted. End the MIC. R&D for safe power, not total annihilation.

  5. Bucky says:

    “Do you know how to catch wild pigs ? You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again.

    You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat; you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught.

    Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.”


  6. Opie Poik says:

    The Great Reset and the Plantation of the Mind (15-min. video)

    Hop onto the underground railroad of your mind. Escape the hive – before Klaus “Anal” Schwab gets us. F**k Davos!

  7. Evitpadalam says:

    If you want a glimpse into their dystopic vision, watch Colony on Netflix. Nations are erased. In their place are encased, occupied territories. No wonder it was cancelled after three seasons. Just a little too close to the truth.

    Living under a capitalist system is like being ruled by the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character, just a whirlwind of destruction and insatiable appetite. So much of our natural resources are wasted in manufacturing planned obsolescent products, wasted in not using more durable, multipurpose materials like hemp, wasted in not providing clean water to all in order to lessen potential for disease… just a total mismanagement of our planet.

    Rather than making the obvious changes, new markets are created, like private security (riot gear) firms that depend on social instability, weather modification programs that ensure profits for the disaster capitalists. A system that profits from an unraveling society is a just a vulture picking at a carcass, no need for intelligence, just secrets, lies, bribery and use of force. The devolution of governance is fascism.

    The capitalists have long given up on the world and believe in something called “lifeboat ethics”.

    “Lifeboat Ethics”, or scarcity-thinking, is the dreadful underlying philosophy driving this Great Fascist Reset. The Theranos crowd (I call them that because they are gung-ho over a disasterous idea) is willfully ignorant, galloping full steam ahead in the wrong direction precisely because it will cause the most death and injury.

    The new efficiency of fascism is inefficiency. Ignore ozone therapy and other long-proven healing treatments, ignore real solutions, ignore the innate intelligence of life itself. This is what is causing such mental INJURY… and the most injured minds are those condoning this anti-life existence.

    “The man who wrote one of environmentalism’s most-cited essays was a racist, eugenicist, nativist and Islamaphobe—plus his argument was wrong.

    Fifty years ago, University of California professor Garrett Hardin penned an influential essay in the journal Science. Hardin saw all humans as selfish herders: we worry that our neighbors’ cattle will graze the best grass. So, we send more of our cows out to consume that grass first. We take it first, before someone else steals our share.

    This creates a vicious cycle of environmental degradation that Hardin described as the “tragedy of the commons.”

    And he promoted an idea he called “lifeboat ethics”: since global resources are finite, Hardin believed the rich should throw poor people overboard to keep their boat above water.

    To create a just and vibrant climate future, we need to instead cast Hardin and his flawed metaphor overboard.”

  8. Cheryl Pass says:

    So much to say and ask. When you say turbines, I hope your aren’t referring to wind turbines as they are highly destructive to the environment. Solar is also on polluting and damaging. As to hydro, the environmentalists / policies have been blowing up dams all over the country, ostensibly for returning the land to a natural state / flooding out farm and ranch lands. Then, some time ago I read about thorium being a much better alternative to nuclear. Do you know anything about that?? Thanks for all your research on the virus scam. Much appreciated!!

    • Honest liberty says:

      Did you miss the word water?

    • Beran says:

      Thorium IS nuclear!

    • JBW says:

      Thorium is a comparatively ubiquitous low grade radioactive substance which can be used in high temperature nuclear reactors. It cannot fault into melt down, reduces to non-radioactive waste, can reduce all the leftover, highly radioactive isotopes in storage to safe handling. It was the nuclear path NOT chosen during WWII because it cannot directly produce fissionable elements for making nuclear bombs, and the high temperature technology involved is still in the developmental stage.

  9. Roger Welsh says:

    Biggest problem for all of us who read, listen and think, is the use of fear upon ignorance.

    Very difficult to overcome in the short term, but essential in the long term.

    We are free, for our thoughts, and no one can take that away. We are not slaves to anyone other than our minds.

    I am full, of cheer as the changes coming will release this fear.

  10. Honest liberty says:

    All of this orchestrated by non gentiles. That filthy, disgusting supremecist collection of 66 books… You know, the one that is there to distract and pacify the gentiles? Written by not one gentile…

    This isn’t God, this is a group of purely evil, supremecist, religious fanatics hell bent on destroying us gentiles so they can rule the world and refill their 7 lower sepharot with their own kind… Because they are psychotic.

    The whole dang thing was a con from day one. All used to direct humanity to be unwitting accomplices to carry out their religious agenda.

    And yet I’m one of maybe 10,000 who see it and call it out.

  11. Greg says:

    Your status as a Preamble citizen has been negated. There are no Preamble citizens. (Dred Scott case; Social Security Act of 1935 (49 STAT 620) Check Supreme Court ruling regarding Martial Law. We are under Martial Law Rule which allows POTUS, as Commander in Chief, to issue Executive Orders in a Military Venue. Social Security Act, and it is voluntary, did a tremendous amount of damage to the citizenry of this country. Try to determine if the Courts of Common Law Jurisdiction are open. If they are not you are ruled by the legislature. End of discussion.

    • Jim S Smith says:

      * * End of discussion. * *

      I don’t think so!

      Just because “they” claim jurisdiction over you and your life, does NOT mean that their claim is valid, nor requisite to living. It’s all about participating in their sham.

      It is also considered “illegal” to ever tell them “NO”, but that matters not when enough people decide to tell “them” (and actually enforce it) – “NO!”

      The question is:

      Are you willing to stand up for yourself, regardless of how much force against you is threatened and/or employed? – Remember William Wallace? ? ?

  12. ” […]published Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.”

    Ox•y•mo•ron ŏk″sē-môr′ŏn″►

    A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
    In rhetoric, a figure consisting in adding to a word an epithet or qualification apparently contradictory; in general, close connection of two words seemingly opposed to each other (as, cruel kindness; to make haste slowly); an expression made epigrammatic or pointed by seeming self-contradictory.
    A figure in which an epithet of a contrary signification is added to a word; e. g., cruel kindness; laborious idleness.

    That beginning statement is a total lie Jon, its impossible, scientifically what I say can be proved…Joe Biden is actually a gorilla in Joe Biden suit. And I can prove it, watch his dangling arms when he walks to a podium and then usually grunts. he could never publish anything…

    Joe Biden couldn’t find his ass in a snow storm, even with flashlight; he mimics; he copies what he sees; he pretends, he’s pretending to be Joe Biden some made up guy. He is pretending to be the president and he pretended to be a politician and pretended to be a lawyer by copying everybody else work.

    But now!

    What’s the most progressive thing about Joe Biden?
    His dementia

    What is the difference between a Joe Biden speech and a Donald Trump speech?
    When Biden is speaking you wonder if he’s had a stroke.

    When Trump is speaking you wonder if you’ve had a stroke.

  13. Sean says:

    Im on board with the whole proving them wrong thing. Im thinking for me it is more about finding or creating and supporting in decentralization terms. Sure I want to have faith in the system, but it obviously doesnt have faith in its own people and it rips them off of their inventions and does what it wants. It seems there is no ultimate accountability.

    Im wondering if anything is figured out at all. Other than how to control everything.

    I went shopping on the first Free Get To Breath Day in Texas yesterday. What a disappoint there. We were nearly the only mask less people out. And we’re told to put them on and had to say Medical Exempt. That it was still store policy at Ikea.

    So once again, its the corporations that are getting the con job done. The governors probably know this well. Everyone obeying the stores. I just wanted to shop and see faces. Another super suck day as usual.

    So for me, its all about not needing to support these control freaks. Get more self supporting concepts. Create and support more freedom and learn to protect myself from the globalist 2030 agenda. Read TECHNOCRACY RISING better this time.

    Outstanding understandable article.

  14. Chris says:

    I receive a monthly “energy usage report” from my gas company. It tells me how “energy efficient”my home is in comparison to other homes in my area. They commend their customers for efficient usage or send suggestions for improvements. It is so nice to be data-mined! I can’t wait for the day they move from just recommending improvements, to hitting the master OFF button because I did not comply!

  15. Serge Stone says:

    “Alternative sources of energy will never be very useful, for several reasons, but mainly because of a problem of “net energy”: the amount of energy output is not sufficiently greater than the amount of energy input. With the problematic exception of uranium, alternative sources ultimately don’t have enough “bang” to replace 30 billion annual barrels of oil or even to replace more than the tiniest fraction of that amount.

    At the same time, alternative forms of energy are so dependent on the very petroleum that they are intended to replace that the use of them is largely self-defeating and irrational. Petroleum is required to extract, process, and transport almost any other form of energy. It takes “oil energy” to make “alternative energy.”

    The current favorite for alternative energy is solar power, but proponents must close their eyes to all questions of scale. The world’s deserts have an area of 36 million km 2 , and the solar energy they receive annually is 300,000 EJ, which at a typical 11-percent electrical-conversion rate would result in 33,000 EJ. Annual global energy consumption in 2005 was approximately 500 EJ. To meet the world’s present energy needs by using solar power, then, we would need an array (or an equivalent number of smaller ones) with a size of 500/33,000 x 36 million km 2 , which is about 550,000 km 2 – a machine the size of France. The production and maintenance of this array would require vast quantities of hydrocarbons, metals, and other materials – a self-defeating process. Solar power will therefore do little to solve the world’s energy problems.

    More exotic forms of alternative energy are plagued with even greater problems. Fuel cells cannot be made practical, because such devices require hydrogen derived from fossil fuels (coal or natural gas), if we exclude designs that will never escape the realm of science fiction; if fuel cells ever became popular, the fossil fuels they require would then be consumed even faster than they are now. Biomass energy (from corn, for example) requires impossibly large amounts of land and still results in insufficient quantities of net energy, perhaps even negative quantities. Hydroelectric dams are reaching their practical limits. Wind and geothermal power are only effective in certain areas and for certain purposes.

    Nuclear power presents significant environmental dangers, but the biggest constraints involve the addition of new reactor capacity and the supply of uranium. Peak production of uranium ore in the United States was in 1980. Mainly because the US was the world’s largest producer, the peak of global production was at approximately the same date. Statements that uranium ore is abundant are based on the falsehood that all forms of uranium ore are usable. In reality, only high-quality ore serves any purpose, whereas low-quality ore presents the unsolvable problem of negative net energy: the mining and milling of such ore requires more energy than is derived from the actual use of the ore in a reactor. The world’s usable uranium ore will probably be finished by about 2030, and there is no evidence for the existence of large new deposits of rich ore. Claims of abundant uranium are generally made by industry spokespersons whose positions are far from neutral, who have in fact a vested interest in presenting nuclear energy as a viable option. One must also beware, of course, of the myth that “higher prices” will make low-grade resources of any sort feasible: when net energy is negative, even an infinitely higher price will not change the balance. For all practical purposes, the nuclear industry will come to an end in a matter of decades, not centuries.

    Most schemes for a post-oil technology are based on the misconception that there will be a technological infrastructure for such future gadgetry, similar to that of the present day. Modern equipment is dependent on specific methods of manufacture, transportation, maintenance, and repair. In less abstract terms, this means machinery, motorized vehicles, and service depots or shops, all of which are generally run by fossil fuels. In addition, one unconsciously assumes the presence of electricity, which energizes the various communications devices, such as telephones and computers; electricity on such a large scale is only possible with fossil fuels.

    To believe that a non-petroleum infrastructure is possible, one would have to imagine, for example, solar-powered machines creating equipment for the production and storage of electricity by means of solar energy. This equipment would then be loaded on to solar-powered trucks, driven to various locations, and installed with other solar-powered devices, and so on, ad absurdum and ad infinitum. Such a scenario might provide material for a work of science fiction, but not for genuine science.

    The technological infrastructure will no longer be in place: oil, electricity, and asphalt roads, for example. Partly for that reason, the social structure will also no longer be in place. Without the technological infrastructure and the social structure, it will be impossible to produce the familiar goods of industrial society.”

    The real and indeed mortal danger we are facing as a species is the ongoing destruction of the whole biosphere that’s currently accelerating beyond any belief as described here:

    Most people are not even aware that our civilization’s self-destruction is already assured 100% and proven mathematically:

    We have long passed all points of no return and there is no escape now. It might seem unbelievable to many, but it’s a fact and it will happen within the next few decades. Locally though, human civilizations collapsed many times in history due to exceeding ecosystems’ carrying capacity (Maya is a good example), and the fact that we as a species have never learned anything from that, but keep on making the same suicidal mistakes makes our total self-destruction inevitable.

    • Beran says:

      “500/33,000 x 36 million km 2 , which is about 550,000 km 2 ”

      How did you get this result?
      It looks like 33,000 EJ are obtained from 1km2.
      If that amount of energy comes from the entire desert area, then why the denominator?
      And if the consumption is 500 EJ why the need for a machine that big – even if the calculation is correct, which it isn’t.

    • john says:

      serge stone:

      What about the virtually limitless source of energy
      from splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.

      I believe there is a technology, involving high frequency stimulation of the water molecules, that
      can achieve this.

      Maybe this is one of the suppressed patents.joh

      • JBW says:

        Nope. The elemental bonds between hydrogen and oxygen requires more energy to split, than that acquired in its recombination. Anyone who has taken a decent chemistry course finds this out.

  16. Arby says:

    It seems that there’s an unwritten rule that Jon is willing to abide by: When complaining about what the fascist authorities are doing, be sure to call it ‘socialism’. Socialism didn’t come up in the post -?

    State capitalism is socialism for the rich. So I’m not saying that there isn’t any socialism happening. But socialism for the rich, isn’t really a meaningful socialism. It’s screwed up language, the way the word ‘isolation’ is screwed up by hoaxster virologists. If you don’t qualify ‘society’, then it should mean everyone. State capitalism, aka socialism for the rich, is certainly not about the prosperity and freedom of everyone. Relatively speaking, there’s collective society-building and collective problem-solving happening on the Right, but only within the Right or only within the predator/parasite class. Afterall, you can’t both enslave the mass of humanity ‘and’ do socialism (without qualification).

    Among the existing political orientations, I prefer anarchism. That’s because I believe that people should not have power over other people. But I actually simply consider myself to be a Christian, but not a Christian out of Chrisendom (fake, mainstream and about to be destroyed). My ideal society is the one we’re getting: Jehovah’s Kingdom, which isn’t a fuzzy warm feeling in our hearts, but, on earth, the new world that survivors of Armageddon (about a second away) will build. And that’s earth I’m talking about, not heaven. (I am not a Jehovah’s Witness.)

    I refer to myself as a leftwinger, but that’s a problem. Most people immediately, thanks to a lot of loose talk, associate me with rightwingers who self-identify as the Left or liberals or socialist. In my cosmology, Left means means wanting a society – capitalist or whatever – that works for everyone. Right means wanting a society that works for your tribe only. In ‘that’ sense I’m leftwing. Otherwise, I have little in common with most of those who others label the Left. (I don’t believe in casual abortion. I do believe in God, who is not mankind, via evolution. I don’t believe in censorship. I don’t believe in violence.)

    Other than that quibble, I thought that this blog post was excellent.

    • Honest liberty says:

      “Right means wanting a society that works for your tribe only. In ‘that’ sense I’m leftwing. ”

      What fantasy land did you discover that morsel of propaganda.

      Being on the right is about individualism and voluntary contacts. Period.
      However, the modern right wing subject, whatever that has degraded into, is simply obeying the state and simultaneously propping up the very violent institutions that will slaughter us, while virtue signaling about freedom

      • Jim S Smith says:

        Far to the right – is closest to “Anarchy” (People with the least amount of government).

        All these mouth-pieces that keep calling certain “problem cases” – “anarcho-communists” are very misinformed. The two ideas are mutual opposites of each other!

        All the so-called bandying about “far-right” and “right-wing” are absolute rubbish. They are still far “left” of genuine anarchy (the ultimate individual liberty). Our own Nation was supposed to be founded on the concept of being “on the knife’s edge of anarchy”. IE: “A government that governs least, is a government that governs best.

        GOVERN: To control, dominate, manage.

  17. maria says:

    I found this essay by Simon Elmer spells out the danger the world is in:

  18. Roundball Shaman says:

    “Does this mean the federal government would suddenly and illegally OWN 30 percent of all American land? Some people think so. They believe this would be the largest theft of private property in US history.”

    As many people have noted and written about over the years… Government ALREADY OWNS all the land within the United States… and has for a very long time.

    Remember this thing called Taxes? If you get a tax bill, you don’t “own” anything except for the tax bill itself. Don’t pay your taxes and see who really owns your land.

    Not to mention such things as eminent domain and various policing and seizure powers and other ways that government already controls “your” land. Add to that various encumbrances and other liens that burden “your” property. And that’s all before you get the Banksters involvement and all their claims and superior rights on “your” property for mortgages and loans. Add to that all the easement holders and whether or not “your” subsurface rights were long taken away by someone else and were never yours in the first place. And then add to all that… land covenants and restrictions that tell you what you can and can not do on “your” land.

    “Your” land already has so many claims on it and so many people who have a stake in it that it’s a miracle if there’s enough room for you to fit yourself in somewhere on it at all.

    For something to be “stolen” from you it first had to belong to you in the first place. With land, it never was yours.

    • Honest liberty says:


    • Jim S Smith says:

      These “encumberances” on all property came to be BECAUSE OF THE BANKERS! – The very same bankers who created and championed the passage of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, INCOME TAX ACT, and the various other means of transforming our Nation into socialism/communism/whatever-ism!

      It was John D. Rockefeller, SR – who publicly professed: “I don’t want to own anything. I want to CONTROL everything.” – He was talking about his various trusts and foundations owning it all. – THIS was how ALL the early banking families wanted it.

      • Greg says:

        There is NO Income Tax Act. The taxing authority is contained in the Social Security Act of 1935 (49 STAT. 620). Title VIII – TAXES WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYMENT SECTION 801. “IN ADDITION TO OTHER TAXES THERE SHALL BE LEVIED, COLLECTED, AND PAID UPON THE INCOME OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL…A TAX. The signing up for Social Security is a voluntary act, but if you do you are involved in a hazardous contract changeable at the whim of the legislator. The act also changes your status from a Preamble Citizen to one of an artificial nature

        • Jim S Smith says:

          Named the “1942 Victory Tax Act” – which was supposed to “sunset” after two years from passage. – The time went, and the IRS continued to collect – and everyone forgot about the fact that this act was temporary!


          YES – there was A “tax act” put in place, just everyone conveniently forgot that it expired!


          It was VOLUNTARY – as worded within that act.


          Signing up for Social Security numbers, etc – is done in the “delivery room” within five minutes of birth. We had a direct choice about thirty or so years ago, but now – it is done quietly by the hospital. – So the idea of THIS being voluntary is now moot.

          I had a friend who ended being jailed, and then sent to a “state hospital” (to be psyche-medicated) for refusing to “register” his daughter! THIS was plainly and outright CRIMINAL for the “state” to do, but “they” did it anyway.

          So again,

          “Voluntary” doesn’t hold weight anymore, when you have plentiful criminals in the system willing to FORCE the issue! The only resolve left, is for far more people to rise up – and enforce the basis of the Constitutions. – That is OUR job, NOT the recalcitrant “government’s”!

  19. Mark says:

    Ignorance plays an essential role in all rackets. If people knew that it would defy several laws of physics for hollow aluminum tubes to knock down steel and concrete buildings and have them free-fall into their own footprints they would have immediately known that 9/11 was theater for something else.

    If the general public knew the real history of vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry they would have immediately known that Covid was theater for something else.

    If people knew that carbon dioxide is heavier than air and doesn’t float up it sinks into valleys, and that wherever CO2 increases so does plant growth and re-forestation, they would have immediately known that “global warming” was also theater for something else.

    But most people don’t know those things. The public is kept ignorant because a well informed public is bad for business and merchants control governments as well as the media. So the messages in the mass media are: believe, obey, don’t question, don’t think.

    “Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor and founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller

    • Honest liberty says:

      Those death cult, supremecist, happy little hand wringing merchants.

      The very existence of said creatures and their iron fist grip on the gentile has pulled me out of the spell of worshipping their death cult, infanticide loving 66 books of evil.

      Humanity is under the spell of Talmudic/Torah worshipping death cult monsters, and their christian Zionists scum sucking obedient slaves

  20. Paul says:

    See Mark Levin
    on Hannity
    (Thursday 3-11)
    @ ~30 minutes in.

    I wish Mark would be a little more spirited.

  21. Mac says:

    The article reminds me of the basic, we forget in our fake lives, and how things became as they are, through methods by cons, from pushing things, to hiding things. Though paper is underrated for use in good purpose, how it’s been used by not-good control types is worth note, the paper laws con has been long running, how they made up ‘govt’. Thing I’m getting at is long ongoing mistake of people seeing paper law as life, while ignoring natural, or nature law, however you call it. Been thinking of if lately, what’s been done with paper, is some people using nature law took over under cover of paper laws, to exert their force with govts states, supposed courts, media etc, but it’s nature law they’re doing, with a paper cover con. It’s also how they hide things, as Jon talks about some energy types kept hidden, supposedly because ‘national security’. I am not ‘secure’ by or with or from people with armies, hiding things. I know they are not my people. They are for their own gangs.

    So back to nature thing I got to thinking of how it would look if it was visual, and thought comparison as squares, as if we each have a square we stand on, and for instance in nature rust takes over if you don’t stop it, as complexes or gangs continue stepping into square after square, taking/claiming places, things, with not enough people standing on our squares, pushing them off what were our squares, this is why things are as they are.

    The answer seems should also be natural, that each person pushes back the invading of territory, whether it’s state dictators and apartment builders overpopulating where we live, or being told to wear masks. You know ? How to do that is for each person I think, using creative energy, personally I share energy, bit on web, but mostly where I live, because that’s where we have most ability, on our squares. In any case the article hits several points, can’t believe so much time passed, as we keep paying their ‘gas’ etc, when there are other ways to live. Last note, I don’t comment because there’s nothing else to do, but to share so it may live on, so if something resonates can copy part of comment to re-read, if do, suggest use paper pen, not copy paste. Much thanks for your sacrifice and energy Jon –

    • wanton says:

      Well, maybe there is something about the types of energy we use, and so much of it is wasted, that personal energy isn’t a thought for many people, using it toward directing the future, or a real future.

      It would seem people see energy only as a thing to be used rather than a thing to do, or, unconciously use energy mostly to chase more fuel energy, for distractions, things that don’t matter. Or use energy to excercise, which is good, though not if that’s their only energy conciousness.

      Anyway I tend to see energy as many things, though also one thing.

  22. Benton says:

    Biden is bidin’ his time probably half in a coma. They probably have a stick taped to his back to keep him upright and have someone with a mic in his ear tell him what to say. The puppeteers don’t even have to try anymore. They want more land so they can set it on fire then pour concrete on it. I don’t believe a thing they say. Gates or whoever is telling us we have to eat bugs. Why don’t they have Gates eat some bugs on a show. Though they are all such trickers they would probably make candy bugs for him to eat as example, but everyone else has to eat real bugs. I think they do the same for supposed celebritees getting a shot, myself I think it’s faked and they’re jabbed with water.

  23. naomi says:

    The goals are always for making massive amounts of money, and always have been what ever you call it. The devil promises wealth, prestige, power but one thing he demands is that they worship him. And there is more, he demands more than that, their lives. Yes, he will kill them because he is a liar and a father of it. He was a murderer from the beginning, yes the first murderer. Hatred of people is also murder, so if you hate some one your already a murderer. Time is winding down, and you do notice how things seem to be going quicker and quicker. Many people believe they have insight, knowledge and truth on what is happening but if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior to put it bluntly you are dumb. God is love not hate, He cannot lie, murder steal or hate. Only wicked men do those things, and it is called sin and we are all sinners. If you have stolen even an ink pen you are a thief. If you looked at a person to lust after them whether you are married or not you have committed fornication and adultery in your heart (pornography). Jesus who is God paid your debt all you have to do is receive the free gift of eternal life through Him. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. If you reject such a wonderful gift you will go where the devil is going and that is hell. Jesus went to prepare a place for His own and we will live in Paradise for eternity and I can’t wait!

  24. billy says:

    more like maked new worse than ever fuedalism. anyone who thinks the oligarchs will give the proles more than a subsistence (and at great cost, think great reset). if that is deluded.

  25. billy says:

    Does the elite want Communism? Socialism?
    Absolutely not!
    Who are the elite? The council on foreign relations, trilateral commission, Bilderbergers,WEF BillGates and the otherbillionaires and the Corporations owned/run by them. see at Naming Names: Your Real Government

    There is nothing that the elite (TPTB) fears more than communism. They would do anything to stop the advances of communism, and the advances of socialism as well; as history shows.

    Communism would mean the end of their dominion and control over the rest of us; it would mean no state protecting the “haves” (them) and their interests from the “have-nots” (us); it would mean that the 80% of the total world wealth, in hands of the privileged 20%, would be returned to the unprivileged 80%, it would mean losing the exclusive rights to exploit the world’s natural resources for their own benefit, and it would mean that their wealth would not set them apart as a different privileged class (upper class).

    In the same way, they would also do anything to stop socialism, mainly because socialism would mean that all the resources of a country would be for the benefit of its people, and not for the benefit of the corporations they own; making them lose the privilege to exclusively exploit the natural resources that belong to all of us, and therefore, would take away their main source of income. It would also mean that the state would provide most essential needs to its people, which would make their corporations –that exploit those basic needs- obsolete. And it would mean that the state would work to protect the rights of all its people, and not the rights of the privileged class.

    There is the theory that, since they control the state, socialism would benefit the elite; as everything would come under their total control through the state. But in this case, since the state does not look after the interests of the people, but after the interests of the capital (the elite), this political system would not be socialism; it would be fascism (i.e. Franco’s Nationalist Spain, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hitler’s National Socialism or Nazism; all of which had a total control over the state, for the benefit of the capital, and which actually prosecuted both socialists and communists).

    Examples of what the PTB would do to stop the advances of communism and socialism at a national level can be found in the form of: anti-communist propaganda (biased historical records, films and television, etc.), governmental policies (i.e. McCarthyism, also known as “the Red Scare” or “the communist witch hunt”), surveillance of individuals and organisations by the intelligence services (i.e. MI5 investigating George Orwell under the suspicion of communism), and up to outlawing communist organisations and imprisoning or even murdering communists.

    And the examples of what the PTB would do to stop communism/socialism in other countries ranges from: Chile, with the CIA funding Pinochet coup to put an end to Salvador Allende’s democratically elected socialist government; passing through Castro’s seven assassination attempts by the CIA and the failed invasion of Cuba (Bay of Pigs); the funding and training of terrorist groups, like the Mujahidin, to fight the Soviets; the training of 2,000 Bolivian soldiers by the CIA just to hunt down ‘Che’ Guevara; and all the way up to former Yugoslavia, Iraq, and now Venezuela being targeted, according to political analyst Michael Parenti, mainly because they started using the profits generated by their natural resources to build social infrastructures, instead of allowing foreign corporations to profit from them.
    Does the elite want Communism? Socialism?
    Absolutely not!
    Who are the elite? The council on foreign relations, trilateral commission, Bilderbergers,WEF BillGates and the otherbillionaires and the Corporations owned/run by them. see at Naming Names: Your Real Government

    There is nothing that the elite (TPTB) fears more than communism. They would do anything to stop the advances of communism, and the advances of socialism as well; as history shows.

    Communism would mean the end of their dominion and control over the rest of us; it would mean no state protecting the “haves” (them) and their interests from the “have-nots” (us); it would mean that the 80% of the total world wealth, in hands of the privileged 20%, would be returned to the unprivileged 80%, it would mean losing the exclusive rights to exploit the world’s natural resources for their own benefit, and it would mean that their wealth would not set them apart as a different privileged class (upper class).

    In the same way, they would also do anything to stop socialism, mainly because socialism would mean that all the resources of a country would be for the benefit of its people, and not for the benefit of the corporations they own; making them lose the privilege to exclusively exploit the natural resources that belong to all of us, and therefore, would take away their main source of income. It would also mean that the state would provide most essential needs to its people, which would make their corporations –that exploit those basic needs- obsolete. And it would mean that the state would work to protect the rights of all its people, and not the rights of the privileged class.

    There is the theory that, since they control the state, socialism would benefit the elite; as everything would come under their total control through the state. But in this case, since the state does not look after the interests of the people, but after the interests of the capital (the elite), this political system would not be socialism; it would be fascism (i.e. Franco’s Nationalist Spain, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hitler’s National Socialism or Nazism; all of which had a total control over the state, for the benefit of the capital, and which actually prosecuted both socialists and communists).

    Examples of what the PTB would do to stop the advances of communism and socialism at a national level can be found in the form of: anti-communist propaganda (biased historical records, films and television, etc.), governmental policies (i.e. McCarthyism, also known as “the Red Scare” or “the communist witch hunt”), surveillance of individuals and organisations by the intelligence services (i.e. MI5 investigating George Orwell under the suspicion of communism), and up to outlawing communist organisations and imprisoning or even murdering communists.

    And the examples of what the PTB would do to stop communism/socialism in other countries ranges from: Chile, with the CIA funding Pinochet coup to put an end to Salvador Allende’s democratically elected socialist government; passing through Castro’s seven assassination attempts by the CIA and the failed invasion of Cuba (Bay of Pigs); the funding and training of terrorist groups, like the Mujahidin, to fight the Soviets; the training of 2,000 Bolivian soldiers by the CIA just to hunt down ‘Che’ Guevara; and all the way up to former Yugoslavia, Iraq, and now Venezuela being targeted, according to political analyst Michael Parenti, mainly because they started using the profits generated by their natural resources to build social infrastructures, instead of allowing foreign corporations to profit from them.

  26. JBW says:

    Hydrogen is a non-starter for fuel. Among all the fuels known today, it has the least energy density for unit volume. The British are about to find this out, thinking they can run their delivery trucks on the gas. Expect to see those deliveries into the next century. Anyone who has looked at the huge NG tanks above city buses has seen the problem. THOSE tanks must be able to handle 3,000PSI to liquefy the gas in order to store enough for the day’s service.

    OTOH, crude oil cracking towers will produce a variety of fuels which has to be removed. Some of it is toxic and gets burned off. But if the gasoline and diesel component are not used in transportation, some use/disposition will have to be implemented.

  27. peterbro says:

    All these various moves by the executive and power boards have a purpose and are not being done in ignorance.

    Came across this lecture by a professor of physics.
    Turns out the slight rise of CO2 levels has led to a greening effect on the marginal arid zones of the planet.

    Makes a mockery of the greenies trying to shut down the global economy so as to lower the very slight increase in CO2 levels.
    Actually it makes a mockery of their referred to term of ‘greenies’, ‘brownies’ being a more accurate term.

    And as Professor Happer points out, the effect on any form of warming by doubling the CO2 level is almost non-existent but would greatly increase the growing rate of vegetation.

    Well worth the watch.

  28. Ron Wellness says:

    Most of the comments to date only serve to show that the writers do not know what they do not know. This means that they do not have the ability to connect to source and think outside the proverbial box, Nicola Tesla did exactly that, hence his many inventions, some of which are still sequestered. He fully understood the true power of vibratory harmonic resonance and frequency entrainment.

    Yes, there are more han 6000 sequestered patents and many of them concern what can be referred to as COP>1 (coefficient of performance greater than 1), Free Energy Technology, or reverse engineered alien/ET technology that is thousands of years beyond what humanity has created on its own. Anyone who chooses to mock this assertion should read the book: “The Day After Roswell”, written by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Philip James Corso (Ret & deceased).

    All one needs to do is observe the amount of energy trapped within the Earth and expressed as volcanic magma & earthquakes. Also observe the true amount of energy coming from our Sun, which creates all the powerful weather patterns, hurricanes, tornados and other wind storms on our planet. Yet, we can’t yet even capture and make practical use of the electrical energy in a single bolt of lightening (except in movies like: Back To the Future). Yes, the Earth is a gigantic rotating turbine producing its own magnetosphere and magnetic field, yet most Earthlings do not understand the basics of magnetism and electromagnetic fields.

    Add to that the fact that our planet is controlled by Satanic entities who play the Problem, Reaction, Solution fear game in order to divide and conquer humanity and convince us to waste our precious time, energies and resources warring or creating ever better, more destructive weapons of war that would totally eliminate humanity if used to their full capacity.

    Does this observation help to place the situation in a more appropriate perspective? I hope so.

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