Wuhan, the lab? No, the other Wuhan nobody is talking about: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction

by Jon Rappoport

June 1, 2021

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This article takes off from the work of investigative reporter, Whitney Webb. [1] Much of what I’m laying out here confirms her exposure of “the other Wuhan.” [1a] Webb writes at Unlimited Hangout and The Last American Vagabond. [1b]

When I put together Webb’s findings with my own COVID research, startling new dimensions of the false “pandemic” story come to light.

Who would have thought that, in less than a year, the image of the opioid drug, fentanyl, would undergo a face lift, enhancing it from “most destructive killer drug in the world” to “lifesaver in the treatment of COVID patients?”

And if this PR miracle is not a sufficient stunner, it just so happens that Opioid Central for illegally trafficking fentanyl to the planet is Wuhan, now the focus of claims that COVID was born in a lab there.

(Fake) pandemic transforms fentanyl into “vital COVID medication.”

(Fake) pandemic starts in Wuhan.

Wuhan is the city where killer drug fentanyl is shipped out to dealers all over the world.

High-level operators, focusing on Wuhan, manage to obscure, from the broad public, the city’s global role in killing millions of people with opioids…by claiming a pandemic was born in Wuhan. “The ONLY thing you have to know about Wuhan is the virus broke out there.”

This has the earmarks of a highly successful cover story.

Here’s a prime illustration of fentanyl’s PR facelift:

NJ [New Jersey] Spotlight News, April 14, 2020, “No Longer a Scourge, Fentanyl Is Now Most-Needed Drug in COVID-19 War.” [2]

“…fentanyl, one of the drugs given to patients so they can withstand the pain of having a breathing tube inserted, is in short supply along with a handful of other crucial drugs.”

“The first wave of critical shortages exposed by the coronavirus was medical masks and gowns. Then it was ventilators. Now, a handful of crucial drugs are in short supply in overrun ICUs throughout northern New Jersey and New York City, many of which are needed to use the ventilators.”

“At the top of the list is fentanyl, the deadly synthetic painkiller — 100 times more powerful than morphine — the very drug that has become public enemy No. 1 in the nation’s war on opioid addiction. Demand for fentanyl has doubled nationwide and shot up more than 500% in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan region, the current global epicenter of the pandemic.”

“Fentanyl may have been killing people in record numbers on the streets of New Jersey in recent years, but in our hospitals, it is now saving lives.”

“Demand for fentanyl is followed by Propofol, a sedative also used with ventilators, according to Soumi Saha, Premier’s senior director of advocacy…Close behind those two is a new category of drugs to face shortages — neuromuscular blockers, which are also being used for ventilator patients because they keep them from involuntarily coughing on the healthcare worker inserting the vent tube.”

“During normal times, patients stay on ventilators for three or four days. Now, not only has the number of ventilated patients spiked, but the time they remain on the device is two to three weeks.”

I gave you an extended quote from that New Jersey article, because I’ll cover the real story behind ventilators later in this piece.

Right now, here are a few references pointing to Wuhan as Opioid Central.

City-journal.org, May 12, 2020, “Wuhan’s other epidemic,” [3] Christopher F. Rufo: “…many don’t know that Wuhan is also the source of another deadly epidemic: America’s fentanyl overdoses… Over the past decade, Wuhan has emerged as the global headquarters for fentanyl production. The city’s chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers hide production of the drug within their larger, licit manufacturing operations, then ship it abroad using deliberately mislabeled packaging, concealment techniques, and a complex network of forwarding addresses. According to a recent ABC News report, ‘huge amounts of these mail-order [fentanyl] components can be traced to a single, state-subsidized company in Wuhan.’”

The Atlantic, August 18, 2019, “The Brazen Way a Chinese Company Pumped Fentanyl Ingredients Into the US,” [4] by Ben Westhoff: “According to Bryce Pardo, a fentanyl expert at the Rand Corporation, the two most commonly used fentanyl precursors—think of them as ingredients—are chemicals called NPP and 4-ANPP. When I first started researching them, in early 2017, advertisements for the chemicals were all over the internet, from a wide variety of different companies. Later, I determined that the majority of those companies were under the Yuancheng [company] umbrella.”

“Posing as a buyer, I answered an online advertisement for fentanyl precursors and was put in touch with a Yuancheng salesman who called himself Sean. We arranged to meet at the company’s main office in Wuhan, in the Wuchang district, near a busy subway station in a blue-collar neighborhood…”

LA Times, April 24, 2020 [5]: “For drug traffickers interested in getting in on the fentanyl business, all roads once led to Wuhan.”

“The sprawling industrial city built along the Yangtze River in east-central China is known for its production of chemicals, including the ingredients needed to cook fentanyl and other powerful synthetic opioids.”

“Vendors there shipped huge quantities around the world. The biggest customers were Mexican drug cartels, which have embraced fentanyl in recent years because it is cheaper and easier to produce than heroin.”

The Times article cites the pandemic as the reason for a decline in the fentanyl business. But lockdowns increased people’s desires for drugs. And of course, since economies have started loosening up, fentanyl trafficking operations are certainly booming again.

The highly successful cover story I described above…were there reasons for this cover, other than an attempt to conceal, from the broad public, Wuhan as the global center of opioid trafficking?

I can think of two other reasons. The first one I would introduce this way: “We’re killing people in the streets with fentanyl, but that’s not enough. We want to kill them in the hospitals, too.”

Heavy hitters, intent on getting rid of the elderly on a wide scale, saw an opportunity. And now we come to the ventilator story.

There is no doubt that, globally speaking, there has been a mad and destructive rush to put people diagnosed with COVID on breathing ventilators.

To deploy these devices in hospitals requires intubation, which is painful and very disruptive. Patients must be sedated. They must be kept sedated, while they’re hooked up to the breathing machines— for days and weeks. [6]

Enter fentanyl and other opioids.

Since the whole story of the COVID virus was a fake from the get-go, some group would have to bear the burden of dying, in order to inflate death numbers; in order to make it appear that the “pandemic” was a fire sweeping through the world.

The group was and is the elderly, and in a series of articles on this gruesome subject a year ago, I left no doubt about the truth staring us in the face. (Note: CDC, May 14, 2021: “8 out 10 COVID-19 deaths reported in the US have been in adults 65 years old and older.”) [7]

COVID is old people. Their premature deaths are forced. [8] Their statistical numbers are gold for the planners of the operation. And this has nothing to do with a virus.

The Hill, (undated, late April 2020), reports on “data…gathered at Northwell Health, New York state’s largest hospital system. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examines 5,700 patients hospitalized with coronavirus infections in the New York City region, with final outcomes recorded for 2,634 patients. The average patient age was 63 years old… For the next oldest age group, ages 66 years and older, patients receiving mechanical [breathing] ventilation recorded a 97.2 percent mortality rate.” [9]

97.2 percent of elderly patients put on breathing ventilators died.

Just in case other obvious strategies failed to produce premature death in the elderly, ventilators provided the method:




Don’t even think of saying, “Well, you see, those old people put on ventilators were already very sick and close to dying.” NO medical treatment that kills 97.2 percent of patients in a well-defined group is continued, unless there are orders mandating it. Unless there is insurance money to be saved. Unless the doctors are willing to follow orders and keep using the treatment, despite the results. [10] [10a]

So yes, opioids were transformed, by a cover story, from a killer street drug to a “lifesaving treatment” for COVID—but at the deepest level, that meant murdering the elderly with the drugs.

The second reason for the cover story would have involved moving up the time table for launching the fake pandemic story in Wuhan.

Was there some sort of accident, in which the people of Wuhan were exposed to fentanyl, with deadly consequences? Desperately needing a phony cover-up explanation—was “THE VIRUS” story invoked?

I can only speculate about that possibility. However, China is famous for loose enforcement of safety regulations in factories, and it’s possible that some sort of accident occurred, which blew fentanyl or its components through the city of Wuhan, killing people on the spot.

There are analogous recent incidents in China.

The Wikipedia page for the 2019 Xiangshui chemical plant explosion [11], which killed 78 people and injured 617, mentions other events as well:

“On 27 November 2007, an explosion occurred in one of the chemical factories in Chenjiagang Chemical Zone, with seven killed and around 50 injured…In the early morning of 11 February 2011, rumors of toxic chemical release and potential imminent explosions in the Chenjiagang Chemical Industry Park led over ten thousand residents to evacuate in panic from the towns of Chenjiagang and Shuanggang during which four people died and many were injured. On the afternoon of May 18 and again on July 26 in 2011, there were explosions at local factories.”

As I keep reminding readers, the whole “pandemic” is a covert op. Such operations always deploy cover stories, in order to hide what is really being done, how it’s being done, and why.

Speaking of which, there are several major pharmaceutical companies who’ve faced heavy exposure for their roles in the opioid criminal trafficking business. For example, Purdue, and Johnson & Johnson. A third one is (Mossad-connected) Teva. [12]

If you could offer Warren Buffet an ice cream cone with a truth-serum cherry on top, it would be interesting to ask him whether the PR campaign to push opioids as life-saving COVID treatments helped stabilize his 42,789,295 shares of beleaguered Teva, worth $493,789,000. [13]

To connect one more dot (for now,) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation holds 50 million shares, worth $11 billion, in Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway. [14] It is the Gates Foundation’s top investment.


[1] https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb

[1a] See the video at the following link: starting at the 38m00s mark: https://www.activistpost.com/2021/05/whitney-webb-interview-cyber-hacks-white-powders-scares-vaccine-tracking-its-all-come-to-pass.html

[1b] https://linktr.ee/whitneywebb

[2] https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/04/no-longer-a-scourge-fentanyl-is-now-most-needed-drug-in-covid-19-war/

[3] https://www.city-journal.org/wuhan-fuels-americas-fentanyl-epidemic

[4] https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/08/chinese-company-helping-fuel-opioid-epidemic/596254/

[5] https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-04-24/wuhan-china-coronavirus-fentanyl-global-drug-trade

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/ventilators/

[7] https://web.archive.org/web/20200515074622/https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/older-adults.html

[8] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/old-people/

[9] https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/medical-advances/494274-nearly-half-of-all-patients-placed-on

[10] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/12/state-senator-and-doctor-exposes-medicare-payouts-for-covid-19-patients/

[10a] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/08/31/killing-fields-of-new-york-putting-cuomo-and-trump-on-notice/

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Xiangshui_chemical_plant_explosion

[12] https://www.oag.state.va.us/media-center/news-releases/1626-february-10-2020-unredacted-complaint-reveals-fentanyl-manufacturer-teva-cephalon-s-illegal-marketing-strategies

[13] https://fintel.io/so/us/teva/berkshire-hathaway

[14] https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/101215/what-bill-gatess-portfolio-looks.asp

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Dispatches from the War: the killing fields of New York; putting Cuomo and Trump on notice

Note: this is a re-publication of an article I wrote several months ago. The subject has dropped off the radar. I’m bringing it back. Nothing has been done to remedy the tragedy and the crimes detailed below.

by Jon Rappoport

August 31, 2020

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BREAKING UPDATE—GreenMedInfo and GatewayPundit are reporting the CDC has quietly revised its COVID US death numbers. Instead of 161,000 deaths, the actual number is less than 10,000, in the category of “died from the virus and no other causes.”

GreenMedInfo: “The implications of this are jaw-dropping, confirming what so many of us have been saying for months, namely, the death stats have been overinflated, likely by several orders of magnitude. The CDC surreptitiously updated their COVID death statistics on August 26th, with astounding implications, namely, less than 10k of the 161k people the CDC has said ‘died from COVID’ were classified as having been killed by COVID-19 alone. The rest had 2-3 additional causes of death, the vast majority of which were chronic diseases indicative of poor health which long pre-existed this event. Sources:”



see also…


A study from the Journal of the American Medical Association Network delivers stunning numbers that should make you stop in your tracks—

JAMA Network, April 22, 2020, “Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area”:

“Mortality rates for those who received mechanical [breathing] ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively.”

Well, of course, the people who were put on breathing ventilators were the most ill patients to begin with, right? That’s an unwarranted assumption. And only medical lunatics would continue to apply ANY treatment to a defined group with the staggering kill-rates quoted in the study.

A close and trusted researcher has told me the following: many older people live with chronically low oxygen levels. This may not be ideal, but they survive.

However, when such people arrive at hospitals, doctors can misinterpret the oxygen levels, believing these are dire emergency situations—and therefore, they sedate the patients and put them on ventilators. The patients die.

Then there is money. Insurance money. In a phone interview, physician and Minnesota state senator, Scott Jensen, told me that hospitals, who are suffering very deep financial losses, are incentivized by Medicare to label as many patients as possible “COVID-19,” and to put them on ventilators.

Jensen stated that a patient on Medicare, diagnosed with straight pneumonia, would bring a $4600 payment to the hospital. The same patient, labeled “COVID-19 pneumonia,” would bring $13,000. And if that patient is put on a ventilator: $39,000.

Result? Patients unnecessarily and murderously put on ventilators.

In New York, there are many elderly and very ill people, suffering from long-term conditions that have nothing to do with an epidemic. They have been treated for years with toxic drugs and toxic vaccines. They already have lung problems. Massive propaganda about the COVID virus terrifies them. They believe they might be “infected.” Then they ARE diagnosed with COVID, isolated from family and friends, and they they give up and die. Prematurely. Their deaths are BROUGHT ON AND FORCED by the COVID diagnosis and the isolation. And, in many instances, by ventilators.


These old people? Using worldometers.info for data, as of May 13, those 65 and older account for an astonishing 73.6 percent of all COVID deaths in New York.

The 75 and older group accounts, all on its own, for 48.7 percent of all COVID deaths in the city.


There is more to say about the issue of hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the blood of patients). A number of patients in New York have mystified ER doctors because they show up with this condition.

WebMD lists a number of obvious causes for hypoxia: asthma attack; trauma (injury); COPD; emphysema; bronchitis; pain medicines, “and other drugs that hold back breathing”; heart problems; anemia, “a low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen.”

Among the drugs that can cause the oxygen deprivation known as hypoxia? From drugabuse.com: “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.”

Is anyone looking into THAT, in New York?

More from drugabuse.com: “In the U.S., a whopping 44 people die each and every day as a result of respiratory arrest brought on by prescription opioid overdose. The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up. What’s more, the opioids found in painkillers are the same ones found in heroin, which caused over 8,000 overdose deaths in 2013.”

2018 estimate of deaths from opioid overdoses in New York: 3000. Many more people in the New York area are addicted to these drugs. In New York State, in 2017, the number of people discharged from hospitals, after treatment for opioid overdose or dependency: 25,000.

In 2020, people who have developed opioid hypoxia are misdiagnosed with “COVID-19 lung problems.” Some of these people would be sedated further, put on ventilators—ignoring the need to deal with their overdose, their addiction, their withdrawal—and they die.

New York City, opioids, heroin, severe breathing problems, hypoxia, ventilators with sedation, death.

None of this requires the existence or transmission of a purported coronavirus.

And hypoxia can be alleviated with oxygen delivered through means other than ventilators.

Of course, the governor of New York, Cuomo, has opted to order tens of thousands of ventilators for his State, in order to “save lives.”

Trump, too, has taken emergency action to produce and provide more ventilators for America. Make death great again.











The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Highly dangerous drug being used to sedate COVID patients

by Jon Rappoport

July 5, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

In my recent series of articles, I’ve exposed the fact that COVID-19 equals killing old ill people—the causing of their premature deaths through terror and isolation—it’s not a virus—and thus falsely inflating “epidemic” numbers.

And now this:

I’ve become aware of a very dangerous drug—Fresenius Propoven—that is being used to sedate COVID patients who are on breathing ventilators in US hospitals.

The FDA has approved its use on an emergency basis “during the pandemic.”

Why? Unclear. Because other drugs are in short supply? The FDA openly warns that the concentration of the active ingredient in the drug is higher than usual. Double, in fact.

This raises MAJOR issues. We know that in some hospitals, the level of care is casual and neglectful, to say the least. Untrained or inattentive staff are routinely putting patients on ventilators. Medicare is paying out coverage to hospitals at a much higher rate, when COVID-diagnosed patients are placed on ventilators.

In New York City, at least one ER doctor—Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell—has gone public with the fact that some patients need oxygen, but ventilator protocols can damage their lungs and kill them.

A nurse working at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York—Erin Marie Olszewski—stated that patients on ventilators are given very heavy sedation, and they never wake up.

Hospitals are, to an alarming degree, liability-free zones, because they isolate COVID patients and wall them off from friends and family.

And now: a sedative drug that contains a much higher-than-usual concentration of the active ingredient—with the extreme danger of overdose.

Here are the details from an FDA page:


“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product, Fresenius Propoven 2% (propofol 20 mg/mL) Emulsion 100 mL, to maintain sedation via continuous infusion in patients greater than 16 years old who require mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting.”


“Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion 100mL is not an FDA-approved drug in the United States. However, FDA has issued an EUA permitting the emergency use of Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The scope of the EUA is limited as follows:
* Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion will be used only to maintain sedation via continuous infusion in patients greater than 16 years old who require mechanical ventilation.
* Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion will be administered only by a licensed healthcare provider in an ICU setting.
* Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion will NOT be administered to pregnant women, unless there are no FDA-approved products available to maintain sedation for these patients should they require mechanical ventilation in an ICU setting.
* Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion will be used only in accordance with the dosing regimens as detailed in the authorized Fact Sheets.”

“Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion 50 mL is approved in Europe and other international countries. The Fresenius Propoven 2% Emulsion 100mL product will be manufactured by Fresenius Kabi AG in the same FDA inspected facilities as DIPRIVAN® and other Propoven 2% fill sizes.”

As you can see, the FDA makes a point of warning about overdose.

But the Agency allows the use of this drug, at hospitals where the standard of care—and the lack of access for family and friends of patients—are HIGHLY serious problems…all in all, a recipe for disaster.

As usual, the general public is completely uninformed. The entire focus is on “the virus.” Instead of on medical treatment itself as a cause of death.

The medical community is well aware of the disaster their own treatments pose. As I’ve cited numerous times in these pages, a review done in the year 2000, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (8/26/2000), spelled it out. Authored by Dr. Barbara Starfield, of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, the review was titled, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” Starfield conservatively estimated that every year, the US medical system kills 225,000 people. 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals; and 106,000 from the effects of FDA-approved medical drugs.

When I interviewed Starfield in 2009, she emphatically stated she was aware of NO systematic effort by the federal government to remedy this horrific ongoing catastrophe.

It’s still business as usual.

The business of medically caused death.

And now they’re calling it COVID-19.


* https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/old-people/

* https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/12/state-senator-and-doctor-exposes-medicare-payouts-for-covid-19-patients/

* https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/06/12/military-nurse-at-covid-epicenter-hospital-its-murder/

* https://www.fda.gov/media/137889/download

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Nurse at COVID epicenter hospital: “it’s murder”

Where is Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose District includes the hospital? Is this the shining example of social justice she wants—death by medicine?

by Jon Rappoport

June 12, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Her name is Erin Marie Olszewski. She’s a military nurse. She worked at the hospital that’s touted as being at the very center of the global pandemic, in terms of numbers of cases and deaths.

Her video is out there. Infowars has it among their banned videos. David Icke has it. Solari.com has it. The Brighteon platform has it. Others have it. It’s devastating testimony, first-hand, from Erin’s undercover investigation inside the Elmhust Hospital in Queens, New York, “the epicenter of the COVID epicenter.”

But this isn’t about the virus. It’s about murder at the hospital. That’s Erin’s assessment and conclusion, after working at Elmhurst.

I’ll boil down essentials of her findings:

At the hospital, poverty-stricken patients, mostly black and Latino, come in and are tested for COVID-19. When the conventional tests read negative—meaning no COVID—some of these people are nevertheless marked down as COVID-19 cases.

That puts them on a train to death.

For no good reason, they’re placed on breathing ventilators. They’re sedated, to keep them from moving around and feeling the discomfort and pain of the invasive intubation.

But these patients are HEAVILY sedated for long periods. As much as a MONTH.

Completely cut off from the outside world, they never wake up.

This is no mystery. Any medical professional, doctor or nurse, WOULD KNOW DEATH IS THE INEVITABLE OUTCOME. It’s a protocol for killing.

And of course, the patients’ deaths are marked down as “caused by the virus.”

I can think of at least 20 New York and federal agencies who should be swarming all over the Elmhurst Hospital. But there is no action of any kind from them.

Where is the famous Congresswoman from the 14th Congressional District, which includes the Elmhurst Hospital? I’m talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Socialist who wants a single payer health system for all Americans. Is THIS the kind of healthcare she’s talking about? Why isn’t she storming the hospital with reporters and cameras, demanding answers, brushing past guards, blasting into the office of hospital CEO Israel Rocha and demanding to know why patients are dying on ventilators?

Where is Bill De Blasio, the New York mayor? Where is Cuomo, the New York state governor? Nowhere. They’re too busy with the punishing lockdowns. Too busy destroying the New York economy. Too busy destroying the lives of millions of New Yorkers with their insane economic attack. Too busy playing up to their “liberal” voters, who are loyal to new zombie normal with their utterly useless masks.

Where are New York reporters? Why aren’t they camped out at the Elmhurst Hospital demanding answers and exposing capital crimes?

Where are public protests at the hospital? Inside those doors, many people CAN’T BREATHE anymore. But in this case, it has nothing to do with a cop who has his knee on the neck of a black man. It has to do with a standard of medical care that is pushing patients on the train to death. If local reporters and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez were doing their jobs, you would definitely see those protests, and the whole foul truth would come tumbling out for the world to know.

What about the doctors and nurses inside the Elmhurst Hospital? What do they have to say? Who set up the protocol of death? Why are these health professionals “just following orders?” Who is giving the orders? Labeling patients “COVID-19” brings more insurance money to the hospital. That’s obvious. But what about INDUCED DEATH? Is it just the result of cold indifference? At one point in the video, Erin says that, although she works with some good people, there are others, and apparently for them, patients are “disposable” human beings.

Surely, these Elmhurst doctors and nurses know about Erin’s video by now. Don’t they have anything to say? Wouldn’t you assume they’d be defending themselves? So far, I see and hear nothing from them. Are they under strict orders to keep their mouths shut? If so, why? If they aren’t committing horrendous crimes, why should they stay silent?

And don’t assume Elmhurst is the only hospital where death by medical murder is occurring. Don’t assume New York is the only city where it’s happening.

In a mainstream review I’ve often cited, annual deaths in the US caused by medical mistreatment and errors, in hospitals, is 119,000. And that doesn’t include deaths caused by the administration of FDA approved drugs. THAT number would be 106,000 per year. (Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”)

Go ahead. Add up those figures. That’s 225,000 deaths a year at the hands of doctors. That’s 2.25 MILLION deaths in America, per decade, caused by doctors.

It’s time the American people started paying attention to the third (maybe the first) leading cause of death in their country: medical care.

Elmhurst Hospital in Queens New York is the epicenter of something. But it isn’t a virus.

Brushing medical hocus-pocus aside—let’s get down to the core of the death protocol. Who ordered it? Who started it? Who is enforcing it?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID: breathing ventilators, New York, death rate

by Jon Rappoport

May 8, 2020

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A recent study from the Journal of the American Medical Association Network delivers numbers that should make you stop and think—

JAMA Network, April 22, 2020, “Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area”:

“Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively.”

Well, of course, the people who were put on ventilators were the most ill patients to begin with, right? Perhaps. We don’t know that.

In any case, the numbers are shocking.

How to explain them?

I offer several clues.

CLUE ONE: A close and trusted researcher has told me the following: many older people live with chronically low oxygen levels. This may not be ideal, but they survive.

However, when such people arrive at hospitals, doctors can misinterpret the oxygen levels, believing these are dire emergency situations—and therefore, they put the patients on ventilators. With too much pressure, the result can be lung damage and death.

CLUE TWO: The now-famous New York ER doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell, at Maimonides Medical Center, has stated that standard ventilator protocol could be damaging and killing patients.

NY Post, April 6: “In another video posted Sunday, Kyle-Sidell described COVID-19…It is as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet and the cabin pressure is slowly being let out’,” he said in a video posted Tuesday.”

“’These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen … and while they look like patients absolutely on the brink of death, they do not look like patients dying of pneumonia’.”

Sidell has said the lung muscles of these patients are functioning. That is not the problem. Oxygen deprivation is the problem.

NY Post: “James Cai, a physician assistant who was New Jersey’s first coronavirus patient, told The Post that he agreed with Kyle-Sidell’s observations and conclusions…”

“Cai noted that the… ‘[lung muscle in the] COVID-19 patient works just fine. So [a] ventilator is actually doing more harm to [the] lung…thousands of thousands [of] Americans’ lives are on the line!’”

CLUE THREE: Money. Insurance money. In a phone interview, physician and Minnesota state senator, Scott Jensen, told me that hospitals, who are suffering very deep financial losses, are incentivized by Medicare to label as many patients as possible “COVID-19,” and to put them on ventilators.

Jensen stated that a patient on Medicare, diagnosed with straight pneumonia, would bring a $4600 payment to the hospital. The same patient, labeled “COVID-19 pneumonia,” would bring $13,000. And if that patient is put on a ventilator: $39,000.

Result? Patients unnecessarily put on ventilators. With the wrong protocol, harm and death could result.

CLUE FOUR: In New York, there are many elderly and very ill people, suffering from long-term conditions that have nothing to do with an epidemic. They have been treated for years with toxic drugs and toxic vaccines. They already have lung problems. Massive propaganda about the COVID virus terrifies them. They believe they might be “infected.” They’re also afraid their neighbors might report them to the authorities if they cough at night. They come to hospitals. There, in the midst of a foreign environment, they’re confused and even more scared. Diagnosed with COVID, put on ventilators, isolated from family and friends, they give up and die.

There is one more factor that has been overlooked. It involves the “high-altitude sickness” in patients. Oxygen deprivation. Some people have explained this as an effect of the recent rollout of 5G technology.

Here, from a CDC FAQ about 2003 SARS—yes, I said 2003—is a brief quote: “After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may develop a dry, nonproductive cough that might be accompanied by or progress to a condition in which the oxygen levels in the blood are low (hypoxia).”

So unless the CDC is retrospectively rewriting history, straight oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) is not a recent development.

WebMD describes hypoxia: “Hypoxemia (low oxygen in your blood) can cause hypoxia (low oxygen in your tissues) when your blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to your tissues to meet your body’s needs. The word hypoxia is sometimes used to describe both problems.”

WebMD lists a number of causes: asthma attack; trauma (injury); COPD; emphysema; bronchitis; pain medicines, “and other drugs that hold back breathing”; heart problems; anemia, “a low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen.”

Among the drugs that can cause the oxygen deprivation known as hypoxia? From drugabuse.com: “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.”

Is anyone looking into that, in New York?

More from drugabuse.com: “In the U.S., a whopping 44 people die each and every day as a result of respiratory arrest brought on by prescription opioid overdose. The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up. What’s more, the opioids found in painkillers are the same ones found in heroin, which caused over 8,000 overdose deaths in 2013.”

From Medscape, there is more: “Life-threatening breathing difficulties can occur in patients who use gabapentin or pregabalin with opioids or other drugs that depress the central nervous system, as well as those with underlying respiratory impairment and the elderly, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned in a drug safety communication issued today.”

2018 estimate of deaths from opioid overdoses in New York: 3000. Many more people in the New York area are addicted to these drugs. In New York State, in 2017, the number of people discharged from hospitals, after treatment for opioid overdose or dependency: 25,000.

In 2020, still more people who have developed opioid hypoxia would be missed, because they are diagnosed with “COVID-19 lung problems.” Some of these people would be put on ventilators—ignoring the need to deal with their overdose, their addiction, their withdrawal—and they would die.

New York City, opioids, heroin, severe breathing problems, hypoxia.

None of the clues I’ve listed requires the existence or transmission of a purported coronavirus.

Note: In the near future, I hope to publish updated information from the extraordinary environmental researcher, Jim West, who has been documenting the effects of pollution in the New York area for 20 years.


* https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765184

* https://nypost.com/2020/04/06/nyc-doctor-says-coronavirus-ventilator-settings-are-too-high/

* https://www.cdc.gov/sars/about/faq.html

* https://www.webmd.com/asthma/guide/hypoxia-hypoxemia#1

* https://drugabuse.com/take-my-breath-away-a-deadly-warning-about-opiates/

* https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/922932

* https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/opioid/data/pdf/nys_opioid_annual_report_2019.pdf

* https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/12/state-senator-and-doctor-exposes-medicare-payouts-for-covid-19-patients/

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

My conversation with State Senator and doctor who exposes Medicare payouts for COVID-19 patients

As you’ll see by end of this article, the specific decisions about money mentioned here affect life and death outcomes for patients.

by Jon Rappoport

April 12, 2020

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A state senator has suddenly come out of nowhere and made big news.

My conversation with Minnesota State Senator, Dr. Scott Jensen, took place after I read the explosive statement he made to FOX News, on April 9th. So let’s start with his earlier FOX statement [1]:

“Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000; three times as much. Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things [don’t] [have] impact on what we do…”

I reached out to Senator Jensen, and obtained clarification. Jensen told me his remark pertained to patients with Medicare coverage. And the 2 payouts he mentioned are standard insurance payments from Medicare which would go to the hospital.

Of course, he explained, some hospitals have a pay-share plan with their staff doctors. Therefore, a windfall for the hospital is passed along to those doctors.

Jensen told me: Take a Medicare patient who is diagnosed with simple non-COVID pneumonia. The hospital would receive a one-time Medicare lump-sum payout of $4600.

However, if that Medicare patient is diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia, the Medicare coverage is a one-time $13,000 payment. And if the hospital puts that COVID-19 pneumonia patient on a ventilator, the one-time payment is $39,000. NOTE: It doesn’t matter how long these patients stay in hospital—there is only going to be one lump-sum insurance payment.

So, I infer, there are several types of financial incentives for hospitals—

ONE: Diagnose as many people as possible with COVID-19.

TWO: Diagnose as many people as possible with COVID-19 who have light symptoms—making it easy to move them out of the hospital quickly.

THREE: Put as many COVID patients as possible on ventilators for as short a time as possible.

Under the heading of “diagnose as many patients as possible with COVID-19,” there is also the key question of what constitutes “a COVID-19 patient”—and how the use of that label can be multiplied and manipulated. Senator Jensen made a few choice comments to FOX on this subject as well.

From FOX News: “Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota family physician who is also a Republican state senator, told ‘The Ingraham Angle’ Wednesday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines for doctors to certify whether a patient has died of coronavirus are ‘ridiculous’ and could be misleading the public.”

“Host Laura Ingraham read Jensen the [CDC] guidelines, which say: ‘In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”

“In response, Jensen told Ingraham the CDC’s death certificate manual tells physicians to focus on ‘precision and specificity,’ but the coronavirus death certification guidance runs completely counter to that axiom.”

“’The idea that we are going to allow people to massage and sort of game the numbers is a real issue because we are going to undermine the [public] trust,’ he said. ‘And right now as we see politicians doing things that aren’t necessarily motivated on fact and science, their trust in politicians is already wearing thin’.”

“…Jensen then told Ingraham that under the CDC guidelines, a patient who died after being hit by a bus and tested positive for coronavirus would be listed as having presumed to have died from the virus regardless of whatever damage was caused by the bus.”

“…Jensen also reacted to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s response to a question about the potential for the number of coronavirus deaths being ‘padded,’ in which the NIAID director described the prevalence of ‘conspiracy theories’ during ‘challenging’ times in public health.”

“’I would remind him that anytime health care intersects with dollars it gets awkward,’ Jensen said.”

Here is where everything Scott Jensen is saying can turn very grim—

As I’ve reported [2], New York ER doctor, Cameron Kyle-Sidell [3], has made public statements about the misuse of ventilators with supposed COVID-19 patients. He’s stated that some of these patients actually have functioning lungs. Their immediate and dire life-threatening situation is straight oxygen deficit, as if they have high-altitude sickness. But pressure on the lungs, applied by the use of ventilators via standard rigid protocols, he says, can cause damage, and even death.

Imagine what would happen if another way—NOT ventilators—was found to usefully and safely deliver oxygen to these patients.

The hospitals wouldn’t get their huge $39,000 payout for each Medicare patient put on a ventilator.

What do you think a hospital would say…what decision would the hospital make…would the hospital allow a better and safer and necessary delivery system for oxygen? For every labeled “COVID-19 patient” whose desperate emergency is a straight deficit of oxygen?

Would the hospital forego all those huge Medicare coverage payouts?

[1]: Minnesota doctor blasts ‘ridiculous’ CDC coronavirus death count guidelines
[2]: COVID and a 5G connection?
[3]: Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell. E R & Critical Care Dr From NYC

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.