MAY 25, 2011. Here is a principle for you. To understand how deep human programming goes, you have to view the extreme possibilities in the opposite direction.
If you believe there are ten things in this universe, only ten, and most people are aware of three, then you can say they are minus-7. Their conditioning is keeping them from noticing 7 things. Get it?
But of course, there aren’t only ten things in the universe. You’ve missed the extreme possibilities. Let’s say, in truth, there are a quadrillion to the quadrillionth-power things in this universe—and you just found that out. If you know that now, then you say the people who are aware of only three things in the universe are programmed to an incredibly greater degree than you originally believed. Their blindness is their programming.
If you want to understand the depth of human programming, you need to be able to view the extreme possibilities in the opposite direction.
In the articles I’ve been writing about language in the last few months, I’ve been pointing out that many possible kinds of language exist, including those that haven’t been invented yet…and it is ingrained conditioning that prevents people from realizing this.
They’re programmed to communicate in subject-action verb-object sentences, or subject-being verb-adjective sentences.
I’ve suggested, for example, that languages can be invented in which nouns are also verbs…rays and streamers and energies of action radiate from them. These nouns are things and they are actions all rolled up into one.
I’ve further proposed that these nouns could, while having great impact, change their meanings radically, over and over.
I’ve suggested that it is the viewer, the reader (in the case of written text) who, THROUGH IMAGINATION, would find and attribute and invent these changing meanings.
A language of dynamic imagination…
Of course, in order for such languages to appear and be used, human beings would need to escalate their reliance on imagination. Which would create new dimensions and layers of consciousness.
And if we conceive of the radical possibilities of these invented languages (which I’ve been painting for the past year), and we compare them to the kind of language-awareness that’s prevalent in Earth cultures, we can see that the depth of the restrictive programming about language is much greater than we supposed.
I choose not to focus much on the conditioning side of the coin—I’m interested in the upward breakthroughs.
So in this piece, I want to try to give you an example.
Imagine that you’re looking at a shape on paper. It has four or five parts and they flow through and around each other. You begin to use your imagination on it. You begin to invent and therefore find meanings in this complex shape. All in all, you’re going to look at this shape for about ten minutes, and you’re going to imagine/invent what you can.
Well, let’s say that in the space of that ten minutes, for a second ortwo, you’re going to imagine a particular flash of ideas/images/meanings/sensations…..and in that second or two, EVERYTHING I write from now on in this piece, after this intro, is going to be that flash, conveyed to you through your own imagination, IN THOSE ONE OR TWO SECONDS, ZAP BOOM, ZOW.
Which is, of course, just a tiny fraction of what you’re going to invent/see in that shape in 10 minutes…just a tiny fraction, but it’s there, it’s indisputably there. Pretend that’s so.
Everything I’m going to write from now on in this article is going to be what flashes for you in two seconds of looking at that complex shape, in a language that has just been invented.
This is what I mean by EXTREME POSSIBILITIES.
This is what I mean by shaking off the doldrum of Earth culture.
And if you ask, is this complex shape you’re looking at a really cardinal shape in this new invented language, I’m going to say: no it isn’t. In fact, it’s one of the more ordinary shapes in that language which has 50 million different shapes.
Here we go.
Fred is a helluva guy. He’s made 50 universes I know about. They’re interesting places. He just dreams them up and pops them into existence. Bang. Like that.
He’s pretty cheerful, too. He has a place over by the river and the tigers. He doesn’t try to tame them. Couldn’t if he wanted to. They come running at him while he’s out for a walk, launch themselves at him, and he puts up his hand and stops them. But they stop him, too. It’s a standoff, everybody hanging in mid-air, until it’s time to fall down and out wheezing and sneezing and laughing. That’s our provincial version of a picnic.
Anyway, a few months ago, Fred was roaming around, a long way from here, and he came across this universe that had an entrance like a big mall. There was a glowing sign above the entrance:
A guy in a tattered doorman’s uniform stood by the door.
“How much?” Fred said.
“Twelve bucks cover, two-drink minimum. The band doesn’t show up until eleven.”
Fred handed him a hundred. The guy blinked, smiled, stepped aside, and Fred walked through the door.
Inside it was ink black. Little holes in black cloth covered the ceiling. Gold glints showing through.
Fred walked into another dark room where there were all sorts of paintings on the walls and altars and tiny candles in long rows. He moved along into a blue dome, where men were standing around measuring things. Globes, plants, stuffed creatures. A inscribed plaque hung over a big blue cube. “Sacred Geometry.” Fred watched the men measuring things for a minute and then walked to the exit and into the nightclub, which was almost empty. A few people sat at the bar. At the end of the bar, he saw a blank door in the wall.
As he approached it, a big guy in a jump suit blocked his way.
“For employees only,” he said.
Fred nodded.
“Well,” he said, “I’d like to go inside. How about five hundred.”
Fred flashed his roll, peeled off five bills, and the big guy snatched them out of his hand.
“You get two minutes,” he said.
Fred stepped past him, opened the door and went in.
It was an old office with a light bulb hanging on a wire from the ceiling. Behind a battered desk, a man sat looking at big ledgers. He glanced up and waved Fred to a chair. Fred sat down.
The man looked up.
“What can I do for you?” he said.
“Just trying to get the lay of the land,” Fred said.
“Well,” the man said, “I’m the boss. God.”
“You own this place?”
The man smiled.
“I own everything,” he said.
“That’s a broad term.”
“Anything you can see, anywhere you go, it’s mine.”
Fred leaned back in his chair.
“So how do you play it?” he said.
The man looked at Fred for a few seconds.
“You some kind of hipster?” he said. “Basically, nobody leaves this universe. That’s the rule. And it’s a good rule, because there’s nowhere else to go.”
“But I came from somewhere else,” Fred said.
“You think you did,” the man said, “but if it’s real I own it. Get it?”
“I think I do,” Fred said.
“Of course,” the man said, “with somebody like you, which we don’t get too often, there are arrangements that can be made.”
“Sure,” Fred said.
“Make me an offer,” the man said.
“I won’t punch a big hole in space-time,” Fred said.
Fred said it again.
“Wise guy, huh?” the man said.
Fred smiled.
“Just chewing the fat,” he said.
“I could call security and have you locked up.”
“Yeah,” Fred said. “but wherever you put me, I would still have access to space-time.”
Silence, as the man stared at Fred.
“Okay,” he said, finally. “Let’s take it down a notch.”
“Good idea,” Fred said. “I’ll give you this.”
And he produced a high stack of gold bars standing on the floor.
“Real stuff?” the man said.
“Hundred percent pure,” Fred said.
“What’s your game?” the man said.
“Just nosing around,” Fred said. He paused. “I make you for a middle manager. Somebody put you in charge and they went off. You’re God by appointment. Interim. But you’ve been here a long time. And whoever gave you the job, the one who made this whole continuum…for him it was just a lark. He popped it, then needed a deputy. You’re running a protection racket. You collect skim. You probably have a few good hypnotists working for you. Some PR people. They try to keep things smooth.”
There was a long silence.
The man stood up.
“If it exists,” he said, “I made it and it’s mine.”
“Sure,” Fred said. “Play out the string.”
“You’re guilty.”
“Of what?”
“I could list fifty violations,” the man said. “It all comes down to denying I’m the one and only creator.”
“Yeah,” Fred said, “that would be it. I’ve heard it before. I was hoping this place would be a little more interesting, but…same old same old.”
The man’s face turned purple.
“I’m in the BOOK,” he said.
“Right,” Fred said. “I was in a place once where people wrote a book apout me. I laughed for a long time until they couldn’t stand listening to it, and they burned it.”
“Well,” the man said, trying to pull himself together. “That’s your problem. I’ve got mine.”
“You have no idea,” Fred said. “But eventually, I bet, you will.”
He turned to leave and felt a strong pulse at his back. It was one of those stay-where-you-are tentacles…he shrugged it off like a slow Thursday afternoon and disappeared.
Fred gets around. He brings my wife and me exotic little souvenirs from his trips, and we have them hanging on the wall of our living room. They’re usually geometric knick knacks. He tells us they represent what he calls “one-and only” places. People prop up some invisible celebrity who lives far away from them and claim he made their particular continuum. I don’t quite get it. It sounds crazy. If I needed that kind of thing, I’d vote for Fred—but he’d just start that laughing thing. Truth be told, my wife and I are getting a little tired of the decorations on the wall. It’s building up into a clutter. She’s almost ready for a trip to the Void. That’s where you stop creating anything for a while. It’s a zero state. Very refreshing.
We used to run a spa for it. That’s where we met Fred. He came in one day and we let him use a void-room for a few years. When he came out, he said, “You know, if they made bullshit into money, everybody in every universe would be a billionaire.” For that one we inscribed a sign, and it’s above the sink in the kitchen, next to the little two-inch coil that supplies all the energy we need in this continuum.
Once, three guys from somewhere showed up and tried to snatch it. My wife and I launched our striped selves at them, and there wasn’t much to clean up afterwards.
BOOM. Your two seconds are up. And that’s what you invented in two seconds of looking at one shape…which you’re going to keep looking at for ten minutes…and that shape is one of 50 million in that language.
Chew on it.
Think about it.
Imagine extreme possibilities.
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