If America were a car, it would be in the shop

If America were a car, it would be in the shop

by Jon Rappoport

February 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

And if it were in the shop, the mechanics would remove the defective transmission labeled Globalism and install a new one.

The free market, such as it was 60 years ago, was a kind of balancing act, imperfect, but functioning. US manufacturing plants and domestic workers were producing products and selling them at what would now be considered high prices. Compared to what? Compared to prices if the factories had been located overseas, where workers were paid far less, where safety and environmental laws were lax.

But those American workers in factories were making a living wage. They could afford to buy products made in America. Not all workers could, but a lot of them could.

In that “closed system,” the balancing act was: US wages vs. the price of goods produced in America. Could a worker make enough to buy enough of what he wanted? The answer, of course, wasn’t an unqualified yes, but it was a significant yes.

However, Rockefeller Globalists were looking for something else, and they began their earnest effort at transformation in 1945, when the first round of GATT talks took place. Fifty years later, that international treaty was signed and wrapped up, and the World Trade Organization was created.

Suddenly, tariffs were off the table. Foreign companies could export their goods to America, pay no tariff, and sell them cheaply. US companies could shut down domestic factories, go abroad, open up factories there, make goods cheaply, and export them to the US. The whole game changed.

The Globalists’ propaganda, spouted by men like the unctuous Bill Clinton, claimed that, on balance, this would be a good deal for American workers. They could buy what they wanted at lower prices.

Of course, many of those US workers were now out of jobs, because the companies they worked for here had shut down and moved to faraway places. The former balancing act between wages and buying power was destroyed.

And as more US companies moved out of the country, more US workers were unemployed. The old US “closed system” was no more. Everything was “global” now.

That old closed system had worked because, in America, if workers hadn’t been paid a decent wage, they wouldn’t have been able to buy products “made in America,” and the whole system would have collapsed.

But understand this: top-tier Globalists wanted to wreck the American economy. In the wake of the ongoing destruction, they wanted to shift as many economic control mechanisms as possible to the federal government. And they wanted to bulk up mega-corporations, which would operate internationally, with no allegiance to any government or nation.

Globalists were re-shaping the mission of government and corporations, so those twins’ true loyalties were pledged to the agenda of One Planet, under one overarching management system.

The Globalists are on their way.

There is just one problem. As they put a knife into the heart of one vibrant national economy after another (through expanding unemployment), the number of consumers who are able to participate in the new system declines, drops, dries up.

This is no accident. Even the mega-corporations, in the long run, are being used as pawns. They will eventually fail. Right now, many of them are operating their assembly lines at half-mast. They could produce enough for three planets, but they don’t have enough international customers.

What the Globalists actually want is: One Planet, In Poverty, with no liberty or justice for anyone—except themselves.

When you look at the real climate agenda, you see that, underneath the proposed carbon taxes and cap and trade, the goal is diminished energy production. For all. Everywhere. More poverty.

Why? Because a planet that looks more and more like the Third World is easier to control and easier to selectively depopulate.

Some mega-corporate CEOs undoubtedly see this end game. They’re jockeying and tap dancing and scheming to avoid it. They’re telling themselves, “The day of the big crunch is still a long way off, I don’t have to worry about it now, I’ll be gone to my grave when it happens, and there’s always the dream of selling big to China and India…”

The most popular product on the planet is Denial, and it’s free.

As an aside, you should now be able to see the true motive behind exacerbating racial conflict within America and within other countries. Whatever can be done to raise the level of conflict acts as a cover story—concealing the fact that what many poverty-stricken areas need now is what they had before: jobs.

When those jobs left, neighborhoods and communities were shattered. This must be covered up, kept silent, omitted from the official news. Instead, residents of those areas must be led to demand something they will (purposely) never get: justice.

All the gobbledygook about “a dialogue on race” and “privilege” and other politically correct notions are jacked-up propaganda, aimed at concealing the economic realities of Globalism.

The Matrix Revealed

That word Globalism was all over the news 20 years ago. Notice that now it has nearly disappeared. In its place are numerous cover stories, diversions, distractions, and even yes, a rising Presidential candidate who appears to understand the Globalist game.

But Bernie Sander’s solutions turn out to be quite in line with Globalists’ objectives: hand over more functions of the economy to the government.

—As you dig further and further down the rabbit hole, you find that all covert ops meet at the place where the Individual and his latent power are defamed and discounted. And that is where the counter-offensive, which is creative and innovative, begins.

It begins with the Individual seeing through the lies about himself.

The Matrix spins those lies, hoping to obscure something awesome that lives in the hidden psyche of every person, beyond the grasp of any and all mind control.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Zika: Mega-power’s best friend: the virus

Zika: Mega-power’s best friend: the virus

by Jon Rappoport

February 1, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Modern medicine has transferred the notions of evil, Satan, and even ‘terrorist’ to The Virus.

Unlike my previous articles about the Zika-virus-hoax, this one takes a larger view of what intelligence agencies call a cover story.

A cover story is a tale that conceals an operation and its true purpose. It’s a diversion, a distraction, as in the old con artist’s shell game.

“Look over here. Don’t look there.”

A cover story is a scenario that convinces an audience it is seeing all there is to see:

A lone deranged assassin, Lee Oswald, murdered John Kennedy. Beginning and end of story. There is nothing else to investigate. There was no coordinated operation.

Regarding the Zika virus, I’ve now established there is no proof it is connected with cases of microcephaly (babies with smaller heads and brain impairment). In fact, the actual number of cases of microcephaly in Brazil, “the center of the crisis,” has been overblown.

But in Brazil, there is certainly a deep and enduring health crisis. Add up grinding poverty, severe malnutrition, the enormous deployment of toxic pesticides, a lack of basic sanitation in areas, vaccine damage, among other factors, and you have a formula for human devastation.

Two long-term operations in Brazil (as well as many other countries) need to protect their secrets. I’m talking about a) modern medicine, and b) corporate giants who manufacture and sell pesticides. The use of pesticides has vastly expanded with the introduction of GMO crops, which require drenching with specific compounds, the most famous of which is Monsanto’s Roundup.

Modern medicine operates on the fallacious principle that treating poverty-stricken, chronically ill populations is life-saving and, indeed, messianic. This is a lie. The lie must be covered up.

These populations need productive work and money to survive. They need nutritious food. They need basic sanitation. They need a clean environment. Otherwise, their immune systems are constantly on the edge of collapse.

They aren’t ill because of viruses. In their condition, any germ coming down the pipeline will cause life-threatening infections, because their immune systems can’t respond.

Medical treatment in the form of drugs and vaccines makes things worse. The drugs are toxic, and the vaccines push immune systems over the edge.

Exposure of these simple facts would send a missile into the heart of the medical cartel. That must not happen.

Therefore, The Virus is constantly invoked as the culprit. The Virus is highlighted, promoted, and elevated to the status of public enemy number one. It is the cover story. It is essentially blamed for the horrendous living conditions I mentioned above.

“Well, of course we want to help all these people. But remember, two years ago, the virus that decimated them? And now, the new virus that has entered the scene? We’re doing everything we can to develop a vaccine, and in the meantime we have several drugs that can help. We’re building clinics…

Only a rank idiot or a venal propagandist would suggest such “cures.”

What’s going on here? Modern medicine is expanding its reach and its territory. And it is assisting those rulers and powers who want to keep populations in a wretched state.

For a fraction of the money that is being expended on “medical help,” you could go into a community, clean up the contaminated water supply, install basic sanitation, help create small farms, and watch people raises themselves up. That’s the start of a real cure.

In Brazil, as I’ve mentioned in previous articles, toxic pesticides are causing great harm. They’re poisons. The companies who manufacture and sell them, like Monsanto, have no intention of giving them up. These companies don’t care about human destruction or even the deleterious effects on huge cash crops. But the companies need a cover story, to explain the devastation they’re creating.

They, too, rely on The Virus. It’s their ace in the hole. Two years ago, it was Epidemic A. This year it’s Epidemic B. Highly publicized, heavily promoted.

“See all those sick and dying people? What a shame. Another virus has emerged. Bad luck. For some reason, these epidemics never start in Beverly Hills or Scarsdale. Oh well. Our corporation is happy to contribute to a fund for more medical care. You can count on us. We care.”

the matrix revealed

Whenever a new “outbreak” of disease occurs, people immediately begin looking for the single cause. Obvious cause, secret cause, it doesn’t matter. It always turns out to be a virus. They don’t bother looking at the conditions that have existed for a hundred years or more in the area of the “epidemic.” It’s as if these areas were previously brimming with prosperity, and suddenly people are laid low. How preposterous.

People in those areas have been falling ill and dying for a century. Now and then, things get even worse. It’s to be expected.

Giant agri-corporations and mining corporations and other corporations have been stealing good land from the local people for a long time. There’s a real virus for you. The corporations don’t want those people to turn to small farming. They want them to work on the plantations, and when they can’t work any longer because they’re too sick and too poisoned, other people will take their place.

That’s the operation.

The Virus is the cover.

It always was.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium?

The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium?

by Jon Rappoport

January 27, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Note: This article was written before the Oregon shootout in which one man was killed and another wounded.

Is uranium at the heart of the Oregon Malheur federal-protestor standoff? That’s the question I’m asking. It isn’t a flippant question.

I realize there are many other issues swirling around this event. The Hammonds, the Bundys, militias, the feds, cattle grazing on federal lands, federal land grabs, and so on. This article isn’t meant to take apart those matters.

It’s meant to follow up on my previous article, in which I present a circumstantial case for the Clintons’ heavy involvement in a scheme that’s transferred 20% of US uranium production to Putin and Russia. And the key company in that piece is Uranium One. Remember the name. It’s apparently a major clue in what I’m about to discuss.

I also want to say, at the outset, that I don’t know how many independent news outlets and websites are covering the uranium question, or which outlet initiated this line of investigation. I’m relying on one provocative January 23 article at intellihub, by Shepard Ambellas:

“Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians, along with one-fifth of our uranium ore.”

Down in the body of that article, the author provides a link to a page at the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is a federal agency under the Department of the Interior.

On that BLM page (“National BLM > OR/WA > Energy > Uranium Energy”), in a section titled, “Uranium on BLM-Administered Lands in OR/WA,” [(image of webpage forthcoming)] is the following statement:

“In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide (‘yellowcake’) mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Oregon Energy is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a mill for processing. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the ‘New U’ uranium claims.

“On May 7, 2012, Oregon Energy LLC made a presentation to the BLM outlining its plans for development for the mine.

“The Vale District has agreed to work with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on mitigation for the ‘New U’ uranium claims, which are located in core sage grouse habitat. Although the lands encompassing the claims have been designated core, the area is frequented by rockhounds and hunters, and has a crisscrossing of off-highway vehicle (OHV) roads and other significant land disturbance from the defunct Bretz Mercury Mine, abandoned in the 1960s.

“However, by the fall of 2012 the company said that it was putting its plans for the mine on hold until the uncertainty surrounding sage grouse issues was resolved.”

The first sentence in that BLM section ties together several key elements of the story: Uranium One; a uranium mine; southern Malheur County. Southern Malheur is the general area of the federal-protestor standoff. Let me give you that first sentence again:

“In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide (‘yellowcake’) mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon.”

What does this have to do with Hillary and Bill Clinton? I’ll reprint my previous article so you can read the details, but the short version is: there’s a case to be made that they, through Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation, facilitated the sale of Uranium One to Putin and the Russians. And if so, and if this area of Oregon is projected to be part of that uranium mining deal, then we are looking at a stunning “coincidence”: the US federal government is coming down hard on a group of protestors who are occupying, for their own reasons, a very valuable piece of territory that goes far beyond the issue of private cattle grazing on government land.

It comes under the heading of those old familiar lines: you have no idea what you’re involved in; you have no idea who you’re messing with; this is way over your head; you just stepped into the middle of something that’s bigger than you can imagine.

Here is my previous article in full, “The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium.” I’ll have a few important comments to make after the article:

—She’s the next US President, if an old socialist, a cowboy real estate hustler, and a bunch of emails can’t stop her.

He already was the President.

They’re married. Cue the dawn sunrise and violins for the beautiful first couple of American politics. Wow. In a land where they’re the first couple, does anybody have tickets to sell for the next flight to Mars?

Before I board my flight, what about the uranium scandal?

The what?

Before I quote a NY Times piece on this, consider—suppose, just suppose the beautiful first couple has been running a kind of parallel operation to the government, in the form of a foundation that is taking in major chunks of cash from people who want political favors. Just suppose. And a few donors who are ponying up those $$ want to sell a company to the Russians. But because this company sells a very, very sensitive product, and that product happens to come out of the ground in the US, agencies of the US government have to approve the sale. And one of those agencies that does approve the sale happens to be headed up by half of that beautiful couple. And this sensitive American product, well, the last person you’d want to control it is the head of a place called Russia—he can sit in Moscow and have complete dominion over this product that exists on US soil…and nobody thinks this is a problem, as half of the beautiful couple runs for President of the United States. It’s a yawn. It was a big story for a day or two, and then it sank below memory and everybody moved on. Forget about it. Who cares?

Memory is short. On April 23, 2015, the NY Times ran a story under the headline: “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal”.

The bare bones of the story: a Canadian company called Uranium One controls a great deal of uranium production in the US. It was sold to Russia (meaning Putin and his minions). So Putin now controls 20% of US uranium production.

From the Times:

“…the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.”

From the Times:

“The [Pravda] article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company [Uranium One] with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

“But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

“At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Frank Giustra…a mining financier, has donated $31.3 million to the foundation run by former President Bill Clinton…”

“Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal [to sell Uranium One to Putin] had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

“At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.

“Whether the donations [to the Clinton Foundation] played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown. But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors.

“In a statement, Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, said no one ‘has ever produced a shred of evidence supporting the theory that Hillary Clinton ever took action as secretary of state to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation.’ He emphasized that multiple United States agencies, as well as the Canadian government, had signed off on the [uranium] deal and that, in general, such matters were handled at a level below the secretary. ‘To suggest the State Department, under then-Secretary Clinton, exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless,’ he added.”

—The US State Dept. had to sign off on the deal giving Putin control over US uranium. Hillary headed up the State Dept. Much money from Canadian mining executives, who obviously wanted the deal to go through, found its way into the Clinton Foundation. The Foundation concealed these donations.

That’s called a circumstantial case. Every such case is different, and has to be judged by assessing probabilities. But for example, if an examination of two involved prominent figures revealed they were serial liars, it would strengthen a verdict of guilty.

If you’re Putin and you’re sitting in Moscow, and the uranium deal has just dropped this bonanza into your lap, what’s your reaction—after you stop laughing and popping champagne corks? Or maybe you never really stop laughing. Maybe this is a joke that keeps on giving. You wake up in the middle of the night with a big grin plastered on your face, and you can’t figure out why…and then you remember, oh yeah, the uranium deal. The US uranium. Who’s running the show in America? Ha-ha-ha. Some egregious dolt? Maybe he’s a sleeper agent we forgot about and he reactivated himself. And this foundation—how can the beautiful couple get away with that? And she’s going to be the next President? Can we give her a medal? Can we put up a statue of her in a park? Does Bill need any more hookers?

You shake your head and go back to sleep. You see a parade of little boats carrying uranium from the US to Russia. A pretty line of putt-putt boats. You chuckle. Row, row, row your boat…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…life is but a dream.

Good times.

—end of article—

power outside the matrix

So we have the Clintons, and Uranium One sold to Putin, and that sale gives him control of 20% of US uranium production. Now we have an area in Southern Oregon which has uranium, and in this area, the feds are coming down on the protestors and the occupiers.

What are the feds really trying to protect? Are they just trying to stop cattle grazing and routine burns on that land, or is there something more far precious at stake?

The feds aren’t known for making delicate distinctions. People are raising a bit of hell in the general (or specific) area where uranium mining could commence. Get them out of there! Move them off! No more cattle grazing here! This is a matter of national security!

Or it was. Now it’s a matter of Russian national security.

Make deal, protect the dealers. It’s business.

Consider the potential scandal and the massive irony: US citizens are asserting their sovereign right to use federal land, land that should never have been co-opted by the federal government in the first place—and now it turns out to be Russian land.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium

The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium

by Jon Rappoport

January 26, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

She’s the next US President, if an old socialist, a cowboy real estate hustler, and a bunch of emails can’t stop her.

He already was the President.

They’re married. Cue the dawn sunrise and violins for the beautiful first couple of American politics. Wow. In a land where they’re the first couple, does anybody have tickets to sell for the next flight to Mars?

Before I board my flight, what about the uranium scandal?

The what?

Before I quote a NY Times piece on this, consider—suppose, just suppose the beautiful first couple has been running a kind of parallel operation to the government, in the form of a foundation that is taking in major chunks of cash from people who want political favors. Just suppose. And a few donors who are ponying up those $$ want to sell a company to the Russians. But because this company sells a very, very sensitive product, and that product happens to come out of the ground in the US, agencies of the US government have to approve the sale. And one of those agencies that does approve the sale happens to be headed up by half of that beautiful couple. And this sensitive American product, well, the last person you’d want to control it is the head of a place called Russia—he can sit in Moscow and have complete dominion over this product that exists on US soil…and nobody thinks this is a problem, as half of the beautiful couple runs for President of the United States. It’s a yawn. It was a big story for a day or two, and then it sank below memory and everybody moved on. Forget about it. Who cares?

Memory is short. On April 23, 2015, the NY Times ran a story under the headline: “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal”.

The bare bones of the story: a Canadian company called Uranium One controls a great deal of uranium production in the US. It was sold to Russia (meaning Putin and his minions). So Putin now controls 20% of US uranium production.

From the Times:

“…the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.”

From the Times:

“The [Pravda] article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company [Uranium One] with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

“But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

“At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Frank Giustra…a mining financier, has donated $31.3 million to the foundation run by former President Bill Clinton…”

“Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal [to sell Uranium One to Putin] had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

“At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.

“Whether the donations [to the Clinton Foundation] played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown. But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors.

“In a statement, Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, said no one ‘has ever produced a shred of evidence supporting the theory that Hillary Clinton ever took action as secretary of state to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation.’ He emphasized that multiple United States agencies, as well as the Canadian government, had signed off on the [uranium] deal and that, in general, such matters were handled at a level below the secretary. ‘To suggest the State Department, under then-Secretary Clinton, exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless,’ he added.”

—The US State Dept. had to sign off on the deal giving Putin control over US uranium. Hillary headed up the State Dept. Much money from Canadian mining executives, who obviously wanted the deal to go through, found its way into the Clinton Foundation. The Foundation concealed these donations.

That’s called a circumstantial case. Every such case is different, and has to be judged by assessing probabilities. But for example, if an examination of two involved prominent figures revealed they were serial liars, it would strengthen a verdict of guilty.

If you’re Putin and you’re sitting in Moscow, and the uranium deal has just dropped this bonanza into your lap, what’s your reaction—after you stop laughing and popping champagne corks? Or maybe you never really stop laughing. Maybe this is a joke that keeps on giving. You wake up in the middle of the night with a big grin plastered on your face, and you can’t figure out why…and then you remember, oh yeah, the uranium deal. The US uranium. Who’s running the show in America? Ha-ha-ha. Some egregious dolt? Maybe he’s a sleeper agent we forgot about and he reactivated himself. And this foundation—how can the beautiful couple get away with that? And she’s going to be the next President? Can we give her a medal? Can we put up a statue of her in a park? Does Bill need any more hookers?

You shake your head and go back to sleep. You see a parade of little boats carrying uranium from the US to Russia. A pretty line of putt-putt boats. You chuckle. Row, row, row your boat…merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…life is but a dream.

Good times.

power outside the matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Since when is limiting immigration a crime?

Since when is limiting immigration a crime?

And since when is bombing and invading other countries a virtuous act?

by Jon Rappoport

January 25, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Double trouble.

Somehow, putting a lid on immigration is now a crime against humanity. That’s quite a propaganda triumph. So let’s announce, with a great flourish, that the US and Europe will welcome everybody else on the planet. Let’s go all the way to prove our tolerance and good will. Why not? The wonderful people who support waves of immigration don’t seem to be able to put a top number on this whole operation. They have a bone stuck in their throats. They can’t say, “Well, here is the absolute highest number of immigrants who can come in.” They just can’t. To do so would taint the quality of their heroic empathy. It would rip a hole in their Sails of Love.

“Mr. President, perhaps you could tell us how many immigrants we can admit to our shores. When would it start being a, you know, problem? We just want to get an idea of the scope of this whole thing. When do the numbers begin to exert a strain on the economy, for example? Aside from, ahem, now. At what point do you suppose the number of criminals among the immigrants will cause, what shall I call it, serious trouble? When will the resettling of these millions of people into communities start to crack and disrupt and destroy the coherence of those communities? I mean, there must be a number beyond which it’s unwise to go. Isn’t that the way the world generally works? Too much of anything becomes dangerous. Too many militarized policemen, too much surveillance, too much CIA interference in other countries, too many corporate lobbyists, too many US-backed ISIS fighters, too many leaking cylinders of nuclear waste, too much pressure on a power plant during an earthquake. So how about a top-limit immigration number? Does a person who just asks for such a figure automatically qualify as a satanic messenger from Hell? Just trying to get a feel for the landscape of this issue…if there is a landscape.”

No-top-number is called a clue. The people who should be giving one but aren’t are either deranged love addicts or conscious agents of destruction.

Another clue: claiming, with a straight face, that granting all sorts of government benefits to immigrants as soon as they cross the border is in no way an inducement for them to show up.

As I’ve explained in previous articles, the whole “wave of migration” is an op. It’s not meant to be humane. It’s meant to destabilize societies and countries, bring on chaos, destroy traditional cultures and borders, and permit Globalization to advance.

Now let’s go to the other side.

Surely, moving into foreign nations with planes and bombs and drones and soldiers (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc.) in no way creates a desire for retaliation in those populations. Right? Right? Why should it? Why should a little thing like raining down death and destruction induce a ripple of protest? Why should we expect anyone coming here, from those places, to have any anger whatsoever in his heart?

Likewise, in the area of economic warfare, if some Globalist trade treaty (NAFTA) sets up a long con whereby cheap US corn floods Mexico and puts 1.5 million Mexican farmers into bankruptcy, why should we think any of those people would harbor resentment against America, or come across the border, out of desperation, and with ill-will in their hearts? Again, absurd. Right?

Let’s go all the way back to US economic sanctions against Iraq (1990-2003). As a result, during that period, an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children died. Five-hundred thousand. But why would that be a problem? Why would that cause any resentment in the Middle East region?

And the participation of European countries in similar “misadventures,” via NATO, for example, and extending back into the Colonial period…who could think any resentment in the affected populations would pop up and endure?

This entire immigration issue has two sides. Obviously, one of the great tasks of politicians is to separate them and obscure any connection—while taking the precise wrong position about each side.

How did that happen? When you cut through the nonsense and the lies, the answer is clear. The politicians (those who are even aware) are in the Globalist camp. They want to make wars of conquest, profit, and extreme destabilization, on the one hand; and they want to open the floodgates to waves of immigrants, in order to destabilize their own countries—because the Globalist agenda demands an end to separate nations, all nations, in favor of much larger regions which, in a state of chaos, “must be brought under control by a higher force.”

This is the op, and it has been for a long time.

If there is any genuine leadership to be found—the authentic kind, not the devious type—it must come from people who grasp both sides of the insanity, are willing to expose it, and are determined to end it.

Politics, as we know it from long experience, is not the art of compromise. It’s the art of walling off one side of a covert operation from another, and pretending there is no conceivable connection. It’s the art of concealing the overall agenda. It’s the art of co-opting and corrupting innocent ideals, like “give us your huddled masses yearning to be free,” and turning them into monstrous elements of destruction—and in the process, enlisting naïve believers to move toward the cliff’s edge.

Key political leaders understand all that, because they’re fronting for elites who demand duplicity in all things.

the matrix revealed

Both A (wars of profit and destabilization) and B (unlimited immigration) are two parts of the whole, C, which is the artificial and forced Globalist cohesion/unification of the planet—indivisible, under one governing management system.

People who can comprehend this are able to hold two concepts in their minds at the same time and connect them. Unfortunately, the education system is restricted to teaching students how to hold one (bad) idea in the mind, and then turn that into a vague narrative about victimhood and shout it from rooftops. This is now apparently the peak accomplishment of Western civilization.

Of course, this version of education has nothing to do with the fact that our political leaders are pursuing a lunatic goal of societal destruction and need massive numbers of brain-addled zombies to accept the program as humane and brilliant. Of course not. Why would there be any connection?

Don’t worry, be happy. Find a way to be dependent on the government and all will be well. As the Dodo said in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, “Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump: why Bilderberg, WEF/Davos, and CFR have shingles

Technocrats, Davos Globalists can’t stop talking about Trump

by Jon Rappoport

January 23, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

(For the complete Trump archive, click here.)

The Donald shoots from the hip and changes his tune every few minutes. True. He thinks about one thing, and that reminds him of something else, and then he goes off on that. However, as he keeps talking and talking and talking, he’s deciding that some of what he’s saying makes sense. He’s firming up his belief in his own sales-pitch. He’s doubling down and getting serious.

And one of the things he’s serious about is trade deals. Bad Globalist deals. Deals that steal more American jobs. He and Bernie Sanders wouldn’t admit it, but they both agree on this general point.

In fact, a new study out of Tufts University torpedoes glowing estimates of the latest such deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The study authors predict the consequences: another 450,000 jobs will be lost in the US by 2025. Oops. Another Globalist trade treaty sucks life out of the American economy. Which is precisely why Obama is obsessed with passing it.

(The study is titled “Trading Down: Unemployment, Inequality and Other Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.” A quick breakdown of the study is on techdirt.com, here; free access to the full paper is on tufts.edu, here)

Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations and Rockefeller Globalists are counting on the TPP. It’s one of their precious babies. They want to undermine the US economy. It’s part of their sink-America program, to pave the way for One United Planet under one management system. Not an American empire. A globalist empire.

And they don’t want some out-of-control US Presidential candidate, whose crowds and poll numbers keep swelling like a massive infection, to swipe and swipe and swipe at these trade treaties and dream up ways to bring more jobs back home. They definitely don’t want that—especially after their current marionette in the White House has done such fine work drowning the economic life of the US. The issuance of new credit cards and part-time work at fast-food joints pouring chocolate on French fries don’t equal renewed prosperity, in case you were fooled by official economic-indicator reports.

These elite Globalist don’t believe for a minute that Trump alone can turn back the clock on their ongoing destruction. But they do realize he can keep talking about it. And in doing so, he can force more people to wake up to the fact that they’re being screwed—and how they’re being screwed.

Globalism is all about allowing mega-corporations to take their factories and jobs out of the country overseas. It’s a cornerstone of every trade deal. Mega-corps can manufacture their products more cheaply in a hell hole with slave workers, and then export those products back here (and to other industrialized countries)—and pay no tariffs. How sweet (and destructive) it is.

Trump, like some swaggering cowboy, keeps shooting his six-guns at this program, even though he doesn’t apparently understand the bottom-line motivation behind it. Or who knows? Maybe he does and he’s staying silent about it.

How did this guy get in the door? Why can’t the media shut up about him? Why does every attack against him, valid or invalid, bring more supporters to his side? What happened to Globalist Jeb? Why is he curled up in fetal position in his bedroom eating Snickers and watching home movies of his family?

Hillary is on board with the Globalist program. She’s all about cold-blooded revenge against the greatest number of people possible. She eats attacks against her, and converts them into dark anti-matter.

But Trump? He’s Mr. Brassy Salesman who parlayed his con and his bankruptcies and his execrable TV show into a fortune. And then he somehow got a few actual ideas into his oversized head. How? Why? Can’t somebody put him on a no-fly list? Can’t he be declared a terrorist or at least a national security risk? Can’t the NSA cough up a few juicy tidbits about his personal life? Haven’t the FBI or the CIA already slipped a few slimeballs into his campaign? There are spies who spy on spies spying on other spies, and they can’t squeeze out one rank and repulsive fact that’ll sink Trump’s ship?

In his 2003 Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Are we going to let darling David, who’s what, 175 years old now, go to his grave hearing the absurd burlesque echoes of Donald Trump ringing in his ears?

What used to be called the Eastern Establishment—Globalist Ivy League domeheads gazing at the world through the wrong ends of telescopes from Park Avenue penthouses—are in a Trump quandary. They’re disturbed. They have incipient ass-rash and stress-shingles. The natural order of things is wobbling.

Shut this Momzer up!

The permanent underclass must expand.

Economic chaos must prevail, so a new order can be instituted.

Mega-corporations must rule the world (for a while).

The Globalist hope is this: Eventually, Trump will be discredited as a goofball; and therefore, for the foreseeable future, no one else with any clout will raise the issue of trade treaties or the destruction of economies. Trump and whatever he stood for will be remembered as a flash in the pan, a one-hit wonder.

Globalism, as it moves forward, will become a forgotten word.

And the band will play on.

Understand: there are two basic stripes of Globalist. The first is America-first. They want a single managed planet, but they want the US to be the top-boss in the crime empire. The second, as evidenced by the Rockefeller quote above, and by the core international membership of Bilderberg heavy hitters, want shared leadership. The balance is delicate, and the conflict is real. As it moves forward, the last thing both types of Globalists want is some yahoo stepping into the frame and disrupting the whole show.

Trump’s qualifications for the Presidency, such as they are, are entirely beside this point. Whether he was originally put front and center to serve as a losing foil for Hillary Clinton is also, now, beside the point. He’s acquired too much support. As far as the Globalists are concerned, he is a problem.

Perhaps the polls are all wrong and the Primary season will douse the glow on his candle, and by the time the July Republican convention rolls around he’ll be back in New York wheeling and dealing real estate. They hope. There’s a chance no candidate will have enough votes for a slam-dunk nomination in Cleveland, in which case the process will be “brokered,” as they say. Jeb could then exert his power and play his cards behind the scene. But that would cause a major uproar among Trump’s supporters as they cry foul and raise hell, igniting a new nightmare.

Hillary’s inner circle might still be in the process of building up Trump, because they continue to believe he’ll be an easy mark in the election—but it seems late in the game for such a reckless assessment, given how far Trump has come in the last few months.

If some hidden ally is trying to help Trump stay afloat, he might also have non-Globalist convictions. Who, besides China (already in Trump’s crosshairs), is the biggest outsider vis-à-vis free trade? Who is angrily opposing the upcoming Globalist TTIP trade deal, which would cement tighter relations between the European Union and the US and make him even more of an outsider? Who has already expressed admiration for Trump and received kind words from The Donald? Yes, this is mere speculation, but there is one man who fits that bill:

Vladimir Putin. And Putin certainly took notice, last year, when the-hawk-Hillary compared him to, let’s see, who was that again, oh yes, Hitler.

Real estate cowboy and KGB lieutenant colonel? Different galaxies, but they have at least one thing in common: they like believing they’re the toughest guy in the room. Do they both like war too much?

As for the Republican party bosses, they’re going crazy trying to derail Trump. Their main argument seems to be: he’s not a legitimate candidate. But behind that, their actual concern comes back to their own membership in the Globalist club. By allowing Trump to maintain center stage, they’re violating every club rule. And the men who own them aren’t happy. Not happy at all. So these party big shots are backing away from Trump as far as they can, swearing loudly: “See, he’s not our man! Honest, we hate him! He’s a fiend! We want to fire him!”

But so far, Trump still has a patent on that phrase: “You’re fired!”

National politics and international politics are rigged games from top to bottom. But once in a while, a wild one turns up. That person may have started out as just another piece of the fix, but then he breaks away from the pack and stakes out his own territory. When this happens, he’s usually squelched long before he can build up a head of steam. But not now, not in this case.

The horse is out of the barn. And he’s not sprinting for the horizon. He’s prancing and dancing in the pasture. He’s rearing up on his hind legs, he’s jumping, he’s kicking up his heels. He’s doing whatever he wants to. And that’s the key, because the rest of the horses have long since been trained to act like machines. People know the difference. If given the choice, they move to the wild one. He reminds them that they, too, have been socialized to become machines. And they want out.

Yes, there is an definite upside and a downside to this shock and surprise and unpredicted circumstance. But regardless, it’s a fact. It’s happening.

People might wish the wild one was a Caruso or a Nijinsky or an Olivier or a Lincoln or a Tom Paine or a Gandhi—instead of a fast-talking self-promoting New York real estate hustler, who suddenly flips a switch and wants to go to war.

But in a machine world, strange things happen.

exit from the matrix

When the mandated pattern for all social behavior is cracked and broken and smashed, strange creatures emerge on stage, under the lights. However distorted they may seem, the audience suddenly pays attention, sniffing something they barely remember, but desperately want.

Does the creature dancing across the footlights accurately reflect the audience’s desire? It doesn’t matter to the audience. Because the thing most wished for, and most precious, is an article called freedom.

Will some people misinterpret what it means? You bet they will. They’ll say it’s license. They’ll do all sorts of crazy things with it.

When governments and corporations and media agents keep reshaping the world into new versions of locked-down conformity and robot behaviorism, the breakout will never be smooth.

—The original crime is the individual surrendering his own uniqueness, his own mind, his own imagination, his own formidable power. That’s where it started, and that’s where it comes back to.

Shrugging off inner slavery, across a whole population, and regressing in fear back to the mean, and breaking out again, are more than most people can handle.

But for those who can grasp the core of it, a new dawn rises. And things will never be the same again.

And that leaves Trump or any politician far behind.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Techies’ diapers in a twist over Trump’s Apple remark

Techies’ diapers in a twist over Trump’s Apple remark

The free market was built for nations, not the world

by Jon Rappoport

January 20, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Trump just said he’d force Apple to make their damn computers in America, and this raised a crib-howl from techies. You know, those super-intelligent “humanitarian progressives” who somehow finesse the fact that their cherished gizmos are manufactured in foreign factories where the workers are virtual slaves.

Techies: “Slaves? Just the cost of doing business. We still love everybody.”

For the moment, to avoid ad hominem arguments, let’s forget that Trump made the remark; and let’s also forget that truly free markets don’t exist on a macro scale.

Here is the obvious knock-you-in-the-face truth: you can’t have a level playing field if you allow US companies to go abroad, set up factories in places where their costs are minimal, and export those products back to the US. That kind of operation destroys companies who are making the same products in America, at much higher costs.

This isn’t economics. You don’t need algorithms to figure it out. You don’t need experts to weigh in with their fatuous bloviations. Anybody with three active brain cells can see the truth.

Here is the bottom line: free markets, to the degree they exist, were never designed for international trade. They were designed for national economies.

In order to make international trade work, you have (you had) tariffs. A company abroad, no matter who owns it, can only ship goods into the US for sale if it pays a big fat tax to level the field.

But then it all changed: no-tariff free trade entered the scene. This was the invention of Globalists, whose ambition was to “liberate mega-corporations” from any and all reasonable obligations, so they could roam the world minus any allegiance to their home countries, and basically act as predators.

This is GATT, the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, the upcoming TPP, and so on. Treaties.

Let’s say there are 50 companies in the US who make sneakers here. The average cost of a pair is $2. That’s the manufacturing cost. Four of these companies shut their plants in the US and go to China, where they make a pair for 16 cents. They bring all those sneakers back here for sale. What happens to the other 46 American companies who are still making their sneakers here? Get the correct answer and you earn an A in Globalism 101.

The free market wasn’t designed for this kind of commerce.

If you’re a double-talking scuzz-bucket Globalist, you argue: “But you see, people in the US can now buy cheaper sneakers. This is wonderful. It offsets the fact that lots of workers in the US who used to make sneakers are out of work. Those people can be retrained for other jobs…”

If that were true, we would see, on balance, a prospering US economy. But despite Obama’s assurances, we don’t. We see more and more people out of work, or working at part-time low paying jobs. We see more people on digital food stamps (SNAP, EBT). We see some of the 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers, who were bankrupted by NAFTA, which allowed cheap US corn to flood the Mexican market, coming across the border into the US.

Remember, Globalism doesn’t recognize the existence of separate nations. Here is what Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller’s chief butler, and Obama’s foreign policy mentor, wrote on that subject in 1969:

“The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Yes, “far in advance,” if by that you mean “in order to destroy separate nations.”

Replacing nations, you have elite banks with their invented money, you have financiers, you have mega-corporations— moving in and out of places all over the world, setting up shop, and exporting goods anywhere they choose to, minus tariffs. Nice work if you can get it, and they can. Calling this capitalism or free market is more than a misnomer. It’s a purposeful deception. It’s a long con. It’s a betrayal.

And when the same Globalists talk about planned economies, constructed to make the world a fairer and more equitable place, they’re lying again—because their beloved mega-corporations are the leading edge, the prow of that ship. It’s part of the hustle.

Imagine a guy on a street corner with a little folding table and three shells and one pea. For a few bucks, you can guess which shell has the pea under it, after he quickly moves the shells around. Except the “you” in this equation is the world population, and the fee for guessing is mega-trillions of dollars. Of course, the guess is always wrong, and the guy with the shells and the pea is Mr. Global, and he always wins. This is called Peace, Tranquility, Equality, Greatest Good for the Greatest Number.

Of course, I’m just using the US as an example. The same facts apply to any industrialized nation. The same facts apply to any Third World nation where mega-corporations set up shop.

As long as you have nations who have a semblance of concern about their survival, you don’t have Globalism. Any claim that international trade, minus tariffs, is proper and good and just is a bald faced lie.

It’s setting lions loose to hunt mice in a sealed cage.

Free-market capitalism (aka the open exchange of goods and services for money) was never designed to work on a global scale. Most free-market advocates will never admit that.

You must have tariffs.

Globalists assure us that tariffs are pernicious obstructions to a free and open economy. Translation: tariffs obstruct a world-slave economy they want to control.

Yes, there is a downside in all this. If cell phones and computers for Americans were only made in America, or if they were exported here with added tariffs, they would be more expensive. But you have to weigh that against the overall effect of Globalism: the ripping apart of the American economy, with all its implications.

power outside the matrix

A few readers will see beyond what I’ve said so far. They’ll realize that Globalism is actually designed to torpedo the very corporations it’s supposed to be favoring. Through created unemployment, it’s purposefully shrinking the worldwide consumer base. This means, as time passes, that these corporations will experience a vast crunch. To whom will they sell their products?

The corporations don’t want to realize this. They’re in denial about where Globalism is heading. And where is it heading? The Globalists are planning to take us back in time, to far more primitive conditions. That’s their end game. They envision a depopulated future in which the remaining people of Earth, swimming in poverty, will be easier to control.

—Armed to the teeth and protected by robotic armies, possessing the most advanced technologies, feudal princes live high on the hills. Down below, privileged artisans assemble beautiful goods and artifacts for their masters. The poorest of the poor, the untouchables, live far away, in remote areas. Their numbers are diminishing.

The natural landscape of Earth is pristine and pure.

Joy to the “environmentalists.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The State of the Union speech Obama won’t give

The State of the Union speech Obama won’t give

by Jon Rappoport

January 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“The greatest covert op in the world is demoralization. If you can do that to a population, anything and everything follows.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Suppose, in a burst of exasperation, Obama gave a quite different State of the Union Address to Congress and the American people.

Exasperation? Why? Because Obama wants recognition for his clever and ingenious manipulations. He doesn’t want to be known as a clueless President. He doesn’t want to be remembered as a rank amateur. He wants credit where credit is due. Therefore, he spills the beans:

—Dear Congress and Dear Americans. I can’t believe you haven’t seen what I’ve been up to these last seven years. It staggers me, frankly. What’s wrong with you? Are you all on drugs? Don’t answer that.

First and foremost, I’ve been busy expanding a permanent underclass which is wholly dependent on the government. That’s my job. When I took over in 2009, the number one issue in America was unemployment. Remember?

I side-stepped that right away. Are you kidding? I never intended to solve the problem. Why would I? Instead, I focused on Obamacare, which has turned into the most unwieldy national health insurance program in the world.

But listen. That was no accident. Do you really think I couldn’t foresee what a disaster Obamacare would be? Do you think I’m that dense? Of course I knew. The Plan was set up that way. It was designed to be a catastrophe. Why, you ask? Because I wanted yet another program that would demoralize and entangle you, the American people. Many of you won’t believe that. So be it.

Demoralization and entanglement was my strategy. It wasn’t a byproduct. It’s an operation—just as exacerbating the racial divide in America is an operation. You don’t think I know what’s happening in that regard?

Open borders, creating ISIS and then attacking it, purposely stimulating waves of immigrants coming out of Syria—these are a few of the operations designed to confuse, depress, and demoralize our society, in addition to attaining certain geo-political and economic objectives. Get with it. Come on.

Do you really think I’m unaware that open borders will put an overwhelming strain on the US economy? Everyone with a few active brain cells knows that. Forget the “studies” and the media propaganda. It’s an obvious as the nose on your face.

I was put in the White House to make things worse. There are no accidents. If you look past our fiddling with unemployment figures, you’ll see a glint of truth. We want to keep jobs out of America. What do you think these trade treaties are all about? We want to send more jobs overseas. I’m not some “embattled” President seeking to save the soul of America. I’m here to create demoralization and chaos. I’m an agent.

An agent of what? Well, why do you think I went into a full-on ass-biting panic a few months ago, when it looked like one of those Globalist trade treaties, the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP], was on the verge of rejection? I work for the Rockefeller Globalists. Brzezinski was my tutor after I won my first election in 2008. He’s David Rockefeller’s intellectual flunky. They weren’t going to accept any excuses, if I couldn’t get the TPP ratified. Those boys don’t play patty-cake.

What does Globalism want with America? Again, please wake up and smell the decaying roses. Globalism wants to cut America down to size. Why? Because the coming global management system needs a weakened American empire. People have been talking about that for several decades. Apparently, you’ve been too busy watching CSI and Seinfeld reruns. Wow. I mean, really.

And guns? Please! Gangs and terrorists can only get their weapons from licensed dealers? Have you heard me say or do anything compelling about gangs in America? Of course not. Gangs help keep large sections of inner cities in a state of fear. Gangs help maintain a permanent underclass. And that class is obviously dependent on government. Here’s a clue for you. Which is worse, the takeover of a small federal building in Oregon or the thousands of ongoing shootings in Chicago? If I really wanted to do something about gun violence, where do you think I’d focus my efforts?

You people have bought the big lie about “unintended consequences.” I don’t have any of those. What I do is geared to produce certain results, and what I do works. I’m not a doofus sitting in the Oval Office. Look at my Presidency or any US Presidency as a conscious effort to make certain things happen. What happens was planned. It’s simple. I don’t wake up in the morning and say, “My God, how did that occur?” I say, “Good, my plan is working.” You’re the most naïve bunch of folks I’ve ever come across. You really are. Were you raised on rainbows and marshmallows? Did you actually buy my empty Hope and Change promise? Don’t bother answering. We all know you did. If you look one thin layer under the surface, you’ll see I’m not the first black President or the first true Idealist President or the first post-racial President. I’m another Globalist President, and my bosses are happy with my work. I’m getting gold stars on the blackboard. Or the white board for you hyper-sensitive types.

Speaking of which, the whole political correctness-language deal is another op. It’s coordinated with open borders to keep critics’ mouths shut. Racist this and racist that. We want to shut you up and keep you quiet. Our media people and academic people are doing a pretty good job. And the “curtailment of free speech” is an unintended consequence? Jesus. Come on. You’ve been eating too much sugar and taking too many pills.

Here’s a beautiful example of your naïve loony-bird faith. Remember, during my first campaign for President, when I gave a nudge and a wink to all you folks about GMO food? I intimated that I’d be an ally against Monsanto. And then I went ahead and let more new GMO crops in the door than any previous President had. I appointed a whole raft of ex-Monsanto people to key posts in my administration. And you thought that was because I wasn’t paying attention? I was distracted by other issues? It was an accident? I’m still laughing about that one. I have to laugh, because otherwise I’d cry at how goofy you are—how unable you are to see what I’m really up to. And I want you to see, because goddammit, I don’t intend to go down in history as a doofus amateur President. I’m a professional. My Globalist over-bosses saw that. They had faith in me. They knew I could make the grade. They knew I could implement an agenda, come hell or high water.

The State of the Union is bad, because it’s supposed to be. The middle class shrinking, widespread unemployment, the exporting of jobs overseas, the expansion of the permanent underclass, demoralization, rising debt, funding of terrorists like ISIS, gangs, drugs, the widening racial divide, open borders, and so on.

The Globalist plan is to eventually erase all national borders and have every “nation” composed of a diverse un-melting pot—one seething planet under one global management system, with giant corporations roaming free across the world like the predators they are. That’s just a brief sketch. And I’ve been doing my part for the past seven years.

I’m a key figure in a titanic takeover plan. See that, recognize that. You want to know the only difference between Bush and me? He’s a Globalist, too, but he represented a faction of neocons who want the US to be the cowboy Globalist boss. I want the shared international solution. It’s a better idea. And my bosses know that.

Now, listen up. There are some issues you think Presidents aren’t aware of. You think we don’t have time to explore them. That’s our straight con, because we don’t want you know we’re keeping track. For example, the expansion of mental-health treatment. After Sandy Hook, I announced a new program to establish community mental-health clinics across America, and just weeks ago I ruled that doctors are now cops. That was a good one. Doctors can now report patients who have mental disorders. They can report them so those patients can’t own guns. Well, guess how many Americans the government claims are living with mental disorders? Are you ready? 42 million. Wow.

Psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, which are highly toxic—that’s a plan. That isn’t an accident. Diagnose more and more Americans with mental disorders, including children and even toddlers, and dose them with the drugs. Talk about reducing the function of society—wow. More severe adverse drug effects, more disability, more severe neurological impacts. That’s a real winner. Bush thought so. Clinton thought so. And so do I. Do you really believe I’m unaware of this? What fools these citizens be. Hey, I’m the President. I get briefings. I’m informed, okay? I know what’s going on. I’ve got big Pharma friends. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, “Rockefeller Medicine?”

Taking down America further is part of my job description. And it turns out I’m really good at doing it. I’m getting straight A’s.

Let me make this point: I wasn’t specifically hired as President to promote Islam. As with our creation of ISIS, the idea was to enlist proxies, people who would spread chaos and destabilize societies and countries. The formula is as old as history. Invent chaos and then bring in top-down order like a hammer. Never heard of it? Get your face out of your cell phone. This is the basis of most covert ops. Am I going too fast for you?

Moving right along, I, like Presidents before me, have a “no-ceiling” approach. Can you guess what that means? You can’t, because mainstream news isn’t supposed to bring it up and air it. It’s taboo. For example, when it comes to the federal debt and the number of illegal immigrants coming into America, there is no limit. No ceiling. We behave as if no-ceiling will never become a problem, when in fact it’s a growing disaster. Cute, right? We never say, “Well, when we reach this number, that’s the end, we can’t go any farther.” We never say that or bring it up or discuss it. Why would we? We want to sink America, and no-ceiling is a proper strategy for that purpose. Can you see that? Or are you too addled to notice it? Think of open borders as a flood. And we get most people to say it’s a wonderful flood and a generous and humanitarian flood. Of course, we don’t really mean that. But “generous” and “kind” and “humanitarian” are pushed like huge tanks out into the street, as politically correct expressions. These terms become heavily hypnotic. And all you good little boys and girls, who want to be known as kind and generous, go along.

Hey. Don’t you think I know about mind control and propaganda? Again, I’m the President. I’ve been trained. I’m not a babe in the woods. You’re the babes. Get it?

Now, to prove how smart I am, I want to wander off the reservation and tell you something I’ve figured out on my own. Listen up. It has to do with giant corporations, who are, of course, the leading edge of economic conquest of the planet, according to the Globalist plan. It’s corporations; and banks who invent money out of thin air, all the way into the New Future. But, see, these corporations are heading for a serious crack-up. You know why? Because something else is part of the Globalist plan: increasing poverty all over the world. Yes. Understand that. Do you think we want to make populations more prosperous and independent? Are you kidding? And with the whole climate-change racket, we’re aiming for lowered energy production from the North Pole to Tierra del Fuego. This means that, world-wide, poverty will increase further and the consumer base will shrink and shrink. Therefore, those mega-corporations will have fewer and fewer people they can sell their products to. Meaning: vastly diminishing profits. Bang. Pow. Disaster. I worked all this out on a cocktail napkin while Beyonce and Sting were putting on a concert at the White House. Anyway, when this crisis really kicks in, I’ll be out of it. I’ll be living in a mansion far from the madding crowd.

If things go according to plan, I’ll be watching the new integration of the Middle East, after it’s been ripped up by engineered chaos. An awesome international force will be on the scene, clamping down. Overseeing the oil.

And maybe, after I leave office, I’ll be able to act out one of my fantasies. You want to know what it is? I’m all decked out in military gear, from head to toe, with a face shield and helmet hiding my identity. I’m standing in a line of militarized cops, fully armed, against some citizen protest in the street of a major US city—next to George W and Bill C, in their gear, too. Heavy.

Either that, or I’m holed up in my mansion-compound, as the FBI and Homeland Security come to arrest me for some vague offense I committed during my Presidency. I’m toting a shotgun, two pistols, and I’m wearing a string of WW2 grenades. I’m in shorts and a ratty undershirt, an NFL game is on the tube, and I’ve got a six-pack of Coors in a cooler by my feet. An American flag is flying from the roof, and I’ve got five thousand copies of the Constitution in my garage. If I go down, I go down. But don’t tread on me. Wouldn’t that be fun? Wouldn’t that be a kick? I’ve always wanted to be one of those guys. Not part of any organization or plan, but instead a heroic loner going up against the forces of repression. Needless to say, I never got that during my time in office. I was an agent. I agreed to front for the Big Boys. But just between you and me, I always thought about being a patriot.

The last time I looked, roughly one out of nine Americans was working for some level of government. That’s pretty astonishing, when you stop and think about it. Do you see where we’re heading? How do you like the idea of millions and millions of people shoving computer files around, enforcing mountains of rules and regulations and spying on each other? I mean, how do you like that as the major and preeminent work of society? Talk about demoralization. Talk about pettiness.

Talk about a population educated to be unfit for any kind of meaningful work, and instead whining and complaining and multiplying the number of rules everyone has to adhere to—as a form of psychological revenge—all taking place in the most prosperous country in the world. Talk about a successful op.

I’ve been a central actor in that stage play for the past seven years, and I’m grateful I’ve had the opportunity. Because, if I can’t live out what I really want, maybe I too want revenge. It operates at all levels.

While I’m letting you peek at a few secrets, here is another one. The Individual is dying out. In one sense, that’s exactly what I’m pushing for. But at the same time, like every American, I feel the impact of it. When people sense their individuality is slipping away, they start boiling. They do all sorts of crazy things. They say all sorts of crazy things. Do you see what I’m getting at? They turn a corner and want to destroy all individuals, because they themselves are going down the drain.

Now, if we were a truly courageous people, we would do everything in our power to reinstate The Individual as the highest ideal. Not just abstractly, but in reality. We would take on all the forces that want to make us into a homogenized mass, and we would reject those forces. The free and independent and powerful and creative individual would become our relentless goal. What a revolution that would be. That would be a thing worth fighting for. Yes?

But when most of us make a sober assessment of where we are as a nation, we decide such a revolution is impossible. It’s too late in the game. So we start to make all sorts of excuses and rationalizations, in order to explain our, what shall I call it, cowardice.

And that’s when a person like me shows up, and takes on the mantle of Leader. That’s my cue to perform. That’s my moment. It’s my job to keep moving down that track, to keep pulling the population with me, into a grand Collective Glob.

Make no mistake about it, I wanted that job. I still do. If I’m going to be a major actor, what else can I do? And yet I know other things, things that occasionally come to me in dreams in the night. They’re disturbing glimpses, but they’re also exalting.

There I am, and there you are, on some stormy height, above the fray. We’re looking at an open future that, despite all odds, is open and unwritten.

Our foul and decaying despair and phony cynicism are blowing away in the wind.

We offload all our…smallness, and for the first time we see great gestures and great action. Individual action, apart from any group or government.

the matrix revealed

I tell you this, because I’m in the final stretch. I oppose everything I see in those dreams of mine. But I wanted you to know I’m capable of being more than I am, in the same way that you are. I wanted to put that on the record, even as I work for the destruction of this country, even as I work for the destruction of the free and independent and powerful individual.

Does that make me crazy? Does that make you crazy?

Do you know how many people in America have given up hope in themselves and joined the stupefying Collective?

Do you know how intensely they hide what they know about themselves, and to what lengths they will go to keep hiding it?

It’s an enormous fraud.

But it’s my fraud. I’ve enlisted in the tide of history.

That is where you will find me.

I’ve made my decision.

What about you? Have you made yours?

In any case, you’re on your own.

Once upon a time, a few people saw that as a cause for celebration.

Good night, America. Good night, I’m gone. Soon I’m cashing in my chips and flying to my new mansion. I’m one more individual who ascended the heights and then devoted his efforts to pushing other individuals down into the collectivist swamp. That’s what I did. I’m one more President who took up that sword. Nothing very unusual. But I did it well.

Somewhere deep in my soul, just like you, just like everyone, I once saw a vision of the free and powerful and uncompromised and creative Individual. I had that vision of the greatest possibility in the world, and I buried it, and moved on. And now I move along a little further.

I’m in a long, long line of leaders who have tried to put you in the jaws of the lion.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

If Capitalism is dead, this is why

If Capitalism is dead, this is why

by Jon Rappoport

January 5, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“An era of corruption is built for those who lead corrupt lives. They revel in the era. They belong. They are home. They don’t care what you call the prevailing system, they’ll find their way, because they know the unspoken rules and how things actually work. Naïve idealists and academic hair-splitters? The corrupt eat them for breakfast.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The recent acceleration of attacks on capitalism leaves no ground un-scorched. Whatever capitalism is, it’s all bad. It needs to be banned. A wiser and saner alternative must be found—and naturally that alternative will be handed down from Above, where wondrous altruists in government can point us toward the Promised Land.

For the sake of humanity, they will assume the reins of power. They’ll organize businesses and companies and corporations under the umbrella of government, and all will be well.

Forget the fact that they cooperate and collude and conspire and commit crimes with their erstwhile corporate and banking partners. That’s a minor footnote.

Merriam-Webster defines capitalism as: “an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”

Boiling it down further: you start a company; you own the company; you make a product and you sell it at a price you determine. People buy the product if they choose to.

This arrangement is not evil. You could turn it into a criminal enterprise, if you wanted to. For example, you could make a product that is poison, advertise it as medicine, and pay off those who might expose your ruse. But in that case, you’ve perverted the primary capitalist arrangement.

You would be prosecuted, if discovered. Well, you would be, if law-enforcement personnel were honest. If they weren’t, you could get away with murder.

Now, suppose there are 10,000 companies who do get away with murder. Suppose, to take things further, there are governments who collude with some of these companies and go to war, against other nations, so the companies can obtain access to raw materials they want, in order to manufacture their products.

Is this conspiracy an intrinsic part of capitalism? Is it? Or is it a perversion of the basic capitalist arrangement?

Some would argue that capitalism naturally breeds this perversion, and therefore it is an evil system. But that argument has a flaw. In order to propose it, you need to assume there are a fairly large number of people, in significant positions, who will commit crimes and enable crimes, on an ongoing basis.

And if so, those criminals will pervert any economic system in which they participate. Socialism, Communism, Fascism, State Corporatism, and so on. Therefore, any economic system will turn out to be evil.

Those “idealists” who rail against capitalism are, at best, railing against criminals. They tend to ignore the fact that law-enforcement personnel fail to punish criminals. This is, and always was, the problem.

Capitalism isn’t the problem.

For example, in the early days of the American Republic, state legislatures, fearing the power of corporations, adopted stringent rules: every corporation doing business in a state had to be charted by the legislature; and any corporation doing harm to the public would have its charter yanked. It would be kicked out of the state.

But this state system was eventually swallowed up by corrupt legislators, judges, and corporate criminals.

Do you really want to believe that these states, if they adopted socialism, would have eliminated those criminals?

I’m not even bothering to make the argument that capitalism fosters greater achievement and freedom than socialism. I’m just talking about criminals.

A society in which a large number of people were awake, intelligent, and courageous would directly face the question: what do we do about criminals? How do we ferret them out, how do we prosecute them, how do we keep them from being protected, how do we keep them from gaining too much power?

Abject failure in that regard guarantees the corruption of any political and economic system. Only addled fools would assume that “a more just system” would correct the underlying problem.

When I say “criminal,” in this context, I’m talking about Wall Street thieves; makers of harmful products; bureaucrats who protect harmful products and their producers; legislators who bring pork to their districts; bankers who invent money out of thin air; corporate monopolists who crush their competition; corporate leaders who promote, through their government cronies, wars and invasions; academics and researchers who lie about science in order to elevate corporate profits; egregious polluters; government/corporate partners who destroy jobs at home and set up shop in foreign lands, where slaves work in unconscionable conditions; governments that expand the bloat of their work-forces for no good reason…and so forth and so on.

The levels and extent of corruption are extraordinary, yes. Because, over a very long period of time, criminals have been nurtured, protected, aided, and secretly declared immune from prosecution.

This is not capitalism. This is endemic corruption, and if you need an example from the annals of socialism, examine the old USSR.

It’s all too easy to say there is no solution and the human race is doomed. I’ve known many such critics, and they all exhibit a grim passivity coated with self-serving cynicism. Under cover of “knowing the score,” they’re making excuses for their own misery.

The answer lies in raising children who are honest; who are smart; who are genuinely educated; who are beyond the fatal flaw of buying into the latest flimsy fly-by-night idiot’s-delight idealism; who will stand up for their principles; who believe in individual power and responsibility; who don’t see the benefit of turning into chronic low-level liars; who are liberated from whining and moaning; who refuse to go along with the crowd; who mix and mingle with enough life-as-it-is to avoid becoming androids and robots; who can spot con artists and shuck-and-jive altruists at a thousand yards; who see what criminals at all levels are doing to those around them; who have the imagination to envision a different world…

And that takes a certain kind of parent.

That is not the responsibility of the State. It doesn’t take a village. It doesn’t take a politician with “a better answer.” It doesn’t take paralyzing fear. Or surrender. Or fairy tales and rainbows.

It takes individuals. Each one unique. Each one alive and awake. Each one rejecting the decaying nature of criminals. Criminals in the street, criminals in the halls of government, criminals in the boardrooms.

No excuses. No rationalizations.

the matrix revealed

Claim what I’m suggesting is impossible, if you want to. Say it can’t be done. But time is long, civilizations and societies come and go, and after the last corrupt society falls there is always another chance.

History is full of events that never could have happened, but did. If overarching power were always an irresistible force, we would not be where we are now. We would all be gibbering biological machines, unable to even read or comprehend a single cogent thought.

No moment or period of time is All One Thing. The juvenile mind cannot understand this. It seeks the simplest characterization. It demands supreme heaven or final hell. But freedom hasn’t been defeated.

The freedom-impulse is still here. Not because it drips and slides down from mass consciousness, but because individuals still exist.

Perhaps you are one of those.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Obama: “I am not a doofus.”

Obama: “I am not a doofus.”

“I was never in doubt about who the rebels were in Syria.”

by Jon Rappoport

January 4, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“The men behind the curtain and their front men aren’t just lying and hiding vital information. They’re inventing Reality wholesale, like a continuously running movie, for the whole planet. And they’re betting you won’t invent your own.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Suppose Obama tired of hearing his critics assail him on his foreign policy.

Suppose President Obama took time out from his busy schedule ramming through executive orders, in his last year in office, and gave the following speech about Syria—because he wanted credit for being smart and crafty, not naïve, not weak, not misinformed:

“Hi everybody, it’s high time I told you what I’ve been doing in Syria. The truth. I am not a doofus. Let’s get that straight. I’m not blind.

“First of all, I was never in doubt about who the rebels were in Syria. I wasn’t shocked when the ‘moderate’ rebels morphed into various terrorist groups, like ISIS. This was no error. This was no surprise. Give me some credit. Okay?

“My administration and several of our foreign allies helped create ISIS. I’m talking money, weapons, intelligence, encouragement. So how could I be surprised when ISIS emerged front and center in Syria? Get it? I mean, come on.

“The plan, from way back, was to destabilize Syria and overthrow President Assad. Destabilize is what we do. Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq. It’s a long-range plan.

“Create chaos, bring in order behind that. Use Islamic proxies. There’s the Oil Thing, the Encircling Russia Thing, the Globalist Thing. Very long range, the whole idea is to erase national borders, wipe out national traditions, and institute new planetary Regions. Moving toward One Planet, and one echelon of Global Management. Am I going too fast for you?

“Back to Syria. Of course I knew some big shots in the Pentagon didn’t like my policy. I knew they were passing intell on ISIS to the Germans and the Russians, who would in turn pass it along to President Assad. I was aware of that. These Pentagon generals were staging a soft coup. Did I like that? Of course not. But I decided it was better to let it happen than, say, put these generals on trial for treason. What President wants that kind of messy crisis?

“My policy is: create ISIS, strengthen ISIS, and, wait for it, fight against ISIS. Yes, I know that sounds very strange. But leaders do that all the time. Create your enemies and then fight them. Why not? It certainly keeps the military happy. They have a war. It keeps the defense contractors happy. They have a war. And attacking the enemy we created—ISIS—ramps up the destabilizing process in Syria. Are you with me?

“Now, all this leads to the Syrian refugee crisis, because the war there is vicious. Nasty. Do you think I was surprised by the migration-refugee thing? The waves of immigrants? Again, give me some credit. I am not a doofus. This is what I wanted all along: waves of people leaving Syria and entering Europe, and now America. Wider destabilization. And yes, some of those Syrian refugees would be terrorists coming to Europe and America. Others would just be displaced persons. Others would be people who had no interest in integrating themselves into the cultures they were mixing with. Trouble makers. Criminals. Violent types. Resentful types.

“Again, the goal is destabilization and chaos. But you see, you also have to look at the acceleration of political correctness in the West. This is no accident. Timing is everything. The idea of making people afraid to speak out against the migration—this is clearly part of the whole operation. Can’t you see the big picture? Are you dim? Get with it. Big ops cover a number of areas. They’re coordinated. We’re not fumbling and bumbling. We’re smart. This is downright frustrating. I’m trying to show you how clever I am, and I’m getting the feeling you’re too simple-minded to see it.

“Consider Afghanistan. How long do you think it took Cheney and Rumsfeld and all those boys to realize the war over there wasn’t going to produce a real victory? How about They Knew That Before The US Invaded? Get it? And with the insane rules of engagement, it would be a complete disaster. So what? The war did produce more destabilization, especially here at home, with all those soldiers coming back after a few tours, their lives mangled. I digress.

power outside the matrix

“If you can just see this piece: the wave of Syrian migration was an inevitable consequence of the war my administration ramped up. I knew that all along. I knew the crazy vast migration would happen. We made it happen. Can you get that? Please? Can you just forget all the ‘give us your huddled masses’ stuff? Wow. What’s wrong with you? You pump up a vicious war, you know there are going to be millions of people packing up and getting out of that country, right? It’s no surprise. It’s what you want. You use that. You use it. You create more chaos with it. I mean, this is basic Warfare 101 material. A reasonably bright 8th grader should be able to see it in a few minutes.

“The clever part, the ingenious part, my part…is being able to see the whole op and help put it together and make it happen. The war, ISIS, refugees, destabilization, everything I’ve been talking about. The whole enchilada, the whole cheeseburger, the whole kreplach, the whole wonton, the whole falafel, the whole kishka, the whole tray of dim sum, the whole egg roll, the whole California roll, the whole thukpa and pulusu, the whole cioppino, the whole paella, the whole pot pie.

“So rest easy, America. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry, be happy. And when I finally sign the big Globalist trade treaties currently on the table, more jobs will disappear in America, and that means you’ll ultimately be more secure, because the government will bankroll your welfare and your survival. But that’s another topic for another day. It’s another area where I’ve been grossly misunderstood. For now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. And if you think I’m bad, watch out for Hillary.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.