Staging the production
by Jon Rappoport
February 10, 2020
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I’ll consider these rumors here, in this article, for the sake of covering all possible bases…I must emphasize, again, this is a very big IF…
Continuing my series on China and the supposed coronavirus epidemic… (archive here)
Many reports and rumors are circulating: huge numbers of people are trying to escape lockdown in Chinese cities; bodies in Wuhan are piling up; Chinese agents or assets stole biological materials from two labs in the US and Canada, for the purpose of smuggling them into China; a new biowar research facility has opened in Wuhan.
At the heart of these reports is: the dreaded coronavirus has been weaponized and is on the loose—either as the result of an accident or an intention.
Many people, including self-styled experts, assume that an ATTEMPT to weaponize a virus equals success. They’re watching too many sci-fi movies. Automatically jumping from attempt to success is unwarranted.
“But the proof is there. People in China are dying.”
I’ve already covered this. Millions of people, moving back into history, have died in China, as a result of the number one condition now cited as evidence of the new epidemic: pneumonia. They were dying long before anyone knew about a coronavirus or tried to weaponize it.
“But now people in China are dying at a furious pace, suddenly.”
Is this a report or a rumor? If it’s a true report, I suggest starting with the cause as something in the environment—not a virus. An escalation in the already toxic air pollution above Chinese cities. Possibly, the effects of deploying 5G technology widely in Wuhan. The intentional deployment of a highly dangerous chemical, whose effects would be far more predictable, in terms of intensity and duration, than a virus.
Below, you can read a backgrounder I wrote many years ago, on the staging of a hypothetical bioterror attack. It proposes a chemical as the hidden cause.
THE VIRUS, as I’ve explained in recent articles, is one of the most successful cover stories in modern human history. It is invoked to obscure the actions of major corporations and governments: industrial pollution, stolen farm land, hunger, starvation, intentionally sustained. Lack of basic sanitation. Grinding poverty. Wars. Toxic medical drugs and vaccines. And so on. It’s called population control. “HIV” in Africa is a perfect example of this kind of operation. The world focuses on the virus. The true crimes go on unnoticed.
Here is the backgrounder. Use your imagination and adjust the context from a small town to a major city.
How to stage a fake bioterror attack
Imagine this. A big-time doctor from the US Biological Warfare Group waddles into a meeting room, where a collection of Army, CIA, NSA, and DHS representatives sit quietly in their chairs. He says: “So I understand you boys want to put on a little domestic bioterror show, to keep the natives from becoming too restless. Well, the first thing you need to know is, germs don’t obey orders. Forget all that sci-fi nonsense. Germs work and they don’t work. It’s a crapshoot. You could have a big fat dud on your hands. I can tell you how to make it work, though, if you give up on your fancy high-tech wet dreams…”
The primary fact is: no matter what kind of germ you’re talking about or where it came from, releasing it intentionally does not guarantee predictable results. Far from it.
For instance, people whose immune systems operate at different levels of strength are going to react differently.
The perpetrators may find that far, far, far less than .001% of people exposed get sick or die.
But there is another strategy that should be understood:
The use of a germ as a cover story for a chemical.
In other words, there is no germ attack. It’s called a germ attack, but that’s a lie. The perps bring in researchers to the affected area, who go on to claim they have isolated a germ that is the cause of death and illness. It’s a sham. What really happened was:
The spread of a toxic chemical that can’t be detected, unless you’re looking for it.
The chemical has severe, deadly, and predictable effects for a short period. Then it disperses and loses potency and the “epidemic” is done.
In some town, a fairly isolated community, the word goes out that people are suddenly falling ill and dying. The CDC and the Army are called in to cordon off the area and quarantine all citizens. A peremptory announcement is made, early on, that this is a biowar attack.
Major media are allowed outside the periphery. Network news anchors set up on-location and do their wall to wall broadcasts “from the scene.”
The entire nation, the entire world, is riveted on the event, 24/7.
People inside the cordon fall ill and die. Reports emerge from the town:
The networks state that “heroic doctors are taking samples of blood and the blood is being analyzed to find the germ that is causing the epidemic.” The DOD confirms over and over that this is, indeed, a biowar attack.
Human interest stories pile up. This family lost three members, that family lost everybody. Tragedy and horror produce the desired empathic response from “the world community.”
It’s a soap opera, except real people are dying.
The medical cartel promotes fear of the germ.
All controlling entities obtain their piece of the terrorist pie.
Finally, the doctors announce they have isolated the germ causing death in the small town, and researchers are rushing to develop a vaccine (which they produce in record time).
Everyone everywhere must be vaccinated, now. No choice. Do it or be quarantined or jailed.
In this declared martial law situation, the doctors are the heroes. The doctors and the Army. And the government, and even the media.
Then, after a few weeks or months, when the potency of the secret chemical has dispersed, it’s over.
In the wake of a staged “biowar” terror attack, new laws are enacted. The State clamps down harder on basic freedoms. The right to travel is limited. Criticizing the authorities is viewed as highly suspect. Freedom of assembly is squeezed.
“Citizens must cooperate. We’re all in this together.”
New laws mandating the CDC schedule of vaccines for every child and adult—no exceptions permitted—are rushed through legislatures.
There are people who are determined to inflate the dangers of germs. They trumpet every “new” germ as the end of humankind on the planet. They especially sound the alarm when researchers claim a germ may have mutated or jumped from animals to humans.
“This is it! We’re done for!”
However, if you check into actual confirmed cases of death from recent so-called epidemics, such as West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, and Ebola, the numbers of deaths are incredibly low.
If political criminals, behind the scenes, wanted to stage a confined “biowar” event, they would choose a chemical, not a germ, and they would leverage such an event to curtail freedom.
Understand: researchers behind sealed doors in labs can claim, with unassailable ease, that they’ve found a germ that causes an outbreak. Almost no one challenges such an assertion.
This was the case, for example, with the vaunted SARS epidemic (a dud), in 2003, when 10 World Health Organization (WHO) labs, walled off from view, in communication with each other via closed circuit, announced they’d isolated a coronavirus as the culprit.
Later, in Canada, a WHO microbiologist, Frank Plummer, wandered off the reservation and told reporters he was puzzled by the fact that fewer and fewer SARS patients “had the coronavirus.” This was tantamount to confessing that the whole research effort had been a failure and a sham—but after a day or so of coverage, the press fell silent.
SARS was a nonsensical farce. Diagnosed patients had ordinary seasonal flu or a collection of familiar symptoms that could result from many different causes.
But the propaganda effort was a stunning success. Populations were frightened. The need for vaccines, in the public mind, was exacerbated.
Several years ago, I spoke with a biologist about the fake bioterror scenario I’ve sketched out above. His comment was: “Do you think any mainstream scientist would dare go into that cordoned-off town and actually check the area for a highly toxic chemical? He’d be blackballed, exiled, and discredited in a minute. The authorities would call him crazy. And that’s if he were lucky.”
Such is “science,” these days. A researcher can discover anything he wants to, if it’s approved. Otherwise, the door is closed to him.
Face it, there are plenty of “chemical incidents” in the world. Oil spills, an exploding oil platform at sea, fracking pollution, air pollution, Roundup drenching GMO crops, factories emitting chemicals into rivers as if they were sewers, tens of thousands of giant cargo ships belching toxic sulfur compounds into the air, and so on. THERE IS A NEED FOR DISTRACTIONS AND COVER STORIES.
Enter THE VIRUS, and “epidemics.” They receive wall to wall coverage on the news. Why? Why not, instead, something like THIS receiving endless coverage: “HOW 16 SHIPS CREATE AS MUCH POLLUTION AS ALL THE CARS IN THE WORLD”:
21 November, 2009, author Fred Pearce, consultant to the New Scientist, writing in the Daily Mail: “There are now an estimated 100,000 ships on the seas, and the fleet is growing fast as goods are ferried in vast quantities from Asian industrial powerhouses to consumers in Europe and North America.”
“The recession has barely dented the trade. This Christmas, most of our presents will have come by super-ship from the Far East; ships such as the Emma Maersk and her seven sisters Evelyn, Eugen, Estelle, Ebba, Eleonora, Elly and Edith Maersk.”
“Each is a quarter of a mile long and can carry up to 14,000 full-size containers on their regular routes from China to Europe.”
“But [each ship] burns marine heavy fuel, or ‘bunker fuel’, which leaves behind a trail of potentially lethal chemicals: sulphur and smoke that have been linked to breathing problems, inflammation, cancer and heart disease.”
“…the largest ships can each emit as much as 5,000 tons of sulphur in a year — the same as 50 million typical cars, each emitting an average of 100 grams of sulphur a year.”
“With an estimated 800 million cars driving around the planet, that means 16 super-ships can emit as much sulphur as the world fleet of cars.”
Where was the wall to wall 24/7 press coverage on THAT?
And do you recall what the world was hyper-focused on, in November of 2009, when Fred Pearce wrote this article for the Daily Mail?
It was the exhausting tail-end of press coverage of the so-called Swine Flu epidemic that was supposed to kill millions.
As I’ve written, not only was the epidemic a dud, CBS star investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, discovered the US Centers for Disease Control was hiding a mind-boggling fact from the public:
The overwhelming percentage of tests from US Swine Flu patients were coming back from labs with…no sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.
“Look, boys,” the wise old biowar pro says, as he addresses the collection of military and intelligences honchos in a private room in an undisclosed location. “You SAY it’s a virus, but it’s not. Get it? That’s the legend. Instead, you use a reliable chemical that’ll make people sick and kill them. Trust me, that’s the ticket. These germs are unpredictable. They’re far from a slam-dunk. You use germs as the cover story. It works every time…”
Cover story. Distraction. Diversion. Sold and bought.
In the interests of giving equal time to wise old biowar pros in China…I can imagine one of them addressing a meeting of government officials:
“Gentlemen, the coronavirus cover story is a success. Where is the press coverage of the Western-sponsored Hong Kong protests? It’s gone. Hong Kong? Never heard of it. People there are now characterized as ‘potential victims of the virus.’ In China, we have trucks circulating and spraying toxic bleach and other unnamed destructive chemicals on the population. 5G technology deployment is causing serious health problems as well. But all this resultant illness and death will be laid at the door of the non-political VIRUS. In locking down our major cities, we’ve squelched the growing protests against unprecedented poisonous air pollution in Wuhan and other metropolitan areas. It’s win-win. We got lemons and made lemonade. With our ‘unlimited cooperation in this health crisis,’ we’ve scored major points with the world community. As I told you at the outset, you SAY it’s a virus, but it isn’t. As for the ongoing trade war with the US, they may think we’re going to cave in, but do they really suppose all our pollution-belching cargo ships are going to stop carrying tons and tons of products to the world? The virus cover story works there as well. It works so well on so many fronts. It’s magic…”
Cover stories sold and bought. Sold and bought.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.