Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval

Facebook, CIA, Hillary: off the books and into the Oval

by Jon Rappoport

May 12, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Facebook is censoring pro-Trump posts.

Facebook, since its inception, has had CIA money-connections.

Once before, the CIA illegally supported a Clinton for President. Bill Clinton, in 1992. He was their man.

Now, another Clinton is running. She is the same kind of deep Globalist her husband is.

Are we seeing a repeat of history?

As with any probe where the players and their actions are purposely hidden, we’re dealing with degrees of probability—and in this case, the degree of probability is significant.

Let’s start at the top: Facebook is censoring pro-Trump posts.

Paul Watson, writing at Infowars:

“After it was revealed that Facebook is deliberately blocking conservative news sites from appearing in the social media giant’s ‘trending’ section, it now appears as though the company is also censoring pro-Donald Trump posts.”

“..one [Facebook] post was removed simply because it expressed support for Trump’s policy of a temporary halt on Muslim immigration due to concerns over ISIS attacks… Another user asserted that he had been slapped with a 30 day Facebook ban simply for posting the hashtag ‘#Trump2016’.”

“Last month it was also revealed that Facebook employees appear to believe that they should not remain impartial, but should instead take action to prevent Trump from becoming president.”

Let’s move on to the Facebook/CIA connection.

The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel Partners, in 2004.

Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same.

Earlier that same year, a man named Gilman Louie joined the board of the National Venture Capital Association of America (NVCA). The chairman of NVCA? Jim Breyer. Gilman Louie happened to be the first CEO of the important CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.

In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to “gather data.”

That’s not the only connection between Jim Breyer and the CIA’s man, Gilman Louie. In 2004, Louie went to work for BBN Technologies, headed up by Breyer. Dr. Anita Jones also joined BBN at that time. Jones had worked for In-Q-Tel and was an adviser to DARPA, the Pentagon’s technology department that helped develop the Internet.

With these CIA/DARPA connections, it’s no surprise that Jim Breyer’s jackpot investment in Facebook is not part of the popular mythology of Mark Zuckerberg. Better to omit it. Who could fail to realize that Facebook, with its endless stream of personal data, and its tracking capability, is an ideal CIA asset?

From the time Mark Zuckerberg was a child and attended the summer camp for “exceptional children,” CTY (Center for Talented Youth), run by Johns Hopkins University, he, like other CTY students, Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), and Lady Gaga, have been easy to track.

CTY and similar camps filter applications and pick the best and brightest for their accelerated learning programs. Tracing the later progress of these children in school and life would be a standard operation for agencies like the CIA.

When Zuckerberg founded an interesting little social network at Harvard, and then sought to turn it into a business, the data-mining possibilities were obvious to CIA personnel. Through their cutouts, as described above, they stepped in and lent a helping hand.

Now, with Facebook/CIA presenting an anti-Trump stance, which means a pro-Hillary stance, let’s look at a fascinating piece of history involving the CIA and the other Clinton: Bill.

The source here is the explosive 1995 book, Compromised, by Terry Reed and John Cummings.

According to the authors, Bill Clinton was involved with the CIA in some very dirty dealings in Arkansas—and I’m not just talking about the cocaine flights landing at the Mena airport.

It seems Bill had agreed to set up CIA weapons-making factories in his home state, under the radar. But because Arkansas, when it comes to money, is all cronies all the time, everybody and his brother found out about the operation and wanted in. Also, Bill was looking for a bigger cut of the action.

This security breach infuriated the CIA, and a meeting was held to dress down Bill and make him see the error of his ways. His CIA handlers told him they were going to shut down the whole weapons operation, because Bill had screwed up royally. A screaming match ensued—but the CIA people backed off a bit and told Bill he was still “their man” for the upcoming 1992 run for the Presidency.

Of course, there are people who think Reed and Cumming’s book contains fiction, but John Cummings was a top-notch reporter for Newsday. He co-authored the 1990 book, Goombata, about the rise and fall of John Gotti. He exposed US operations to destroy Cuban agriculture with bio-weapons. It’s highly doubtful he would have put his name on Compromised without a deep conviction he was correctly adding up the facts.

the matrix revealed

Here, from Compromised, is an account of the extraordinary meeting, in Arkansas, between Bill Clinton and his CIA handlers, in March of 1986, six years before Clinton would run for the Presidency. Author Terry Reed, himself a CIA asset at the time, was there. So was Oliver North, and a man named “Robert Johnson,” who was representing CIA head Bill Casey.

Johnson said to Bill Clinton:

“Calm down and listen….We are all in this together. We all have our personal agendas…but let’s not forget, both the Vice President and Mr. Casey want this operation to be a success. We need to get these assets and resources in place and get them self-sustaining and prospering on their own while we have the chance. This is a golden opportunity. The timing is right. We have communists taking over a country in this hemisphere. We must all pull together and play as a team. This is no time for lone wolves…

“I’m not here to threaten you. But there have been mistakes. The Mena operation survived undetected and unexposed only because Mr. [Barry] Seal carried with him a falsely created, high-level profile of a drug runner. All the cops in the country were trying to investigate a drug operation. That put the police in a position where we could control them. We fed them what we wanted to feed them, when we wanted to feed them; it was our restaurant and our menu…now we have to shut it down….

“Bill, you are Mr. Casey’s fair-haired boy. But you do have competition for the job you seek. We would never put all eggs in one basket. You and your state have been our greatest asset. The beauty of this, as you know, is that you’re a Democrat, and with our ability to influence both parties, this country can get beyond partisan gridlock. Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to you that unless you fuck up and do something stupid, you’re No. 1 on the short list for a shot at the job you’ve always wanted.

“That’s pretty heady stuff, Bill. So why don’t you help us keep a lid on this and we’ll all be promoted together. You and guys like us are the fathers of the new government. Hell, we are the new covenant.”

By this account, Bill Clinton was the CIA’s boy back in 1986, long before he launched himself into his first Presidential campaign.

That speaks of major planning.

Does the same CIA plan apply now to Hillary Clinton?

Is one among many threads of the project the use of Facebook?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump and Bernie on the same ticket; take the ride

Trump and Bernie on the same ticket; take the ride

The mass hallucination called 2-party politics in America

by Jon Rappoport

April 12, 2016

(New article up on Outside The Reality Machine. Click here to read it.)

Don’t lose your lunch or your cookies or your marbles. Follow this one to the end.

As Bernie throws charges at Hillary for vote-rigging to gain the nomination; as Hillary solidifies her prurient control of so-called super-delegates (Democrat insiders and hacks), thus overturning the force of Primary voting; as Trump, Cruz, and the Republican leadership heat up an internal war over delegates; as Colorado and other states reject the validity of Republican Primary voting; the hallucination that is 2-party politics in America is on the verge of cracking. And if the crack widens, the foul creatures who emerge will reveal an oozing Hell in broad daylight.

We’ve gone past crazy.

And since that’s so, anything goes. It’s important to understand “anything,” which is why I’m dreaming about an independent ticket of Bernie Sanders, fresh off his rigged loss to Hillary, and Trump, emerging from his stinging defeat at the hands of Republican Beelzebubs. The two enemies on the same side.

Bernie and The Donald. Donald and The Bernie. Can’t agree on much, but who cares. Burn the political house down. Walk away and start a new campaign for the White House.

Left populism plus right populism. Together.

A realistic winner in November, as long as they have a cold-blooded army of pros investigating the voting machines.

Bernie: “I hate Donald, except for his stance on trade treaties that are stealing millions of jobs from Americans.”

Donald: “I hate Bernie, except for his stance on trade treaties that are stealing millions of jobs from Americans.”

Could be a lot worse.

A lot.

How about this? “The ticket,” a new independent party spokesman declared at a Washington Press Club gala, “is Karl Marx and Ayn Rand. Deal with it.”

Why not?

Remember, the 2-party hallucination is matched by the American-public hallucination. Both sides of the equation represent absolute insanity.

The public is ready to accept the fact (after a few huge protests) that the Primary votes aren’t votes at all. Just a beauty contest. The two parties pick their candidates in whatever way they decide to.

“Okay, you voted, now shut up and let us give you the most corrupt candidates we can conjure. That’s how the system works.”

“Who’s more hideous? A or B? B, right? So let’s give them B.”

Here’s a plus for a Bernie-Donald ticket: the media will gnash and weep, weep and gnash.

“How can you possibly explain running with Bernie, Mr. Trump?”

“I don’t explain. I hate him, but he’s a pretty good guy. When we’re elected, we’ll argue every point. We’ll hammer it out. We’ll have to. Just last night, we both decided we don’t want any unnecessary wars. That was big. It’s better to defend America than go off attacking people overseas. What else? I think he sort of likes Putin. So do I. So we’ll go over to Moscow and see him and tell him this new Cold War is ridiculous. We’re going to cancel the strategy of surrounding Russia with bases.”

“And you, Mr. Sanders. How can you possibly explain running with Mr. Trump?”

“I hate him. He stands for everything I oppose. But I kind of enjoy talking to him. We’re working on a plan to stop US companies from shutting down factories and going abroad. We want to bring jobs back here. Turns out there are a lot of things we can do.”

“But Mr. Sanders, just a few months ago, you said Mr. Trump was a sleaze-bag capitalist.”

“He is. But I’ve come to realize he has advantages over Hillary Clinton. To your point, he’s somewhat less sleazy. Actually, far less sleazy. I presented him with my plan for worker-owned businesses in America. Not as a mandate, but through tax breaks and minor funding. He wasn’t opposed. In fact, he said he was willing to try that with one of his companies, which I understand is going broke. I convinced him this isn’t some Communist plot. It’s motivating to employees. It’s participatory democracy. And if it works, it’s good.”

“Mr. Trump, Mr. Sanders wants to revisit the federal bailout of big banks. As you know, he pegged that fiasco at many trillions of dollars—far more than the government was willing to admit.”

“Bernie’s four hundred percent right on that one. We gave away the farm to those bastards. They held us up. It was highway robbery. I’ve been talking about the banks and Wall Street for years. They’re running a long con on the American people. We should get a large chunk of the actual bailout money back. I mean, what do those guys actually produce? Nothing. They sit there and make money make money. I build hotels and casinos and golf courses. I’m a builder.”

“Mr. Sanders, isn’t Mr. Trump unconscionably and disgustingly rich?”

“It makes me sick to think about it. But at least he does put people to work. That’s more than I can say for Wall Street traders. Now, when we get to immigration, Donald and I are definitely on opposing sides. But I’ll admit our screening process to detect potential terrorists coming here is broken. Donald and I have been talking to border officials. They’re honest and hard-working. They’re at the end of their rope. We’ve got to give them help, if we want to prevent what happened in Paris and Brussels from visiting our shores. I’m not in favor of public places in our cities blowing up. Are you?”

“Mr. Trump, Mr. Sanders is a declared socialist. How can you put up with that?”

“I can’t. Socialism is the most stupid form of government humans have ever tried. Obamacare is a complete mess. Bernie sees some of the flaws, too. He wants single-payer. I tell him that’ll be far worse than what we’ve got now. I want free competition among companies, so the best plans attract the most customers. Bernie and I are still arguing on this one. But he’s open to the concept that we want a healthcare system that works. What an idea, right? Something that works? And the medical people—we can’t let them off the hook, either. Too many drugs. The big drug companies are killing us with their marketing campaigns. They’re inventing diseases to fit the drugs they’re developing. I think Bernie and I are both beginning to see that. Their lobbyists are feasting off the Congress and the President.”

“Mr. Sanders, what about—“

At this point, the live television feed suddenly goes dark.

Trump’s voice can still be heard for a few moments.

“They’re censoring us. Don’t worry, folks, we’ll pick this up on the Web. Go to our site, ‘Trump plus Bernie’. If they shut that down, you’ll know we’re under martial law. Go to the White House and make your voice heard…”

Trump plus Bernie? Horrible? Unthinkable?

Worse than Hillary or Cruz or Ryan or Romney? Really?

Is the hallucination that “everything is all right and everything is under control and everything is standard” better than cracking the political two-party egg?

Is it?

Is the endless media gloss better than the media desperately trying to deal with Bernie and Donald on the same ticket?

If this country is internally starting to pull itself apart even further, into two battling camps, is it better to put a war-crimes gargoyle like Hillary in the White House, and listen to her babble about national unity—or is it better to shove the two men who represent the great separation out there together?

And if putting those two men out there together on one ticket drives the American people nuts…is the contradiction actually making people crazier or is it starting to bring them back toward sanity?

What’s the fear of two opposing candidates on the same ticket all about?

Is the fear authentic, or is it just a reaction to the fact that we’ve been fed fake unity wall-to-wall forever? Candidates and leaders have been selling us fake unity to cover their crimes and their hunger for control. They’ve been pledging togetherness while they’ve been tearing us apart, because divide and conquer is still the first rule of politics.

Instead of pretending the fake unity is real, why not dump that delusion and put two men who are, in many ways, opposed to each other on the same ticket?

Why not bust the delusion?

Why not let them argue?

Why not let them come to some agreements—because they would.

Why not show the American people that endless whining and moaning about issues and differences is best displayed by taking the differences to the top of the political food chain, in the form of two men who might actually believe at least some of what they’re saying?

Let them argue, disagree, and try to hash out their problems with each other. In full view.

At the very least, it will create a pause in the mind.

The public mind, such as it is, will spin wheels and break cogs, and flip and grind and stop—because it can’t process the new situation, because it can’t deal with an actual dialogue between two enemies. Because it can’t conceive of the possibility that it’s viewing two extremes having voices in the same space, out in the open, on the same ticket. Because the public mind has been tuned to thinking that never the twain will meet. Because the public mind wants the conflict to seethe and boil under the surface rather than on the surface. Because the public mind wants non-resolution. Because, yes, the public mind wants to moan about what can never be resolved. Because the public mind is a mad insane child who can’t be satisfied and wants it that way. Because the public mind is a vast loser. Because the public mind is an artifact, a synthetic substance molded from a thousand personal dissatisfactions into exactly the kind of Mass Victim our politicians need and desire.

exit from the matrix

And even for those who have escaped the left-right, black-white, yin-yang, ding-dong status quo, who have seen through the divide and conquer formula and the two-political-parties- with-one-head ruse; the prospect of seeing two men who are apparently on opposite ends of the spectrum put their cards on the table in public, together, and go at each other, in order to come to some understanding—that would be a relief. That would be a start of something interesting in a White House that has, for decades, been rigged to disable the country and the people and the world.

If there is a sliver of a chance of turning fake share and care into real share and care…why not?

Break the trance.

Shake and bake.

Put those two boys on television every night and let them go up against each other, all out, while running together on the same side.

Make the impossible possible.

Shred the “this-or-that” set-up.

Explode the American political cover story.

Bernie AND The Donald in 2016.

Yin plus yang equals what?

Take a chance, for once, and find out.

We already know the sum of fake reality plus fake reality.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump, violence, MoveOn.org: it’s 1968 all over again

Who backs both MoveOn.org and Hillary?

Do anti-GOP convention street protesters plan to incite violence?

by Jon Rappoport

March 26, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

“Do you think the builder of false realities tells you he’s going to deceive you?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

History comes around again to bite you like a louse in a hotel-room bedsheet, long after management was supposed to have sanitized the place.

In 1968, 10,000 anti-war protestors at the Chicago Democratic Convention went up against local police and National Guardsmen. The violent riots had a reverse effect.

Americans, aghast at what they were seeing on their television sets, turned out in droves a few months later and elected Republican pro-war candidate Richard Nixon.

It was odd, to say the least, that the protest groups chose to show up at the Democratic Convention. The hand-picked Presidential nominee, Hubert Humphrey, was in favor of continuing the Vietnam War, but the Republicans were a greater threat in that regard.

The days of violence in Chicago made Nixon giggle. He couldn’t have asked for a better show.

And now we have MoveOn.org, funded in part by George Soros (see here), ramping up their nationwide protests against Trump. They’re clearly pointing toward the Republican Convention in July in Cleveland (see also this).

Their whole strategy depends on how much blame for their protests and violence can be successfully attributed to Trump himself—which is the clear media strategy. The standard line is: Trump started this whole thing with his incendiary statements about immigration and Muslims; therefore, everything that happens after that is his fault. He is the prime mover. The protests are merely a response to him. “The blood is on his hands.”

If that can be sold, and if the action in Cleveland in July can rise to a new height of violence, then a significant number of fence-sitting voters would decide to opt for Hillary, who will, of course, position herself as the peacemaker and the uniter.

It doesn’t matter that she’s never met a war she didn’t like (or could invent). She’s the “calm force that will lead the nation into eight years of collective tolerance and sanity.”

In other words, Hillary stands to benefit the most from the planned and highly organized attacks on Trump.

It’s not hard to trace a connection between Soros, one of the money men behind MoveOn.org, and Hillary Clinton. Just for starters, as Politico noted, on 1/31/16 (“George Soros donates $8 million to boost Hillary”):

“George Soros in December donated $6 million to the leading super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, marking the return of the billionaire financier as among the biggest givers in all of American politics. The massive check brings to $8 million the Hungarian-born investor’s total 2015 giving to pro-Clinton groups.”

Apparently, though, these obvious connections don’t rate major coverage in mainstream media.

Let’s see: the man who funds the group who is organizing protests against Trump is also funding the candidate who stands to gain the most from the protests. No, nothing important here. Just a coincidence.

The 2016 election season in America is devolving to resemble what happened in 1968. It remains to be seen whether the ‘68 reverse/rebound Nixon victory will now turn into the Hillary victory.

Hillary, Soros, MoveOn, and their media allies (the useful idiots) are betting it will. They think it’s their game to run and control.

How far could the anti-Trump forces go this summer? How far could they go in pushing an agenda of “societal change,” which demands a government-centered solution for all ills and problems? “The government must transform America on behalf of equality”—whatever that generality is supposed to mean.

The basic thrust of these forces would be to raise government power to new heights, fantasizing that it would somehow be turned toward “broad positive outcomes for the underclass.”

Well, for instruction, we can look back to another event that occurred in the summer of the 1968, in Paris. Most Americans don’t even remember it, but it was a searing stroke across the landscape. Its vision, if you can call it that, extended further than anything that could happen now in America—and the stunning outcome is one of those “teachable moments.”

From Wikipedia (“May 1968 events in France”):

“The volatile period of civil unrest in France during May 1968 was punctuated by demonstrations and massive general strikes as well as the occupation of universities and factories across France. At the height of its fervor, it virtually brought the entire economy of France to a dramatic halt.”

“The unrest began with a series of student occupation [of colleges] protests against capitalism, consumerism and traditional institutions, values and order. It then spread to factories with [Leftist union] strikes involving 11 million workers, more than 22% of the total population of France at the time, for two continuous weeks.”

“The student occupations and wildcat general strikes initiated across France were met with forceful confrontation by university administrators and police. The de Gaulle administration’s attempts to quell those strikes by police action only inflamed the situation further, leading to street battles with the police in the Latin Quarter, followed by the spread of general strikes and occupations throughout France. De Gaulle went to a French military base in Germany, and after returning dissolved the National Assembly, and called for new parliamentary elections for 23 June 1968. Violence evaporated almost as quickly as it arose. Workers went back to their jobs, and when the elections were finally held in June, the Gaullist party emerged even stronger than before.” (emphasis added)

In other words, government power rose to a new height. That was the outcome. That was how this towering rebellion came to a close.

If, in the summer of 2016, the “forces of change” in America stage vast protests and initiate violence, on the pretext that they are trying to defeat Donald Trump, the result will be a mandate for federal government to assume more control.

Hillary Clinton, would certainly embrace that mandate with open arms.

She would be the Nixon and the De Gaulle.

She would call her power agenda “uniting the people” or “equality together” or “it takes a village” or “respect for diverse points of view and cultures” or “a new day for America.”

Whatever she calls it, it would be 1968 all over again.

power outside the matrix

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Everybody knows that chunk of wisdom. But how many people are willing and able to remember what they need to, in order to understand what is unrolling before us now:

—Designed protests that, no matter what they espouse, will deliver more power to government, under the banner of a better life for all.

And if you salute that banner, I have condos for sale on Mars. The summer nights are heavenly.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Brussels attacks: the next step: bye bye Europe

Brussels attacks: the next step: bye bye Europe

by Jon Rappoport

March 22, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Hours after Donald Trump suggested the US should downsize its role in NATO (also here), bombs went off in Brussels.

In the wake of the attacks, the Globalist party line is shaping up: Downsize? Absolutely not. NATO must respond. Led by the US, it must, wait for it, invade Syria, an ISIS stronghold. With ground troops.

Don’t even bother trying to figure out the logic behind that idea. It goes something like this: get rid of President Assad (who is in a war against ISIS) because somehow the Brussels attack is all his fault.

Led by the US, NATO should attack ISIS in Syria—ISIS, the group funded and backed and armed by the US government (see here and here). Perfect.


I can just hear a US general trying to decipher his marching orders: “Let’s see, we have to go into Syria and get rid of President Assad, and he’s the one fighting against ISIS. Hmm. And we also have to decimate ISIS. In other words, we should more or less level the whole country, wipe out everybody, and turn the place into a wasteland worse than the wasteland it already is. Right? And while we’re doing that, we have to ignore the fact that our government shipped weapons to ISIS from Libya (see here). How about this instead? Locate the key people who are urging this insane military campaign and put them in prison where they can’t do more harm. Or let’s launch an operation against the moon. That would be good, too.”

French President Hollande is also right up there on the insanity index. His latest statement, after the Brussels attacks, assures one and all that this is a war against Europe, not merely Belgium. But he is the one who has been asserting that Europe has no right to question the flood of immigrants streaming across the continent. Border controls? No, no. What possible relationship could any of these immigrants have to terror attacks? They were trained outside Europe on how to mount bombing operations against civilian populations, after which they came into Europe with that intention? Sure, but so what?

Housed within Brussels, of course, is the headquarters of the European Union, which is Globalism Inc. for Europe. Its covert aim is to drown all nations of the continent in immigrants, so that within a few decades there will be no more recognizable countries—at which point a simple declaration that all of Europe is one indivisible entity will carry the day. This intention must never be spoken of. It must be hidden. Instead, the population of Europe must enlist in a universal, what shall we call it, Tolerance Corps, grinning from ear to ear wherever they go, urging acceptance of the new status quo, now and then grieving as new terror attacks blow people up. Who could doubt the efficacy and wisdom of this plan?

Do not offend the people who are blowing you up. Do not realize who is covertly backing the people who are blowing you up. Instead, rely on these backers to stop the people who are blowing you up.

Keep smiling. Don’t worry, be happy. All is well. Your tolerance and compassion and good cheer will earn you a gold star on the heavenly blackboard. Keep opening your door to all who enter. Extend them a helping hand, just as your government does. Your visitors will make your land a better place. Let us all sing a hymn of joy.

The realities of the situation don’t matter. The only thing that matters is your basic desire for kindness. You must give lip service to that. You must sing the hymn, because it marks you as a good person. Stop thinking. Mark yourself as a good person.

The US/Globalist wars of decimation in the Middle East and Northern Africa? The blowback from the wars? Not important. Not relevant. Well, they are relevant in one respect. You personally are guilty for those wars. Therefore, you must now surrender to whatever happens. You must give up everything as a sign of your humility and guilt. You have no right to defend yourselves. Nor do you have the right to insist that your governments defend you. Of course not.

Everything is all right. Everybody is all right. We are everybody.

One great cheese glob of the coming utopia.

power outside the matrix

Somewhere in the bowels of the EU headquarters, a high-ranking official is standing in front of a mirror, applying tan base to his parched pale face, combing his sparse hair, rehearsing his upcoming statement to the press:

“Let’s see. Reality versus appearance. The reality is, this is perfect for us. An attack within a mile of our building. We couldn’t have anything to do with it. We’re victims. We’ve been making sure the governments of Europe keep their borders open, to let in terrorists, and so on. Now, when I appear before reporters…the appearance. I need to affect an expression of outrage mixed with sadness. Dignified. Do dignified. ‘The terrible events of today, the assault on Europe, on the stability of society. We will not rest until we bring the criminals to justice. At the same time, we must not fall into the trap of believing that all people coming to our lands are’…no, scratch that last part. Too early for that. The bodies are still lying on the ground. Stay with the outrage and the sadness. And assurances that we will work harder to gain control over the situation. We all stand united. Together. Our thoughts are with the grieving families…”

He walks out into a large hall, exits the building, and stands before a throng of reporters. He nods, steps to a podium. He looks out into the distance, as if summoning up a greater understanding.

But he already understands. He understands very well.

Only a complete fool wouldn’t.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

5 threats Trump poses, and 6 plans to stop him

Underneath all the familiar charges leveled at Trump, there is one that has the shadow government deep in thought.

Trump: the loosest cannon.

by Jon Rappoport

March 20, 2016

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Note: When I say “GOP,” I also include “Globalist.” Both major Parties are in the pocket of Rockefeller Globalists (Bilderberg, WEF/Davos, CFR, Trilateral Commission).

—Here cometh the loose-talking cowboy and hustler, walking into the saloon; The Donald; and the customers are cheering.



What went wrong? What in the world went wrong?

The first 4 threats Trump poses:

Threat One: The way he talks. It isn’t measured sing-song generality, which is the standard form of hypnotic prose in America for both politicians and media. The rise and fall of empty words isn’t his style, and believe me, that is disturbing to the establishment.

Big-time politics and news in the US must be delivered in hypnotic cadence—otherwise they fall apart, because they have no inherent substance. But everything Trump is advocating is carried on the waves of far different rhythms—casual, direct, non-teleprompter, jump-around, zig-zag, off the cuff; as if, out of some bygone era, he’s saying: “Hey kid, here’s a dime, run down to the corner and get me a newspaper, and here’s a nickel for yourself…”

Blown dry, androidal, high-flying, empty, sentimental, super-clean, sing-song—these are qualities drilled into, or already possessed by, successful pols and media stars. Trump cuts across and buries that style. He’s a disruptor, and he violates the cardinal rule, which is:

Don’t wake the children.

I can’t emphasize too strongly what a threat that poses to the status quo, which can only sustain itself through a tacit agreement, on all sides, to engage in trance-inducing speech.

On top of all this, Trump is delivering messages that are beyond the pale, according to current standards of political correctness. Another jolt.

Trump is doing one of these:

“Listen, folks, they’re all lying to you. You know who I’m talking about. Last month I was in Cincinnati and this reporter came up to me, I could see she was all ready to do me in, you know? She had this big question she wanted to ask me, like she was going to kill me with it—I’ve known lots of people like that, you have, too. People all over the country are out of work but all she can think about is her pet question…jobs, we’ve got to bring them back…I’m calling those companies that went overseas and telling them, pack your bags and come back or you’re going to face…(pointing) he knows what I mean…I can see it on your face, what’s your name?…I’ll bet you know someone close to you who was thrown out of his job, or maybe you were…”

Trump comes across every which way. Right side up, inside out, sideways.

Threat Two: He gets in the face of media personalities and slaps them down and topples them from their pedestals. He doesn’t bow. He doesn’t play the game. On a moment’s notice, not by script, he attacks when ruffled. He doesn’t care. This amounts to a declaration of war against media hegemony and media hypnosis. This is akin to a person telling a hypnotist, “Hey, take that pendulum out of my face, you idiot. I don’t need to go to sleep. I’m awake.” Media are supposed to be the providers of every slice and tidbit of information that’s important. They’re the eyes, ears, and mouths for the public. Trump is telling them to shut up and go away. His attitude flies in the face of the Program.

Threat Three: He knows what Globalist trade treaties have done to destroy jobs in America. He knows the American economy hasn’t come back after the 2008 crash. He doesn’t care who has signed on to these treaties. He says he’s going to make new deals and change the landscape and bring back jobs.

Whether he will or not, whether he can or not, he’s exposing the Globalist agenda, as well as the politicians on both sides of the aisle who have surrendered their minds and souls to it.

This Globalist agenda is the real third rail of politics, and Trump is not only stepping on it, he’s licking his fingers and putting his hand on the electricity and living (so far) to tell the tale. Once again, he doesn’t appear to care.

Is he for real? Is he a fake? Regardless, he’s talking about what is supposed to remain hidden, and he’s clicking with people all over the country who have lost their jobs to the insane trade policy of the Rockefeller forces.

This is verboten. This can’t happen. But it is happening.

And he isn’t going into a long song and dance about the theory of Globalism. He’s keeping it tight and simple. He’s keeping it emotional. He’s actually speaking a real language real people can understand and want to understand. In other words, he’s committing a grave crime.

He’s telling people their jobs and money and prosperity have been stolen and he’s going to get them back.

Threat Four: Immigration. In a nation that already has 60 million immigrants living here, which makes it the number one “importer” of immigrants, per capita, in the world, and generous to the hilt by most standards, he’s saying: yes, but now there is a problem, a very serious problem—and he’s going to solve it. The problem is crime, drugs, potential terrorism. And since the federal government admits it has no proper screening program to spot terrorists, he’s going to put a pause on allowing Muslim immigrants to enter the US. What could the man say that is more politically incorrect?

Whether you agree or disagree with any or every item of his proposal, consider what he’s wreaking on his comfortable liberal opposition—the people who believe open borders should be endless and forever, people who would never, under any circumstances, put a ceiling on it, because they only care about being seen as tolerant and kind and generous and self-effacing and wonderful…people who would, if necessary, walk down streets naked in the rain carrying whips and flagellating themselves to prove their motives are pure.

Based on these four points (I’m saving the best for the end, for later), Trump is a clear and present danger to the political establishment—both Parties and their Globalist handlers.

He’s a “narcissist, a Hitler, a Mussolini, a Stalin, a loon.”

The GOP, his own Party, is the first line of defense. They must try to sweep him off the board. What can they do?

One: Change the nominating rules so Rubio and Kasich can easily shift their delegates to Cruz. Right now, for example, those three men have 703 delegates among them. Trump has 671. (Rolling update here.)

Two: Induce a complete deadlock at the Convention and bring in a “compromise” candidate from the closet. For instance, Mitt Romney. Creating that deadlock could involve more rule changes that would strip delegates away from Trump by declaring they aren’t bound to vote for him.

Three: Let Trump have the nomination, but then back/encourage a third-party or independent candidate to run. This would be a person who’d obviously suck votes away from Trump in the general election, giving Hillary a walk in the park to the White House.

Or alternatively: allow a straight-on Trump vs. Hillary contest, and rig enough voting machines to make sure Hillary achieves victory in key states.

Four: Covertly back more riots leading up to the Convention, casting Trump as the cause, as the “divisive one” leading the nation over a cliff. The “law of consequences”—support Trump and this is what you get; you get fear; you get looking over your shoulder as you walk down the street.

Another version of the op: stage a grisly crime and set up a “racist Trump patsy” as the perpetrator.

Another version: stage so many violent protests the message is clear: vote for Trump and this will be a nation in permanent chaos.

Five: If all else fails, the campaign to stop Trump could be taken out of the GOP’s hands, and he would be rubbed out.

Those people calculating the success of any of these five strategies would certainly be considering blowback from Trump’s supporters. The risks are many. Exposure is a virtual certainty.

“Cooler heads” would be saying: “Look, give him the nomination. Hillary’s going to win anyway.”

And if by a miracle Trump somehow gains the Presidency, the sixth option is:

“Let’s get serious.” People with deep knowledge of the political establishment and significant clout would approach him and let him know, in no uncertain terms, that his radical plans are destined to fail. Therefore, compromise is in order. What would President Trump settle for in the real world? What would he give up?

Those are questions whose answers would define his Presidency. He could just step back into his familiar role as the ordinary maker of the ordinary deal.

But before deciding whether to capitulate, Trump might, on the spur of the moment, arrange a sit-down with, say, President Putin. He might lay his cards on the table and say, “Look, this is what I’m trying to do at home, and this is the opposition I’m facing. I think we have issues in common. How can we help each other?”

If that happened, Trump would drive the American neocons out of their minds.

And so now we’ve come to the fifth and greatest threat Trump poses:

His unpredictability.

As President, he could meet with any world leader at the drop of a hat. He could consult all sorts of unconventional sources. He could find out that solutions to national problems are available outside normal channels. Who knows?

Who knows what an un-vetted President, with a large sense of curiosity, might find out, vis-a-vis a number of issues the public is also quite curious about?

This is why men who have operated in the shadows for a long time are truly worried.

Trump has no visible pattern. When he talks, one idea sparks another and then he goes off on a third. A man like that, with the clout of the Presidency, rummaging around in the halls and basements of power and secrets? Are you kidding?

Pick your issue. Chemtrails? Black-budget ops? The extent of NSA spying on US government officials and subsequent blackmail? Extant technologies far in advance of what has been shown to the people? Including suppressed energy technologies?

Might Trump be just the sort of unhinged cowboy who would wander into one of these forbidden areas and start shooting his mouth off?

What does he care about propriety or the rules of the game? He’s Donny Trump who came out the Bronx, where he was hustling commercial buildings; he parlayed his wins into bigger and bigger properties downtown, he went bankrupt three or four times, he dealt with the mafia princes of concrete in NYC, he fired everybody in sight on The Apprentice

He’s the loosest cannon.

Conspiracy researchers cite their prime reasons for the 1963 assassination of JFK, but there is one possibility they rarely, if ever, mention. It’s just the sort of project a wandering bored-in-the-middle-of-the-night Trump might come upon.


For some 90 years, it’s lain fallow, up in the state of Maine. The basis of it is quite simple. It’s a way to provide energy for the people that doesn’t involve conventional resources buried under the ground:

Off-shore turbines.

Taking advantage of the daily difference between high and low tides, ocean water literally turns the wheel and produces electricity.

For decades, utility companies and governments in the US and Canada and town councils and all sorts of other players have fought and delayed and blocked Passamaquoddy. JFK’s interest in it started when he was a Massachusetts Senator, and when he was President he ordered a report on its status. He was more than interested in it.

He saw the implications. If off-shore turbines in Maine could produce a great deal of electricity, how many other inlets off the coast of America could fit that bill? And why only in America?

Since JFK’s death, technical research has been done, in fact, on very small turbines that would sit in the flow of rivers and yield up electricity for small communities all over the world.

Bone-headed academics have declared that water-turbine energy isn’t cost effective. The truth is, with a tiny fraction of the government money and a fraction of the favors and loopholes that have been bestowed on the oil and nuclear industries, water-turbines could change a great deal of the energy picture today.

I point this out as merely one example of the sort of secret a properly vetted US President isn’t supposed to query or expose. Presidents know the rules of the game. In most cases, they behave.

But suddenly…an intruder in the Oval Office? A man who is either pretending to be, or is, a rabid populist? A man who loves to talk and talk and talk in front of his people? A man who doesn’t seem to assess consequences in the way that other groomed candidates do? A man who has no discernible pattern?

“Listen, everybody, I just found out about something JFK was working on. It’s fantastic. In fact, it’s super-fantastic. Let me tell you all about it. Those media jerks and professors will say it doesn’t work, but President Kennedy, who was a truly great guy, thought it would. Some super-educated friends of mine have been studying it and they agree. They’ve got a whole lot of degrees and credentials behind their names…It’s called Passamaquoddy…”

There are people in the shadows with a great deal of power who couldn’t care less about the morality of Trump’s stance on immigration. What they do care about, what they do guard are the boundaries of this propped-up fantasy world of scarcity we live in together. That is their first concern.

The idea of a sitting President hunting and pecking and stumbling around in secrets whose exposure would crack that system puts their teeth on edge.

What about this strange man, Trump, who, for whatever reasons, likes to stick his hand in dark places and pull rabbits out of rabbit holes?

That would be a cause for great concern.

That would be a threat that demands action.

To grasp this situation, you have to look past the op to divide America into two warring camps. You have to look past the media piling on as they try to make Trump into the destroyer of all human civilization. You have to look past the attempt to elevate his enemies into saviors of humanity. You have to look past obvious strategies to bring in agents to stir the pot, step up violence, and threaten peaceful communities.

According to the unspoken rules of political life in this country, no un-vetted President must ever move into the White House. It must not happen. Presidents have to understand their roles and their assignments.

Trump isn’t merely another puppet set up to hand the election to his opponent, Hillary Clinton. At the start, Hillary’s allies may have seen it that way, encouraged him, helped push him out on the national stage. But then things spiraled out of control.

Once in a while, that happens. A plan falls apart and the supposed dupe takes on a life of his own. He exceeds the limits. He strikes a nerve in the public. He starts listening to himself and realizes he might actually believe in his own ideas.

As of now, the men who operate the levers of this country at several upper strata see Trump as a wild card.

And they don’t like what they see.

They don’t like it at all.

power outside the matrix

In his better moments, this crazy cowboy seems to have a penchant for solutions that actually work. He isn’t mired down in standard actions designed to yield up more stagnation and more despair.

That makes him both unpredictable and dangerous, because there are real secrets that have been buried over the years—secrets that could restore prosperity and abundance for populations.

He might be crazy enough to unearth them and hold them up and talk about them, and new allies might come to his aid.

This is what is at the bottom of elite fear about the candidate who was never supposed to jump up out of nowhere.

Don’t assume such a threat could never, ever come in the form of a wise-cracking self-inflating hustler from way back. Don’t assume there is some correct archetype of the person who will blow the lid off the grave of secrets. This isn’t a spy novel in which the hero fits the reader’s fantasy. This is the American Empire, and it has been ruled, for a long time, by lunatics.

It might not be a surprise that a wild-talking cowboy exposes a few of their holy of holies.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Kasich delusional; Rubio not in God’s plan

Kasich delusional; Rubio not in God’s plan

by Jon Rappoport

March 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Is America a nation of clueless children? Don’t answer that.

John Kasich, after winning his home state of Ohio in the Republican Primary last night, thus amassing enough delegates to hope and pray for a job as dogcatcher, told his cheering supporters, “We’re going to go all the way to Cleveland and secure the nomination.”

I expected his wife to turn to him and say, “Easy, sailor, the night is still young. Lay off the sauce until we have some supper.”

Kasich sprinkled in a few references to God. Naturally. Only He could reverse a snowball’s chance in Hell.

Marco Rubio tanked in Florida and dropped out of the race. His exit line? The Presidency isn’t in God’s plan for me.

Really, Marco. Is that your excuse? You did everything right, but God, a few weeks ago, or 5 billion years ago, decided 2016 wasn’t going to be your year?

What is it with American politicians and God? They’re in the sleaziest profession in the world and they’re devout?

Of course, in certain swaths of the country, God sells. He sells big. And that’s what these pols are doing. Selling. Sometimes they even buy their own pitch lines. After a while, they can’t tell the difference between votes and blessings from above. It all blurs.

Ted Cruz is shot out of that gun at a thousand miles a minute. He’s ripping down the gates to the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He’s saving the nation from doom. He’s doing Destiny like a high school football coach. When he goes belly up, it’s going to be a demented moment. “I lost so the nation could win. Jesus told me it works that way. It’s a form of martyrdom.”

The “purveyor of God’s Word” is as old as the hills. Apparently, people can’t figure the Word out for themselves, if they want to. They have to look for an intermediary, who takes full advantage of the position he’s made for himself.

Marco Rubio is obviously depressed. But why? He knows, somehow, that he wasn’t in God’s Plan. Therefore, he should be happy. The Plan is working out. What’s more important, the end of his campaign or God’s Will? Come on, Marco, get your priorities straight. How does your defeat measure up against the unfolding of the Universe?

exit from the matrix

Why aren’t devout believers angry at these pols, who are selling cheap knockoff versions of the Original Product?

“I’ve got God for only $39.95. In fact, vote for me and I’ll send you two for the price of one. Just pay for shipping and handling.”

Turns out the shipping and handling is an exchange for the commitment of your soul.

“Well, we didn’t win the election, but I came out of the experience with a whole new understanding of religion. Jesus is back. He wears a retro powder-blue leisure suit and shows up at Texas barbecues and He wants us to bomb lots of countries and sign all the trade treaties. It was a revelation for me…”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

If Bernie supporter and Trump supporter had this conversation

If Bernie supporter and Trump supporter had this conversation

by Jon Rappoport

March 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Two years ago, on the 20th anniversary of NAFTA, the Globalist trade treaty, Lori Wallach of Public Citizen wrote, at the Huffington Post (“NAFTA at 20: One Million U.S. Jobs Lost, Higher Income Inequality,” 1/6/2014):

“…outcomes include a staggering $181 billion U.S. trade deficit with NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada and the related loss of 1 million net U.S. jobs under NAFTA, growing income inequality, displacement of more than one million Mexican campesino farmers and a doubling of desperate immigration from Mexico…”

Imagine that two guys (hail Bernie) (hail Trump), after pushing and shoving each other at a rally, crushing each other’s signs, screaming, throwing a few punches, accusing each other of betraying what America stands for, and so on, backed off, settled down a little, and actually (God forbid) started talking—

Hail Bernie Guy: So who the hell are you anyway?

Hail Trump Guy: What the hell are you talking about?

HBG: What do you do?

HTG: None of your business. What do you do?

HBG: Nothing. Not a damn thing. I’ve been looking for work since 2011.

HTG: Bullshit.

HBG: You find that hard to believe, you idiot?

HTG: No. I’m out of work, too. I had a job in a factory in Ohio.

HBG: I worked in a factory in Illinois.

HTG: You’re kidding.

HBG: They stole my job. My company shut down the plant and moved it to Mexico.

HTG: My company went to Bangladesh. The workers there make four cents an hour. If they’re lucky.

HBG: That’s why they relocate. Slave wages, no unions, no safety regulations.

HTG: Jesus, you and I are…

HBG: Looks like we’re in the same friggin’ boat. And it sank.

HTG: My guy Trump says he can bail me out with a job.

HBG: My guy says the same thing. Not sure I really believe him.

HTG: I know what you mean. My guy is a lot of flash.

HBG: My guy thinks the government can fix things. You mean the Congress is going to repeal all those fucking trade treaties that put us in a hole to begin with? I don’t see it happening.

HTG: Exactly.

HBG: Does it occur to you…

HTG: That we’re both being worked over? It sort of does.

HBG: I mean, how is it that, this year, there are two guys running for President who are opposite extremes, and both of them are talking about bringing jobs back to the US and how we’re being screwed? But they’re opposites. Total extreme opposites.

HTG: It’s like somebody wants to put us at each other’s throats, even though…

HBG: We both have the same problem. Caused by the same damn people.

HTG: The Globalists.

HBG: The fucking Globalists.

HTG: Can you imagine what would happen if all of us, all the Americans who’ve been getting screwed in the same way, losing our jobs, were on the same side?

HBG: We could be a fucking tidal wave.

HTG: So who wins by keep us at each other’s throats?

HBG: A Globalist.

HTG: A Globalist who’s running for President.

HBG: Who happens to have a husband who signed the fucking NAFTA treaty in 1993, and put a million Americans out of work.

HTG: Not only that. NAFTA put over a million Mexican farmers in the dumper, too. How many of them do you think have been coming up across the border because they’re broke?

HBG: Shit. I didn’t think of that.

HTG: Something’s going on here, buddy.

HBG: Looks that way.

HTG: Put fucking Trump and Bernie on the same ticket.

HBG: Very funny. Never going to happen.

HTG: Looks like we needed just one guy running for President. Maybe one different guy. Not Bernie or Trump.

HBG: Yeah, maybe. One guy who wouldn’t have split us apart. One guy who could spell out the whole Globalist con job. The trade treaties. Stealing our jobs. Our livelihoods. Selling out the whole goddamn country.

HTG: You and I are probably both patriotic when it comes right down to it.

HBG: If being patriotic means having a decent job and the government isn’t fighting wars all over the world, then I’m on board. You know something? There are people on your side and my side who are…

HTG: Trying to screw things up. By taking them to extremes. But what you and I are talking about right now is pretty simple. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy nut, but maybe there are people on your side and mine who are coming in from the outside…trying to mess us both up. Just stirring up trouble.

exit from the matrix

HBG: I’ve seen them.

HTG: So have I.

HBG: Something’s wrong.

HTG: We’re being conned. Worked over.

HBG: This might surprise you, but I don’t want the government to do everything for me. I don’t trust the government.

HTG: Neither do I.

HBG: It isn’t just corporations. The big corporations and the government are both screwing us.

HTG: And I was ready to get in a fight with you. Go to the wall.

HBG: Me too. It’s bullshit. But who’s listening to us?

HTG: The noise is drowning us out.

HBG: Because we’re making more sense than all the media assholes put together.

HTG: We need something different.

HBG: Very different.

—end of the conversation—

Divide and conquer. As old as the hills.

Or maybe as new as Hill-ary.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Who is in charge of destroying economies?

Who is in charge of destroying economies?

A dog whistle to Trump supporters.

by Jon Rappoport

March 11, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Who sets that policy? Who keeps it intact, despite new legislators and Presidents exiting and entering office?

Who keeps pushing new economy-destroying trade treaties, like the upcoming TPP? Who demands that these treaties must be ratified?

A number of groups—but one group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

In a minute, I’m going to print a stunning piece of forgotten history, a 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission.

I discovered the conversation in the late 1980s, and ever since then, I’ve been looking at it from various angles, finding new implications. Here, I want to point out that the conversation was public knowledge at the time.

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning.

But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the US Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy (which includes trade treaties) were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.

And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements. Carter was himself a covert agent of the Trilateral Commission in the White House, a willing pawn, a rank con artist, a hustler. He had been plucked from obscurity and, through elite TC press connections, vaulted into the spotlight as a pre-eminent choice for the Presidency.

To boil down the 1978 conversation between the reporter and two Trilateral Commission members, and the follow-on response:

“The US has been taken over.”

“Yeah, so?”

Many people think the TC, created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

For example:

* Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary

* James Jones, National Security Advisor

* Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee

* Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members:

* George HW Bush

* Bill Clinton

* Dick Cheney

* Al Gore

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Okay. Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s through-the-looking-glass—a conversation between reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried.

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

When Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; ratify trade treaties that effectively send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order.

What kind of order?

One planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

The top Trilateral players, in 2008, had their man in the White House, another formerly obscure individual, like Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama. They had new trade treaties on the planning table. Obama was tasked with doing whatever was necessary to bring those treaties, like the TPP, home. To get them passed. To get them ratified. No excuses.

That’s why, months ago, when anti-TPP criticism and rhetoric was reaching a crescendo, when Obama was seeking Congressional fast-track approval of the treaty, he was in a sweat and a panic. He and his cabinet were on the phones night and day, scrambling and scraping for votes in Congress. This was the Big One. This was why he was the President. To make this happen.

His bosses were watching.

These men run US policy, when and where it counts. They don’t tolerate failure.

This is also why, after Obama was inaugurated for his first term, he shocked and astonished his own advisors, who expected him, as the first order of business, to address the unemployment issue in America. He shocked them by ignoring the number-one concern of Americans, and instead decided to opt for his disastrous national health insurance policy—Obamacare.

Why? Because he never had any intention of trying to dig America out of the crash of 2008. That wasn’t why he was put in the Oval Office. He could, and would, pretend to bring back the economy, with fudged numbers and distorted standards. But really and truly, create good-paying jobs for many, many Americans? Not on the TC agenda. Not in the cards.

It was counter-productive to the TC plan to torpedo the economy further.

It still is.

The Matrix Revealed

Now you have deeper background on the source of the political/media establishment’s panic and hysteria about Donald Trump. That establishment has received its marching orders. Take Trump down.

As far as the Trilaterals are concerned, it doesn’t matter whether The Donald is just blustering and bloviating about bringing jobs back to America, creating new prosperity, and “making America great again.” What matters is, he is raising the issue forcefully, out in the open. And huge numbers of people are responding. They’re confirming that the Obama economic recovery is a lie.

Trump has opened up an unprotected front in the war to sink the US economy. Suddenly, his supporters, like shock troops, are pouring through.

The censorship blocking discussion of the true state of the union has been cracked.

The genie must be put back in the bottle.

But by whom?

What Presidential candidate can now convince the people that all is well, good jobs are plentiful, and the country is prosperous again? Who can float that absurd lie and make people believe it?

If she can stop coughing, sputtering, cackling, switching accents, and grinning like a circus clown on meth, the task falls to Hillary.

Good luck with that one.

Maybe she should come right out and say: “You know me. I love wars. Put me in the Oval, and I’ll launch more wars than you can shake a stick at. And then you’ll see some goddamn prosperity. Everyone has a job in a full-bore wartime economy.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vampire technocrats fly to Jekyll Island to stop Trump

Vampire technocrats fly to Jekyll Island to stop Trump

by Jon Rappoport

March 10, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

It’s such a secret place, only heavy hitters and big shots can fly in, from private airports—which, by the way, have no TSA security. So they could have been packing heat for all we know. Or bags of blood for nighttime drink fests.

Sea Island is where they met. It’s in the same Georgia gaggle as the infamous Jekyll Island, where the Federal Reserve was born many moons ago. But now the goal was narrow: stop the crazy cowboy; stop Trump.

Were secret effigy-burning rituals held? Hard to say. Did one of the tech giants unveil a new algorithm that would suddenly direct all Trump remarks to a new Hitler Facebook page?

Here are some of the Island attendees, according to the Huffington Post (“At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump,” 3/7/2016). Get this:

“Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he ‘cannot support Donald Trump.’

“Along with Ryan, the House was represented by Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.), Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) and almost-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), sources said, along with leadership figure Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.).

“Philp Anschutz, the billionaire GOP donor whose company owns a stake in Sea Island, was also there, along with Democratic Rep. John Delaney, who represents Maryland. Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, was there, too, a Times spokeswoman confirmed.”

Quite a collection. And they all have hernias and a major case of red-ass about the crazy cowboy running for President.

At the confab, Karl Rove, the old grubby prince of darkness, opined that stopping Trump was a matter of emphasizing how un-Presidential he is. Karl’s come a long way down since his glory days with George W. I’m told he’s about to launch his own Daily Racing Form.

Henry Miller, the American writer who, in his time, in his own way, was as reviled and infamous as Trump is now, once wrote (paraphrasing): People say America needs a President who will restore sanity to the country. That’s wrong. What American needs is a President who’ll drive everybody crazy.

Well, here he is. Trump. The gilded, self-inflating hustler who’s never met a success story (of his own) he didn’t love. Trump. The master of off-the-cuff. The ham-fisted swaggering hair stylist’s nightmare who pushes open the swinging doors to The Secret Club bar and strides in, bat-shit angry, to lecture snooty tight-ass titans on how to make America great again.

“I was telling my wife the other day I should buy Alaska. And by the way, we’re going to dump Common Core, and vaccines cause autism.”

What’s the algorithm that stops that?

Regardless of what happens from this point on, Trump’s major contribution to Presidential elections is smashing standard political rhetoric; and that’s no small accomplishment. Next to him, Hillary and Obama and Mitt and Marco are 100% pharmaceutical-grade Thorazine on a slow Sunday afternoon.

Hillary, in particular, can make bloodthirsty war-mongering with torn bodies lying everywhere come across like row-row-row-your-boat at a picnic in the park, in between her coughing fits.

But here’s the thing, Donald. You haven’t gone far enough.

To destroy the walking-dead politicians of our time, you need to get a lot crazieron your own live-streaming webcasts, night and day, to five million, 10 million, 20 million people around the world. From your car, by your fireplace in Trump Tower, in a Burger King, in the men’s room at the Pierre Hotel, in a homeless encampment in San Diego, on a lonely snowy street in Cleveland at 3 in the morning. Ramp it up.

You’re standing in the field of a family farm in the Midwest with a hollow-faced man whose life has been blown away by Monsanto, with its GMO crops and cancer-causing Roundup. There you are talking to him, the farmer, destitute, his family destitute, near a giant acre of weeds eight feet high that resisted Roundup and didn’t die. His crop yield shrank. His expenses, courtesy of Monsanto, grew. He went down. Talk to the man. Listen to his story. Beam it out to 20 million people. Tell him how you’re going to help him put himself back together. Lay out a plan to resurrect the small farmer in America.

Stand inside a building in Chicago where people have built their own urban farm and grow vegetables for the local poor community, for themselves. Show what a success it is. Listen to these people. Tell them how you’re going help them build 5000 of these urban farms in poverty-stricken inner cities across America. People are going to rise up. They’re not going to be a permanent underclass eating government cheese for the rest of their lives.

Sit in a homeless camp with veterans of wars and listen to their stories, listen to how the VA threw them in the garbage heap, after they served their time. Get busy, Donald. These vets are all over America. They have something to say. Don’t hold back. Tell them what’s happened in Iraq and Afghanistan since they were there. Some of them already know. Let them tell you how those countries have gone down the toilet. Raise hell.

In a trailer park, talk to a few former members of the American middle-class, who were shoved down into debt and unemployment by the fanatic Globalist export of jobs to faraway hell holes where workers slave for 3 cents an hour. In fact, under heavy guard, visit a few of those overseas hell holes and expose what they look like and feel like and are. Go the distance.

Travel the southern border of America. Live-stream what’s happening. Talk to US border personnel. Listen to their stories. Emphasize that the US already has 60 million immigrants living here, which makes it the most generous country, per capita, in the world. Talk to Mexican corn farmers coming up into America. Let them describe how 1.5 million of them were put into bankruptcy, because the NAFTA trade treaty allowed US companies to flood Mexico with cheap corn.

Crack the egg of slumber in the Big Cocoon. With your live webcasts, pull in more viewers than NCIS and CSI. Drive your former employer, NBC, crazy.

Talk to truckers and limo drivers and shoe salesmen and working wives and newly minted PhDs who can’t find work. Talk to people on the street, people in bars, people coming out churches and strip clubs and malls.

Tear down the walls between politicians and people.

You’re starting to sound a bit mainstream these days. You’re not going to “work with Congress.” Congress isn’t going to work with you. Get off that horse. Okay, you want to sound like a “unifier” who “likes people”? Do that for a day. But then get back to doing what you were before. Mangling politicians and media buffoons.

People talk like robots because they are robots. That’s your opening, Donald. Keep pressing it. Destroy political-speak. Rake it over the coals. Offend more human androids. Your numbers will keep rising.


I keep writing about the Trump phenomenon because it’s explosive. It intrudes on so much business-as-usual political life in America. I really want to drive home this point. People, so many people, are so timid and scared and provincial and tight—and they think that the usual parade of ghouls who run for office in this country is acceptable because the candidates mouth empty dead words. People expect the walking smiling dead to run for office. Big grins, empty words. That’s considered safe, despite the fact that these hideous creatures are perfectly ready and willing to send planes anywhere to drop bombs on populations for no goddamn good reason. But as long as the candidate has a wan shit-eating grin, and as long as says he’s caring, it’s all right. Then Trump comes along and he’s suddenly the Dangerous One. He’s suddenly a threat. You mean all those other ghouls weren’t? He’s Hitler, and they were messiahs? Are you kidding? All of a sudden we have a dangerous Presidential candidate where there were none before? REALLY? People are getting so worked up about the first dangerous candidate in recent memory? REALLY?

I see. Building a wall is the worst idea ever to occur in America? Nothing like it? Ever? What about Vietnam? 1.4 million dead bodies, countless wounded, and even more suffering cancers and birth defects from Agent Orange. That was nothing compared to the suggestion of building a wall on the southern border? What about bombing Libya, ripping that country to shreds? Might have been a mistake, but it was nothing compared with the suggestion to build a wall? Putting in economic sanctions between the two wars in Iraq and thereby killing 500,000 children? Sad, but nothing compared to the suggestion of building a wall?

The White House funding, backing, creating, arming ISIS in conjunction with US allies? Yes, perhaps a regrettable error in judgment, but nothing compared to the suggestion of building a wall?

Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama? Angels from heaven.

Trump? The anti-Christ.

Well, that settles that.

Get busy, Donald, push harder. Do a webcast to 20 million people from a bar off Wall Street, where you chat with an ex-broker about the giant ongoing con called investment banking, the astonishing ripoffs, the real details of the bailout.

Visit a half-deserted town where a factory closed and went to Asia to make their products on the cheap. Talk to the people of that town as they sit and wait for something to happen that’s never going to happen.

Assemble a group of media people who were drummed out of their profession for speaking the truth about vital scandals and let them talk. Have a conversation about what lies under the surface of American life, about the themes the stuffed media shirts who still have their jobs are concealing, as they attack you around the clock. Break open the whole stinking mess and show it to the American people, and reveal what their robot-talking politicians have been doing to them.

For a long, long time.

exit from the matrix

Coda—I realize I’m branching out into an area where the actual Donald Trump doesn’t exist. The disruptive force that he is may have, behind it all, severe limits. He may only want to upset a few apple carts. He’s only a moon rising, and never goes full. On the other hand, we’ve never seen a politician who is what he should be. And we need to flesh out a better idea about who that is, as an intensely disruptive radical force, in the best and original sense of that word.

“Radical” equals “root.”

Politics as it never was. But could be.

Not the skunk-ridden Leftist hideous mask of “we care,” behind which commissars try to drive us all into a shit heap of senseless lowest-common-denominator equality. Not the Rightest pork-fat scumbags pushing predatory corporations to make more weapons and take over more countries in the name of fatuous democracy. Not the Centrists who work both sides against the middle.


Instead, radical.

The root.

The place where the individual has a vision and follows it. The place where such individuals come together and make futures of freedom.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Who’s worse? Hillary or Trump?

Who’s worse? Hillary or Trump?

How deep hypnosis works.

by Jon Rappoport

March 9, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Hillary is the standard image of a politician. Yes, there is a standard. Talk in empty generalities with fake passion and fake caring. Claim that “experience” is vital. “I have close relationships with world leaders.” Be on top with social issues. “I’m for women, I’m for African Americans.”

It’s really the fakery that assures voters. “Well, she’s completely full of it, but that’s what I expect from a President. That’s what a President looks like and sounds like. We’ve made it to 2016 with a full parade of fakers in the Oval Office, so why should we stop now?”

This is called the power of hypnotism.

Trump, of course, breaks the mold. He’s crazy, he wants to build a wall. He wants to cancel trade treaties. He smack-talks the media and other politicians. He’s a dismissive blowhard. He’s real estate operator. Forget it. All this is anti-hypnotic and therefore disturbing. “How dare you stir me from my slumber. I’m angry at you, and I would never vote for a man who makes me angry. I want to be smoothed.”

But let’s do a comparison. Worst case (for those who hate Trump), he’s elected. He’s in the Oval. He actually builds a wall and keeps out immigrants (thereby limiting racist America to 60 million immigrants living here, the bastard). He ups the Pentagon budget. He does a few bombing runs in foreign lands. He tries to bring corporate factories and jobs back to America. He tries to negate Globalist trade treaties. He exacerbates racial and religious tensions at home (no recent President has done that, right?).

What about Hillary? The standard President. The one with experience and common sense and perspective.

Jeffrey Sachs, writing at the Huffington Post, about Hillary, offers this (“Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine,” 2/5/2016):

“It is hard to know the roots of this record of disaster. Is it chronically bad judgment? Is it her preternatural faith in the lying machine of the CIA? Is it a repeated attempt to show that as a Democrat she would be more hawkish than the Republicans? Is it to satisfy her hardline campaign financiers? Who knows? Maybe it’s all of the above. But whatever the reasons, hers is a record of disaster. Perhaps more than any other person, Hillary can lay claim to having stoked the violence that stretches from West Africa to Central Asia and that threatens US security.”

She advised her husband, the President, to bomb Serbia in 1999.

She voted to invade Iraq in 2002.

She urged military escalation in the failed war in Afghanistan.

She pushed and pushed Obama to bomb Libya, which is now a desperate non-nation torn to shreds. “We came, we saw, he (Ghaddafi) died.” Cackle, cackle.

She pushed for regime change (covert war) in Syria.

She stumped for NATO incursions in the Ukraine and Georgia.

Death. Maiming. Wounding. Chaos. Populations living in an aftermath of horror.

But…no problem. It was always somewhere else. It wasn’t here. That’s standard for a President. Kill people in invisible places. Play it down. Invent fairy tales to explain it. “Spreading Democracy.” Yes, that works. Happens all the time.

Trump is a cowboy racist Nazi who can’t be stomached. Hillary is fine. She’s easy. Maybe she loves Monsanto, but that’s just a bump in the road. Health-food devotees can petition her for GMO labeling. Sure. That’s an adequate response. Rainbows and marshmallows.

Anyway, she’s a woman. Women don’t kill people. Except when they do. In foreign lands, craziness is happening we can’t begin to understand—it’s complicated, this national security business, this CIA business, this Globalist business, this military-industrial complex business. We have to leave that to the pros. Like Hillary. She’s a veteran politician. She knows the score.

She knows where the bodies are buried. Because she’s buried them.

In many ways, Trump will upset the delicate balance. Hillary won’t. She’ll keep on killing, which is what we expect. Anything we already expect is good.

Trump is a vicious predator.

Hillary is standard.

The logic is impeccable.

She protects us, as any standard President does. If we can’t see the blood of others on her lips, on her face, dripping down into her cocktail in the War Room, if we can’t see her rictus grin, that’s good, too. We don’t need to see that.

Trump is Hitler, and Hillary is a national-security version of Mother Theresa.

Hillary helps spread terror over a considerable area of the world, and encourages the birth of new terrorists; Trump says he wants to spread a wide net and stop terrorists from entering the US. He’s completely insane and vicious. She’s an absolute darling.

the matrix revealed

No, wait, that couldn’t be right. I’m voting for Hillary. I want her to be queen of the world. She means well. She has to mean well. I want to unleash her humanity, all of it, from her deepest core. It’ll be fine.


It’s all about the children. And the village. Something like that.

It’s not the smell of bullshit and charred bodies. It’s the perfume of a golden dawn.

It has to be.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.