The plan for the end of Europe: the new USSR

The plan for the end of Europe: the new USSR

by Jon Rappoport

October 21, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“If you controlled the meaning of The Good, and you had unlimited propaganda resources and access to the press, and if you also had control over the Armed Forces and the police, you could build a new society in short order. You could wreck centuries of tradition in a few decades. And if you had the education system in your back pocket, you could wipe out the memory of what formerly existed. No one would remember. No one would care. This is happening now, in Europe. Ignorance is enlightenment.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

One of the basic principles of elite Globalism is: the end of borders, the end of separate nations.

The European Union was built for this purpose, step by step, out of the ashes of World War 2: a super-bureaucracy and political management system for the whole continent.

But that was not enough. There had to be a way to wipe out separate and sovereign nations at ground level, to irrevocably change the landscape.

It is open borders; floods of immigrants; “replacement populations”; an influx of people who have no intention of accepting the customs and way of life in their new homes.

The end result? A de facto reconfiguring of national populations, so that, when you look at the makeup of Europe 20 years from now, you will say:

“Why do we think of Germany or France or England? They don’t really exist. All of Europe is a vast mix of immigrants. Europe is really one country now. So let’s erase all those old artificial borders.”

Eventually, even uttering words like “Swedes, Norwegians, Germans, French, Dutch…” will be considered micro (or macro) aggressions against the “people of Europe.”

Of course, in reaching this point, there will be a certain amount of chaos and violence. The EU is banking on its ability to control it, to put it down where necessary, and to maintain its hold as the one and only governing force in Europe.

On a cultural level, names like Locke, Shakespeare, Goethe, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Lorca, Goya, Cezanne, Monet, Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Dante, Galileo, Faraday, and even “modern” names like Bartok, Stravinsky, Rimbaud, Orwell, and Camus will be vague dusty ghosts that provoke uncomprehending stares. “The past is dead.”

“Oh, but don’t worry about that. The important thing is, every person living in Europe is a citizen of Europe, and is entitled to benefits. This is humane, this is The Good, this is the triumph of the benevolent State. Nothing else matters.”

All European languages will eventually be reduced. Who has the right to speak words that the majority of people can’t understand?

What I’m sketching in here is the grid that will be laid over Europe.

And of course, as automation comes on with a rush, many “citizen-workers of Europe” will become unnecessary. Even great corporations will fall, because they won’t be able to sell their products to an impoverished population. They’ll hope against hope that the billions of people in the East, China and India, will give them new markets.

Against this background, the individual human being will be looked at, from the top, as a cipher, a unit in “models and algorithms.”

The question is, how many individuals will take the bait and regard themselves as mere “parts” in the overall system?

How many will give in and consider their future a function of how much they can obtain from The State, free of charge?

How many will come to believe that their power, as individuals, is inconsequential—or even a delusion?

Why do I bother bringing this up? Because, regardless of the prevailing collectivist mindset—propagandized and promoted and exploited from an elite level—State repression, in all its forms, falls on each individual.

If the very concept of the individual is wiped out, what is left?

In 1859, John Stuart Mill wrote: “If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being…there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued.”

Conversely, when the free development of individuality is of no concern, liberty will die.

Boris Pasternak, the Russian novelist and poet, who knew a thing or two about political repression, wrote (1960): “They [the Soviet bureaucrats] don’t ask much of you. They only want you to hate the things you love and to love the things you despise.”

This reversal is being imposed now, in Europe.

Defectors from the old USSR would recognize it in an instant, having lived through it themselves. The European version seems softer and gentler, but that is just a matter of strategy. The culture is being cooked more slowly.

But just because secret police aren’t knocking on doors in the middle of the night and making mass arrests, that isn’t a sign that individual freedom reigns.

A number of European political leaders are telling their constituencies, “You have no right to oppose the flood of immigration on any grounds. To do so, to utter such public statements, is an offense.”

Does that sound familiar?

The wet dream of every collectivist is coming true. All power at the top; all conformity (called “unity”) everywhere else. The new USSR.

In the old days, the East German police kept records on every citizen and blanketed the population with snitches and spies. The modern Surveillance State has replaced that, searching for “nodes of discontent.”

Collectivists may pay lip service to the dangers of State surveillance, but when it is used to root out people who can’t envision a better world based on, among other features, open borders, well, this is just an enforcement of The Good upon those who can’t discover it for themselves.

If The Humanitarian Way needs a nudge and boost, why not?

For dyed-in-the-wool collectivists, freedom isn’t just a roadblock; it’s an irrelevant illusion. It never existed. All humans are operating according to programs, and have been since birth. Therefore, install a better program, by any means necessary and available. Produce “kinder people.”

This is both a political and a technological imperative.

Open borders and unlimited immigration is a good test case. For people who feel imposed upon, who feel their communities are being torn apart, who feel personally threatened, who feel this is, indeed, a covert operation to transform Europe into a new USSR, there is a need for re-education at the deepest level possible. Because, surely, such people are suffering from profound disorders. Their circuits are crossed. Their brains are defective. They can’t see the larger picture.

They would never be able to see, for example, the wisdom of the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockerfeller’s alter ego, who wrote, in 1969:

“The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Here is the Globalist tactician at work, a man who seems to hate the old USSR, but is seeking to install a version of the same collectivism, through other means.

the matrix revealed

If Lenin were alive today, he would look out over Europe and agree that his agenda is alive and well. He might object to the relatively slow pace. He might want more violence. But he would grudgingly acknowledge that his descendants have discovered a few new tricks.

He would have to approve of the “humanitarian altruism,” and the way it is being modeled and manipulated, so that the edifice of The Good appears as a shining beacon in the darkness.

Nice movie. Excellent production design. Tears of sympathy rolling down the cheeks of the audience.

Minds reduced to one constant: we must care for the less fortunate.

Trillions and trillions of dollars devoted to elicit that sentiment, regardless of the circumstances, or the true malignant outcome, or the actual sinister intent of the elite artists of reality.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Energy wars: ‘massive’ oil discovery in Israel

Energy wars: ‘massive’ oil discovery in Israel

by Jon Rappoport

October 15, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

For decades, Israel has been searching for oil in its own lands, with the hope of gaining energy independence.

Recent reports from Genie, a US oil-exploration company, suggest oil has been found in Israel. Lots of it.

Cautionary statements from experts have followed: there is a difference between oil in the ground and oil that can be brought to the surface cost-effectively.

And as long as OPEC oil-exporting nations are setting a very low price per barrel, bringing Israeli oil to the surface would be more difficult, financially speaking.

The oil is actually in the Golan Heights, which was taken by Israel, from Syria, in the 1967 war. The ownership of the area is still contested. (Haaretz: “Genie Confirms Report of Possible Big Golan Oil Find,” Oct 11, 2015)

However, given the current war in Syria and the massive chaos there, Syria would certainly be less likely to challenge Israel’s oil claim with meaningful force. Is the Syrian-war escalation in part an effort to pave the way for Israeli oil?

If the initial celebratory announcements about how much oil is under the ground, in Golan, are correct, Israel could be looking at a long-sought, massive upswing in its domestic energy capability.

That’s not all. Genie, the US company that is doing the drilling-exploration in Golan, has some very interesting characters on its strategic advisory board—men who can exert influence on all sorts of geo-political operations.

For example, Rupert Murdoch; and Jacob Rothschild, the chairman of the Rothschild Foundation and the J Rothschild group of companies.

For example, ex-CIA director James Woolsey.

And Dick Cheney.

And Lawrence Summers, former president of Harvard University, former Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton, director of the National Economic Council under Obama. (Will we see the involvement of the Harvard Endowment Fund in this Israeli oil operation?)

And Bill Richardson, former Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton.

Who would obtain a license to bring up all this oil? Afek Israel Oil and Gas, which is a subsidiary of Genie, for whom the above-mentioned men serve as advisors. In fact, we have this from Genie’s website:

“Afek is characterizing a potentially significant oil and gas resource in Northern Israel pursuant to an exclusive, 3 year petroleum exploration license issued by the government of Israel.”

Mint Press News reports, in “Israel Takes Advantage Of Syrian Civil War To Expand Illegal Golan Heights Settlements,” Oct 13, 2015:

“Israel is taking advantage of the chaos in Syria to expand its illegal settlements in the Golan Heights, just as new oil reserves were discovered in the contested region… Now, Israel hopes to quintuple the size of its settlements over the next five years by adding an additional 100,000 settlers to the region. The plan was proposed by Naftali Bennett, a senior Israeli minister and member of the right-wing Jewish Home party, and, according to a report from The New York Times last week, Bennett is just one of ‘many Israeli leaders and thinkers seizing on the chaos in Syria to solidify Israel’s hold on the Golan.’”

the matrix revealed

Seizing on the chaos, after the fact? Or promoting and instigating the chaos in the first place, in order to clamp down on the Golan, with oil as the ultimate prize?

Exactly how long ago did the Genie people actually know there was oil under the Golan? Did they delay their announcement, to make it seem as if the Syrian escalation was just an unrelated coincidence?

Depending on the size of the oil find under the Golan, the whole configuration of oil-control in the Middle East could be affected. Who has it, who owns it, who sells it, who buys it, and who sets the price.

Israel’s apparent long-term plan to weaken and disable nations in the Middle East, including Syria, could certainly raise the price of oil from that region, making it cost-effective to bring up all the oil under Golan—however many barrels that turns out to be.

Putin’s recent attacks on Syria also involve an effort to jack up oil prices by “increasing uncertainty” in the region. Long term, Putin wants to extend his influence in the Middle East (e.g., Iran and Iraq), hopefully allowing him to keep oil prices at a level that would bring rescue to the Russian economy, which, as an oil exporter, has been languishing under low-cost oil.

Everybody and his brother wants a piece of the pie. As usual, war is a strategy for getting it, while the war-makers suppress actual (not fake) energy alternatives.

These psychopaths always favor destruction to solutions that can bring tranquility and abundance.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The TPP: a monster too big to fail?

The TPP: a monster too big to fail?

by Jon Rappoport

October 6, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“For every President, there comes a moment when he does what he has been put into office to do. All prior bets and decisions are off the table. They carry no freight. He knows this. He knows he has no excuses. He has no one to blame. He must win. He must succeed. If he fails, he falls. He falls hard. The electorate? His colleagues, friends, and advisors? His flock of adoring supporters? All dust in the wind. He must do this one thing. He must go as deep and as dark and as crazy as he has to, in order to pull off the crime he was sent in to commit.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

I have written extensively about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty and its destructive effects. (Full archive here.)

Now that all 12 nations have agreed to the text, the US Congress must vote on it. Since the Congress has already granted Obama fast-track authority, no committees will discuss it; no filibustering is permitted; no changes can be made to the text.

Again I stress: Obama was put in the White House to make TPP and similar treaties come to fruition. Failure is not an option.

Obama’s mentor on foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is David Rockefeller’s right-hand man. And David is Globalism personified.

The TPP elevates mega-corporations beyond even their present status: In a nutshell, any threats against international corporate piracy would be adjudicated in private corporate tribunals—so the outcome is completely predictable.

And as with all other Globalist trade treaties (NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc.), more jobs in industrialized nations will move to countries where slave labor is standard operating procedure.

Obama was never about creating more jobs in America. He was and is about Globalism.

Otherwise, there was no way he could have advanced beyond the Illinois State Senate, in his artificial career.

The pressure on him now is enormous. With fiery bits of protest against the TPP springing up in the US Senate and House, with Trump and Bernie railing against the Treaty, Obama is counting his chickens (votes) every day.

His people are on the phones, holding private meetings with Representatives and Senators, coordinating their strategies with corporate lobbyists.

It’s all hands on deck. Deals are being struck. Promises are being made. Markers are being called in.

“You want a bridge? You want a tunnel? You want your boy to get into Harvard? You want a new hooker? You want these juicy photos of you to remain hidden? You want the cocaine thing to go away forever? You want that house in the Bahamas?”

Whatever it takes. The TPP must pass.

You can bet the NSA is in on this one. They’ve been spying on Congressional members for years. Because those members might be terrorists? Are you kidding? Whatever NSA has on recalcitrant Representatives and Senators can now be used to twist their arms.

And members of Congress know that, if by some chance the TPP fails to pass, and they helped to defeat it, they’ll be prime targets the next time Obama tries to ram it through. They’ll be naked in the rain, alone, at the mercy of greater forces.

For Obama, for David Rockefeller, for Brzezinski, for the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, Bilderberger, and the presidents and premiers and prime ministers of the 12 TPP countries, this is The Big One.

Then…there is this little thing called the Internet. New torpedoes from independent news sites are hitting the TPP every day. It turns out that the world is not entirely asleep. What a revelation. In the old days, the TPP would have passed without a whisper or a whimper. But now…

And as the unemployment situation-disaster grows worse in a number of industrial nations—in large part owing to past Globalist trade treaties—it’s become harder to sell the next great treaty that will further sink workers and economies. Unions are feeling the squeeze. How can they support the TPP when their millions of members see the looming horror show?

The primary lie about Globalism is obvious to anyone who has eyes. How can our august leaders pretend that shutting down domestic factories and businesses and sending all those jobs to distant nations is a good thing? How can these leaders tell us that the ability to buy cheap imports is a wonderful outcome, when millions of people here at home have been thrown out of work?

The Globalists are sitting at the table shoving in all their chips on a bet that is a transparent bluff—and the question is, who is going to call them on it?

the matrix revealed

Obama is aging rapidly in the Oval Office. He has been told many times, from above, that this, the TPP, is his moment. This is when he pays off his debt to those who put him in the Presidency. This is not a Ferguson moment or a Charleston moment or an immigration moment or a Common Core moment or a Syria moment or a gun-control moment. This is his moment to sell a supreme number-one lie. This is a test of his political skills and his allegiance to the forces of destruction.

This is it.

He is supposed to take off his mask behind the scenes and make his bones.

At that level, the TPP has nothing to do with he-said he-said or rational argument. It has to do with how far Obama will go to earn his position in the mob and avoid the consequences of failure.

The Globalist bosses intend to rule the planet. The TPP is their next big step. They’re not in the business of promoting losers.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vaccination: how the West invades the world

by Jon Rappoport

October 1, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

“The first great wave of missionaries brings a fairy tale of a religion to ‘the less fortunate primitive people’. The second great wave of missionaries are the priests in white coats. They too bring a fairy tale: medical treatments for problems they can’t possibly solve. The self-generated delusions of these doctors about their ‘success’ are equal to, or even surpass the religious delusions.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In the past, I’ve laid to rest the illusion that vaccines are safe and effective. I’ve also exploded the ridiculous myth of herd immunity.

This article is about something else. It’s about the invasion staged by Western medicine against areas of the globe where older forms of healing have long prevailed.

Vaccination is the prow, the leading edge of the invasion. Convincing nations that vaccines are absolutely essential opens the way for all the other practices of Western medicine. Especially mass drugging.

In recent years (think Swine Flu, SARS, and other fake epidemics), the World Health Organization has played a major role in insisting—with threats of sanctions and quarantines and travel advisories—that nations vaccinate their citizens to the hilt, in order to protect the world against “the deadly spread of viruses.”

The WHO wields significant power in this regard. It is a pharmaceutical enforcer.

Here is the second aspect of the vaccination-invasion: the local leaders of “backward” nations stand to gain from the vaccine ruse.

Instead of having to admit they are causing widespread death and devastation by maintaining poverty, hunger, starvation, unsanitary overcrowded living conditions, and contaminated water supplies—all of this on purpose, in order to keep their populations weak and under control—the political leaders in those countries can say:

“Our people are suffering from specific diseases, over which we have no control. We are afflicted with viruses. We must take steps. We must upgrade our medical care programs. The first step is instituting widespread vaccination against viruses.”

This con lets them off the hook. This con is a cover story that obscures what these leaders are actually doing to their own people. This con obscures the fact that, when living conditions are execrable and miserable, disease arises independent of what particular germs are circulating. The imposed conditions of life destroy immune systems, after which any germ that comes down the pipeline causes debilitation and death—whereas, in the presence of strong immune systems, the germs would have little or no adverse effects. They would be routinely repelled. (I suggest you read this paragraph again, twice. For further info, go here, here, and here.)

Vaccination, as a “bonus” for repressive leaders, actually makes things worse for populations. It pushes already weakened immune systems over the edge into complete collapse.

Consider also how mega-corporations benefit.

After making deals with local dictators to set up shop, hire workers for pennies an hour, steal land and resources, and keep populations weak, confused, debilitated, and therefore less able to rebel against the outright theft of their countries, these corporations also have a built-in cover story:

“It’s shame what’s happening to the people here, all this disease. Therefore, we wholly support bringing in medical aid, to stem the tide…”

As if doctors and drugs and vaccines could cure the destruction wrought by abject poverty and starvation.

The degree of brainwashing propaganda about the miracle of medicine is extraordinary.

People watch/read news stories about doctors and medical supplies going to impoverished countries, and casually assume there is some connection between that and bringing health to millions of people.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Yes, I see you’ve been hungry for 20 years. Here is a drug. And roll up your tattered sleeve for 10 vaccines.”

Any doctor worth his salt understands these things. He knows. He knows he is being used as a prop in a fantasy stage production of The Cure: A Great Deception.

The man in the white coat comes to dinner, but there is no dinner.

“Hello. I represent a few mega-corporations who, in conjunction with your leaders over the past hundred years, have stolen your country from you, taken the best farm land, the richest minerals, and put you to work at starvation wages. Therefore, you’re sick. So now I’m going to help you with a shot in the arm that will do nothing to raise your level of health. But we’ll pretend it will. Okay?”

Many years ago, in my college bulletin, a young doctor wrote a piece about his experiences in Africa. He grasped part of the truth. He mentioned that severe dehydration/diarrhea was a leading cause of death there, but the medical people refused to give out simple packs that would at least, for the moment, rehydrate the sufferers. Instead, they insisted on administering antibiotics—which of course made the problem worse by killing off beneficial gut bacteria.

the matrix revealed

Thirty years later, while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., I got a call from a doctor who had set up a small AIDS clinic in Uganda. He simply gave his patients clean rooms and nutritious food, and helped them start a little farm, where they grew beans and sold them. That’s all.

He said to me, “All their AIDS symptoms went away. What do I do now?”

The first thing he could do was realize that HIV was a stupendous cover story to explain “why so many people in Africa were sick.”

He was something close to a real healer, and he had done his job well. But because of his indoctrination, he didn’t know it.

When experts rattle on about how vaccination has wiped out many diseases in the Third World, what they really mean is: vaccines have suppressed the visible symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of these diseases. But new symptoms will arise, and they will be called other disease-names. It’s a shell game.

I challenge anyone to show me large, correctly done studies that track people in the Third World who have received the usual batches of vaccines. Show me that the overall health level of these people has improved over time.

In other words, show me that people who are chronically affected by hunger, starvation, contaminated water, and unsanitary overcrowded living conditions are somehow enjoying improved health because they were given shots in the arm.

“Well, when you put it that way…”

I do put it that way. Because that’s the way it is.

All the laudatory verbiage about the unparalleled success of vaccines in the Third World is just more illusion, more cover story, more diversion.

The invasion is ongoing.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Obama, Pope, UN: con artists together

Obama, Pope, UN: con artists together

And the other greater force

by Jon Rappoport

September 29, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“In March, Mr. Obama submitted a plan to the United Nations detailing how the United States would meet its target [on reducing global warming]. It said it would do so chiefly through enactment of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on emissions from cars, trucks and power plants.” (New York Times, “Global Climate Pact Gains Momentum as China, U.S. and Brazil Detail Plans,” 6/30/15)

Translation of the above quote: Obama will bypass Congress and make global warming decisions for the future of America through executive fiat.

Poverty, hunger, climate change. Solving these problems is the announced objective, tying together Obama, the Pope, and the UN.

A moment’s reflection reveals the absurdity of their high-flying rhetoric.

Would you trust these three to reduce poverty in the world, when none of them can point to a single prior success in drastically reducing poverty in any nation in the world?

They want the population of planet Earth to submit to their strategies based on a zero track record.

This would be like the CEO of Ford telling a shareholders’ meeting, “Trust us, we’re going to build a billion little solar spaceships people can fly anywhere, and replace all our cars and trucks with them. Don’t worry, be happy.”

This is how conventional political leaders operate. They have no experience aside from initiating policies from a very high perch—and then they expect compliance from all “the little people.”

It’s insane on the face of it.

And if populations weren’t so hypnotized by high flying language, they might wake up and realize what’s happening.

“Well, I’m a community organizer with a little time served as a state and national senator, and I know how to wipe out the poverty of five billion people.”

Memo to Obama, the Pope, and the UN: Before you tie the planet to a carbon tax, cap and trade, the universal redistribution of energy and food, and massive regulations governing industrial production and consumption-limits, demonstrate your ability to take a single country, a single province, a single city, even a single town, and improve the standard of living there. Let’s see you do it. Let’s see how you do it.

This is what any reasonable person would demand.

Your cousin Harry comes over for dinner one night and he tells you he’s going into the bookselling business. A store? No, he says, he’s going to start by selling a few billion books all over the world—and he wants you to invest in his company, which doesn’t yet exist.

After you find out what he’s drinking or smoking, you’d probably ask him to show you he can sell a dozen books for starters.

But Obama, the Pope, and the UN don’t worry about proof. They can spout ideals. That’s all they need. They’re “generalists.”

Dear Pope: Buy a small failing deli in Rome, and let’s see you turn a profit in three years. Then come back to me and talk about ending hunger in 70 countries.

The Pope and Obama can only conceive of giant solutions imposed from the top—and even then, they have no concern about what happens when a massive sloth of a bureaucracy is installed to implement those solutions.

I’m not even getting to the issues of fake science surrounding climate change or the taxing of populations to bring off these utopian fantasies, or population control, or Globalist fascism.

The only thing separating Obama, the Pope, and the con artists at the UN from the kid you once knew who boasted about all the great things he was going to do when he grew up—the kid you instantly recognized was a sheer self-inflating liar—the only separation is Acting Skills.

These august leaders can lie with a straight face until the cows come home, and work up a head of steam about “humanitarian ideals,” and they can do it in convincing fashion. That’s their ticket. They have no other ticket.

The Pope, Obama, and the UN all support the tenets of Globalism. They want to see more jobs and factories and industrial production flee home countries, causing major suffering, and instead move to distant regions where workers are virtual slaves and flimsy environmental rules can be broken at will.

That’s a track record. And based on it, we’re going to cede the right to reconfigure the entire global economy?

We’re going to support greater and greater centralization of political and economic power, when what we need is the exact opposite?

The “migration” of populations, as it’s being called, is perfectly in line with the elite Globalist agenda—which agenda Obama, the Pope, and the UN are supporting to the hilt. It’s time we recognized that.

Here is a key quote from one of the high strategists of Globalism, David Rockefeller’s intellectual peacock, Zbigniew Brzezinski. It was penned in 1969, in “Between Two Ages: America’s role in the technetronic era”:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Many people wrongly believe that these predatory corporations and banks are the only movers and shakers in bringing about one comprehensive global management system. They would be wrong.

The migration of populations is another key part of the overall op. For example, in Europe, the plan involves bringing in, quickly, so many people that communities are overwhelmed, and traditions and customs are swamped and lost. In other words, create a single de facto European population that dissolves all borders and differences.

Of course, this outcome is heralded as the triumph of equality, but that is a sham. That is the cover story.

Mass migration has nothing to do with that.

Here is the godfather of Globalism, David Rockefeller, writing in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Building that structure under our noses involves the destruction of many cultures and traditions and nations, in order to create a homogenized global population.

This is not true unity. It’s the farthest thing from it.

Love, caring, sharing, compassion—these are the propaganda notes sounded by political front men, to make it seem that the mission is messianic.

The Pope is coming, of course, from a 2000-year-old tradition of the big con, in that regard. Obama and the UN are latecomers to the party, but they understand quite well what they’re doing.

Hijacking the yearning of billions of people for a better world is their forte.

Building new wings on a labyrinthine matrix is their work.

For the past 15 years, I have spent a great deal of time writing about the Individual. Eventually, in the midst of the kind of manipulation I’m describing here, it all comes back to him. It has to.

The Individual is the ultimate target. His mind, his perception, his untapped power and imagination and creative force. Erasing him erases the ultimate agent for the right kind of change.

His demise would signal that no one is home—only groups would be left, and groups are easy to co-opt and twist.

exit from the matrix

The long struggle of human history on this planet has been about liberating the Individual from the mass and the group and the collective and the kings. That was the main current—until the descendants of kings and self-entitled dictators decided that history had to be reversed.

Understand the terms of the present struggle: the Individual, as always, is paramount. He can never be obliterated, even if he wants to be.

He will eventually discover he doesn’t want to be.

But why wait for that discovery to waft in the window on a spring breeze?

At bottom, where all the psychological and mental and spiritual and creative gold exists, the Individual has unlimited imagination. And this means he can launch his best and greatest visions, and bring them to fruition in the world.

Reality is never final. It is never the end of things. It is never something to be blithely accepted. It’s the raw material and the fuel for the fire of true change, not the counterfeit version we are fed. At the heart of that fire is the Individual. Invincible. Whether he likes it or not.

Now that’s a starting point.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Pope Francis speaks with God

Pope Francis speaks with God

conversation highlights

by Jon Rappoport

September 27, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The Pope was sitting in his Popemobile bubble outside the UN. He was eating a Twix and looking over his speech notes when the phone rang. He picked up.

Pope: Yes?

God: It’s God, Francis. What’s happening down there?

Pope: What, no hello, how are you doing?

God: Cut the crap. Is the UN buying your end-poverty-hunger-global warming pitch?

Pope: Of course. The UN, Obama, and I are on the same page. That’s why I’m here in New York. You think I’d visit this place otherwise? Looks like they won’t even let me go see the Mets.

God: No blowback so far? What you’re selling is very thin, you know. High-flying rhetoric, no specifics.

Pope: High-flying rhetoric is what I do. We’ve talked about this before.

God: Yeah, but if you were really serious about poverty, you’d offer a plan, a pilot project for one African country, a test case. Nobody is pointing that out? Clean up the contaminated water supplies, give back stolen farm land to the people?

Pope: Not a peep about it.

God: Nothing on the Internet?

Pope: I don’t read the Internet.

God: What about Obama? What are your impressions?

Pope: On the surface, he seems clueless. But he’s on board.

God: On board with what?

Pope: Rockefeller, Brzezinski.

God: I spoke with David R last night. He seemed a little worried. When he’s worried, so am I.

Pope: Look, G, the media are saying nothing about Globalism. We’re good. Jobs have been leaving the industrialized countries for decades. It’s nothing new. You know, open up new factories in Third World hellholes, pay the workers three cents an hour, dispense with environmental regs. Millions of jobs lost back at home. It’s SOP.

God: And nobody is saying the whole Globalist operation is a cause of poverty?

Pope: Nobody cares about poverty or unemployment in industrialized countries. The story line is all about poverty in Africa and Asia. Again, we’ve talked this through before.

God: That quote of yours is getting more play these days.

Pope: Which one? I’m a quote machine.

God: “I want a poor church for the poor.”

Pope: Not a problem.

God: No? The church has assets worth, what, a hundred trillion dollars? And collection plates keep filling up.

Pope: People expect rich leaders to talk about ending poverty. It’s perfectly acceptable. You know: “I made it and now I’m going to give back.”

God: Yeah. Well, the history of how the church “made it” is pretty damning.

Pope: Where have you been, G? History is passe.

God: What year is it down there?

Pope: You’re kidding, right?

God: I’ve got a lot on my plate. It’s easy to lose track.

Pope: Take a guess.

God: 1975.

Pope: You’re hilarious. Try 2015.

God: I wasn’t that far off. A century down there is like a minute up here.

Pope: Yeah, sure. This is me you’re talking to, G. Don’t give me that space-time continuum jive.

God: Anyway, I’ve got pressure on me from the Corporate Board. They want more poverty and hunger and chaos.

Pope: Patience. Things are working out.

God: In case you’ve forgotten, the church does best when times are worst. That’s the whole thrust of the current op. Drive the world back into the Middle Ages. Disease, pestilence, poverty, rampant crime, all the usual horrors. That’s the greatness of the church. It knows how to make hay in that environment. Better than anyone else.

Pope: I’m well aware, G. Well aware. I’m a Jesuit, remember? Who thought up this whole op centuries ago? Listen, are you okay?

God: Nothing I can’t handle.

Pope: Because it sounds like you’re slipping.

God: The Corporate Board is worried about blowback on the church. See, this isn’t the Middle Ages. It was one thing to introduce rampant chaos when all the people had were bows and arrows and stones and catapults. But now…I was just reading a weapons catalog the other day. Wow. It’s ridiculous. The firepower. Some of these crazies—

Pope: I get the point. We’re okay. We’re covered. Are you still seeing your shrink?

God: He put me on Lithium for Bipolar. I’ve gained thirty pounds.

Pope: I see. And you were pretty heavy to begin with.

God: I’m roly-poly now. It’s not a good image. I just started on Valproate. I get these blinding headaches.

Pope: You want a suggestion? Find a good psychiatrist and have him slowly withdraw you from the drugs. Don’t stop them all at once, whatever you do. It could be catastrophic. Then, when you’re clean, get a medical card and switch to pot.

God: Hmm. Wouldn’t want that story to get out.

Pope: Did you see my speech to the US Congress the other day? 130 Representatives and Senators are Catholics.

God: I watched a few minutes. Your accent is thick. I had trouble understanding you. What did Obama say about it?

Pope: He was happy. You know, he’s a devout Christian…

God: Yeah. And I’m a Zoroastrian.

Pope: If we can put this carbon tax piece together with the global warming piece and the poverty and hunger piece, we could hit paydirt. Create all kinds of planetary disruption.

God: But I don’t see any real signs of progress there. All I hear is a lot of words.

Pope: Slow and steady. America is the biggest obstacle. That’s why I’m here. And you know Hilary and Jeb are waiting in the wings. They’ll pick up from where Obama left off. Either one of them.

God: What about Trump?

Pope: Don’t worry. When the time comes, he’ll get his share of scandals. The press is loading up. The ducks are in a row. We’ve had reporters on the pad for years. They’ll do what they’re told.

God: I talked to Hillary last week.

Pope: What did she say?

God: She called me honey. Can you believe it?

Pope: I hear she has health problems.

God: Put it this way. If she knew she was going to drop dead her first day in office, she’d still run for President. The woman’s a wolverine.

Pope: If Obama has any concerns, they’re about these upcoming Globalist trade treaties he’s pushing. The TPP, the TTIP. People might start catching on that he’s ushering in deeper poverty. Which, of course, he is.

God: He’s got his marching orders. He knows why he was put in as President. He can’t turn back.

Pope: He doesn’t want to turn back. He’s just skittish about exposure.

God: All he has to do is keeping saying the treaties are a great deal for everyone. He’s good at saying the same thing over and over. Broad brush strokes, empty homilies.

Pope: We’ve got a high wall at Vatican City.

God: I was going to talk to you about that. Not a good look for you. And your immigration policy comes off like zero tolerance.

Pope: We may have to let in a couple of migrant families and showcase their sympathetic stories. Of course, we’d vet them to make sure they’re docile.

God: Don’t mess it up. What’s new on the pedophile priest front?

Pope: More hush money to victims. Priest relocations. We sent one guy to a little chapel in the north of Alaska. He’s locked down. The whole pedophile thing is a disaster, of course, but, traditionally, proximity to young boys has been a strong selling point to applicants for the priesthood.

God: I don’t want any connection made between pedo-priests and other pedo-networks.

Pope: We’re on it.

power outside the matrix

God: All in all, Francis, I can’t say I’m happy so far with your term in office. It’s shaky. You’re vulnerable.

Pope: Do I need to remind you that you’re getting a considerable cut of our action just for sitting in your suite at the Heaven Hilton? You don’t have to lift a finger. The money keeps rolling in.

God: About that, Francis. For the past three years, my gross from your operation has been declining significantly.

Pope: Our 1.2 billion members are the exclusive result of our promotional work. Without us, you might be living in a small condo.

God: You work for me.

Pope: So you claim. Feel free to keep fostering that delusion. In case you’ve forgotten, church members can only approach you indirectly, through our priests. We own the pipeline.

God: Another conversation for another time.

Pope: That’s what a cartel does. It builds and maintains a pipeline.

God: Stay safe, Francis.

Pope: What’s that supposed to mean?

God: Whatever you want it to mean. You’re the Pope.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Pope: “a poor church for the poor”

The Pope: “a poor church for the poor”

by Jon Rappoport

September 25, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

In his first statement to the press after his election as Pope, Francis said: “This is what I want, a poor church for the poor.”

And a jet and an entourage and massive security, as he wings his way to bring that message of poverty to the masses.

I wonder how the message would be received in America’s inner cities.

The Pope’s recipe for change, if there is to be any change at all, seems to fall under the category of “income redistribution.”

Apparently, carbon taxes and cap and trade would fit the redistribution agenda.

Forget the fact that a carbon monarchy would drastically reduce available energy in the Third World. But don’t worry, poverty is good. Embrace it.

The Pope is headlining a big show in the US because he and Obama are on the same page. They both want to excoriate capitalism, while conveniently avoiding the subject of Globalist trade treaties, which are designed to expand poverty and destroy millions of jobs.

Since the Pope is willing to mention specifics, such as the horrors of air conditioning, he should be willing to address GATT, the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, and the TPP: the treaties by which elite Globalists wreak havoc. Until he does discuss them, and at length, his statements about poverty deserve no more attention than any politician’s.

As for his stance on immigration and the US southern border, his sympathy for destitute Catholic refugees making their way into America dovetails nicely with the goal of expanding the flock, which has been declining in this country.

If the Pope wants a poor Church, I have a suggestion. Bring in an army of expert appraisers and have them pore over every rare book, every scripture, scroll, artifact, piece of furniture, painting, sculpture, jewel, gold coin—every possession of the Vatican, including its lands and buildings—in order to see what price the whole collection might bring at the largest auction ever held on the planet.

Then sell it all. Take the cash and feed and house the poor.

At that point, I would start to take this man in the robe and the big hat seriously.

the matrix revealed

Also, I’m sure that with a little digging, I could find the names of some competent private investigation agencies and forward their names to His Holiness. He could task them with locating and hunting down every pedophile priest on or off the Church books and turning them over for secular prosecution.

That would clear up a few things, too.

Religion. Why do people who believe in God need it?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Pope Appeareth

The Pope Appeareth

by Jon Rappoport

September 20, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“Religions and, yes, even certain ‘economic systems’ have preached poverty as the way to salvation, or at least a ‘more honest’ life. Poverty is promoted as a kind of test of faith. But the promoters always had cash in the bank. The catch is this: in order to reap the spiritual rewards, a poor person has to remain poor. Otherwise, how can he continue to know true glory? The modern version of this is: a victim is a victim forever. Otherwise, he might eliminate the need for ‘social justice’ and the con artists who peddle it. Don’t spend a few dollars cleaning up the contaminated water systems in Third World countries. Don’t give back good growing land that was stolen. Poverty and starvation are glamorous. They give rise to humanitarian ideologies that front for theft and destruction on a grand scale.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

He’s here. The Pope. And his covert Jesuit message is: let’s get rid of separate nations, eliminate private profit for the middle class, and return to those glorious days of the Middle Ages; my Church flourishes under those conditions; we know how to deal with wall-to-wall misery; oh, and here’s the collection plate.

He’s part of the international gang that throws around the word “capitalism” as if it’s a mortal sin.

Making distinctions isn’t the Pope’s forte.

He ignores the differences between mega-corporations who align with governments (and his Church) to create a Globalist Order…and the untold numbers of small businesses owned by people who want to work for a living and earn a profit.

For the Pope, it’s all “capitalism.” Everything should be free—which, translated, means: almost everyone should be poor.

Migration of populations? No problem. It’s a good thing. After all, it helps, in the long run, to erase borders and nations and turn back the clock to more troubled times.

That’s the op, and the Pope is on board with it. He and Obama will get along well. Obama is in charge of making sure the inner-city communities he champions will stay poor and have ample targets to blame.

Obama never intended to create jobs in those inner cities and transform them. That was never on his agenda. He never intended to speak about how the jobs and the companies were lost there, as one Globalist trade deal after another sent work and factories overseas. Obama is touting new trade deals.

He and the Pope will give each other a nudge and a wink.

If these two have their way, the “settled science” on manmade warming will trigger global cuts in energy production (except for favored companies), thus creating even more horrific poverty among the Third World countries which are supposed to “benefit from the rational distribution of energy”).

These two men know how to use “humanitarian” utterances to front for their real goals. They know how to play that tune up and down the scale, instilling the proper amount of guilt along the way.

The Pope and the President will be popping champagne corks. It’ll be a party.

Obama: Your Holiness, I’m a rank amateur when it comes to psyops. You folks have been running cons for a couple of thousand years give or take. So any tips you can offer me…

Pope: Don’t kid a kidder, Barack. You’re doing a bang-up job. You started off with that messianic salvation utopia thing, and then you put it on the shelf and went for social justice, which is a biggie, because it diverts attention from the fact that most people just want jobs and enough money to survive—and of course that is never going to happen…

the matrix revealed

In his first comments to the press after election as Pope, Francis said: “This is what I want, a poor church for the poor.”

1.2 billion members, a separate nation (the Vatican), an estimated $170 billion in annual spending…sure, a poor church.

The “for the poor” part of the Pope’s quote is accurate. As in: a return to greater poverty. In such a world, the feudal lords will fill the collection plate.

There’s just one problem with the Vatican’s Globalist agenda. It doesn’t quite mesh with the mega-corporate view of Globalism. As fewer and fewer people around the world can afford to buy what the corporations are selling, a crack-up will occur. But for the Pope, those are petty details. He’s with the mega-corporations on the surface; but at a deeper level, the Vatican wants what it’s always wanted: chaos, poverty, and top-down control.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The TPP, Monsanto, Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski

All hands on deck for global, economic, corporate dictatorship

by Jon Rappoport

September 18, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

“The so-called ‘migration’ of populations into Europe and America is no accident. It’s part and parcel of a Trilateral Commission plan to introduce a high degree of chaos—which of course will require a militarized police response, to ‘restore order’ and remove huge chunks of freedom in the process. All significant US policy decisions are initiated by Trilateral members working inside and outside of government.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

There are dots to connect here. They’re real, and they’re spectacular.

Let me begin with a brief exchange from a 1978 interview, conducted by reporter Jeremiah Novak. He was speaking with two American members of the Trilateral Commission (TC), a group founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and his intellectual flunkey, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral Commission] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

RICHARD COOPER [Trilateral Commission member]: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KARL KAISER [Trilateral Commission member]: It just hasn’t become an issue.

Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

This through-the-looking-glass moment summed up the casual arrogance of Trilateral members: of course US government policy was in the hands of Trilateralists; what else would you expect?

US government policy most certainly covers the area of international trade—and Cooper and Kaiser were foreshadowing blockbuster trade treaties to come: e.g., NAFTA, GATT (which established the World Trade Organization), CAFTA, and now, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which is being negotiated in secret among 12 nations responsible for a major amount of world trade and world GDP.

Here are two key Trilateral quotes that reflect this global outlook—by which I mean a world dominated by mega-corporations:

“The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.” — Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1969.

Brzezinski was Obama’s foreign policy mentor after Obama won the Presidency in 2008.

Any doubt on the question of Trilateral Commission goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

“Integrated global political and economic structure” means: domination of populations via giant corporations.

Here is the payoff. The current US Trade Representative (appointed by Obama in 2013), who is responsible for negotiating the TPP with 11 other nations, is Michael Froman, a former member of the Trilateral Commission. Don’t let the word “former” fool you. TC members resign when they take positions in the Executive Branch of government. And when they serve in vital positions, such as US Trade Representative, they aren’t there by accident. They’re TC operatives with a specific agenda.

The TPP IS a major item on the Trilateral to-do list. Make no mistake about it.

Let’s move along to Monsanto, one of those mega-corporations the Trilateralists fervently favor.

From 2001 to 2008, a man named Islam Siddiqui was a staunch US lobbyist for, and vice president of, CropLife America. Siddiqui represented Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta—the biggest and most aggressive biotech GMO corporations in the world.

On October 21, 2011, Siddiqui’s new appointment (by Obama) was confirmed. He became the federal government’s Chief Agricultural Negotiator, and served in that position until he resigned on December 12, 2013. During his tenure, Siddiqui, Monsanto’s man, was up to his ears in negotiating the TPP.

On April 22, 2009, Siddiqui had addressed the press in a US State Dept. briefing disingenuously titled “Green Revolution”:

“What we need now in the 21st century is another revolution… you would not do it just by conventional breeding. You need to have use of 21st century technologies, including biotechnology, genetic [GMO] technology… And these molecules, which are being used (inaudible), they are state-of-the-art technologies, using molecular biology. Especially in chemicals [pesticides], they have less harsh footprint on the environment, they are more green, in terms of the adverse effects and ecological effects. They are also tested more thoroughly.”

Siddiqui is a disinformation pro. For example, the most widely used pesticide in the world, deployed in conjunction with Monsanto’s GMO crops, was tested so “thoroughly” for safety that it is now declared a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization. You may have heard of it: Roundup.

Siddiqui’s tenure negotiating US interests in the TPP surely favored big biotech, and all the companies who make their living selling GMO crop-seeds and pesticides.

The predicted outcome of the TPP vis-à-vis GMOs? It’s obvious. Nations who resist the importation of GMO food crops will be sued, in private tribunals, for interfering with “free trade.”

This is the future writ large, unless the TPP is derailed.

Consider the local movement in Hawaii’s Maui County, where in the last election, citizens voted to block long-standing Monsanto/Dow experimentation with GMOs and their attendant pesticides, until an independent investigation could assess the health effects of those reckless open-air activities.

Monsanto immediately sued to suspend the force of the vote, successfully obtained an injunction, and the case has been hung up in federal court ever since.

Under the TPP, all successful local community actions against GMOs and their pesticides, anywhere in the 12-member countries, would be viewed per se as obstructions to free trade; and instead of engaging in a public and messy court battle, corporations could simply sue (or threaten to sue) the offending member country in a private tribunal, automatically defeat the local communities, and win a cash judgment.

Attempts to label GMOs, and previous laws allowing labeling in various countries, could be arbitrarily canceled.

Consider the recent astounding action of US Trade Representatives in Europe. Using yet another disastrous trade treaty under negotiation, the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), US Trade Reps pressured the European Union (EU) to modify its stance on pesticides.

The Guardian (May 22, 2015) headline and tag says it all:

“EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents show… US trade officials pushed EU to shelve action on endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility to facilitate TTIP free trade deal”.

Note: this repressive and criminal action didn’t even involve a treaty that had been ratified. The pressure was all about the so-called positive economic impact the TTIP would have, when passed, for Europe. And in the face of that money benefit, and the threat of its removal (by ditching the TTIP negotiations), who would dare curb the import and use of chemicals that achieve something as “minor” as disrupting human endocrine systems and causing male infertility and cancer?

This is the sort of judgment we can look forward to, if and when the TTP and the TTIP are ratified.

This is the face of corporate Globalism. This is the face of the Globalist Trilateral Commission.

Recently, US Senator Jeff Sessions broke the code of silence on what is in the forbidden-to-be-disclosed TPP Treaty. His most pungent revelation concerned “living agreements.” Thus giving new meaning to the term bait-and-switch.

Living agreements are arbitrary changes that can be made to the treaty, by Presidential fiat, without consulting Congress, after the treaty has been ratified.

That’s right. In other words, the treaty is the treaty until it isn’t, until it’s something more, something different, something worse, something that empowers mega-corporations to a greater degree than previously negotiated.

Because those corporations, those Monsantos and Dows and Syngentas, wouldn’t want to miss a trick, wouldn’t want to forego suddenly realizing how they can exert even more dominance, would they?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Barbara Chicherio offers a powerful clue about what’s to come if the TPP is ratified (“Trans-Pacific Partnership and Monsanto,”

“Trade agreements have a history of displacing small farmers and destroying local food economies. Ten years following the passage of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 1.5 million Mexican farmers became bankrupt because they could not compete with the highly subsidized US corn entering the Mexican market.

“In the same 10 years Mexico went from a country virtually producing all of its own corn to a country that now imports at least half of this food staple. Mexican consumers are now paying higher prices for Monsanto’s GMO corn.”

It isn’t just GMOs. Suppose a US pharmaceutical company decides to export a new drug to Japan or Australia or Canada, all members of the TPP. And suppose the drug is highly toxic. And suppose the governments of those nations object. The US company could sue, win a huge $$ judgment, and force the export to go through anyway.

As I’ve written in previous articles, the details of the TPP negotiations and the text of the TPP are secret. Government officials in the member nations are not allowed to know all the details of the treaty, nor are they permitted to reveal what they know to the public.

This is an oligarchic dictatorship of corporations on a global scale. Along with a purposeful dumb-show, played out by government officials: “I don’t even know much about what’s in the trade treaty. And if I did, I couldn’t tell you.” So far, Senator Sessions is the only exception.

Those people who still believe that One World United, delivered to us by the powers-that-be, will lead to a better life for all, need to put that fairy tale away and see the underlying framework and the underlying betrayal.

The Globalist/Trilateral Community aims to destroy the rights and power of all communities, and ultimately, destroy all people who still have a grip on the word freedom.

This is the grinning nightmare descending in the long night, professing to help us all, claiming to know the details of better living through chemistry, asserting that trade treaties couldn’t harm a flea…and television news assures us that, at worst, this is just another he-said he-said debate, nothing to worry about, be happy, march forward, eyes closed, mouths shut, mind quiet.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Migration of populations vs. the individual

Migration of populations vs. the individual

by Jon Rappoport

September 7, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

We are seeing a flood of population-migration in various parts of the world. The Globalist strategy is obvious:

Make the only solution a global solution.

Instigate the chaos that causes the migrations, and then come in behind that with the answer: “better planning, better organization, international agreements”—in short, a planned society for the borderless world.

Of course, “global solution” means the individual is cut out of the equation, he doesn’t count, he doesn’t mean anything in the larger scheme of things, he is just another pawn and cipher to move around on the board.

And as more duped and deluded people sign on to this agenda, the whole concept of the individual shrinks and becomes irrelevant.

This is purposeful.

This is the script for the future: in many ways create problems whose only solution appears to be collective.

Psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually divert the individual’s attention from his own vision, his own profound desires, his own consciousness, his own imagination—and place it within The Group (“all of humanity”).

Propagandize the idea that, if the individual concerns himself with anything other than The Group, he is selfish, greedy, inhumane. He is a criminal.

More and more, this is how the young are being trained these days.

The grand “we” is being sold to them like a cheap street drug. They buy in. They believe this “we” is real, instead of a hollow con designed to drag them into a Globalist framework owned and operated by mega-corporations, banks, foundations, governments, and ubiquitous Rockefeller interests.

And what of the individual, his mind, his unique perception, his independent ideas, his originality, his life-force?

Swept away in the rush toward “a better world.”

I have breaking news. Earth is not a spaceship and we are not crew members. If Earth is a spaceship, it has serious design flaws, because it keeps making the same trip around the same sun every year.

Each one of us does not have a specified function, as a crew member would.

Going back as far as you want to in history, every shortage and scarcity in the world that engendered a crisis was either created by some elite or maintained by them, for the purpose of eradicating dissent and fomenting a collectivist solution. Meaning a solution that came from the top. Meaning a solution that reduced individual freedom.

In recent human history, a different idea emerged: establish severely hamstrung government, in order to protect the individual against it.

This idea existed in its pristine form for about an hour after the ink dried on the founding documents.

Elites emerged with the realization that they would need to build great wealth for certain men, who would then turn around and use their power to expand government and corporate and banking control, in order to sink the population back into the swamp from which they had just been liberated.

On and on it goes. But regardless of circumstances, the individual can author his own freedom and what it implies. He can discover, within himself, extraordinary possibilities and extraordinary consciousness. He can contemplate what it means to create reality that expresses his most profound desires.

And then he can begin a voyage that no one and no group can stop.

Civilizations come and go, rise and fall, but the individual remains.

Behind and below and above all the false prescriptions of the State and its allies, he remains. He is at the core.

But why wait until some distant day to wake up?

The word “imagination,” when properly understood, indicates that the individual can envision and then create futures that never were, and never would be, unless he invented them.

Imagination is the opposite of “provincial,” “restricted,” “well-known,” “familiar,” “accepted.”

That is its danger to the status quo.

That is the true threat the individual poses to all predictive systems.

exit from the matrix

The modern State works from the assumption that you are renting your life and your self. It sees itself as the landlord, whose beneficent concern, expressed through “programs,” should direct your behavior and thought.

It is softening 1984 into the effects of Brave New World. Pain is the stick and pleasure is the carrot.

Soon you will see official calculations of “pleasure quotients” for citizens. You will even see promises to “expand” those quotients.

“The greater good of all” will be highlighted.

That is the primary selling point.

Its success depends on the individual ceasing to exist in his own mind. He is The Group.

On the horizon: researchers studying the myriad activities of the brain in real time will claim there is no chemical/biological/electrical basis in the brain for the concept of the individual. The whole notion is an aberration, resulting from an imbalance that can be corrected.

Sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists and other charlatans will chime in, pointing to indisputable evidence that, throughout history, it has been the individual who has caused all the trouble. (This propaganda op has been actively underway for a hundred years.)

Yes, the hard scientists, will agree. “But to be more precise, it is the disordered brain that has caused the trouble.”

Yes, my friends, you can be free of the imbalance, and the suffering and turmoil it causes. You can be liberated, and thus discover a new world of pleasure.

“Take the carrot.”

Against all this stands: the individual.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.