A boy and a psychiatrist

A boy and a psychiatrist

by Jon Rappoport

August 14, 2013


there is a boy in Los Angeles who is being drugged to death by a psychiatrist

this professional is quite sure he knows what is going on in the boy’s brain

but the boy, in a last desperate act, is loading a shotgun

and he’s carrying it in a case to a mall

there is no disease in the boy’s brain

there is only the river of ferocious activity

the drug is producing

a madness the psychiatrist is unwilling to admit

he is a professional

he went to medical school

he became an android by choice

the afternoon is mild and cloudy

and people are dying in the mall

the psychiatrist is at home watching it unfold on television

he will never be identified as the prescribing physician

the reporters will never attempt to identify or find him

the State chooses to license this man and attribute to him a monopoly of knowledge about sanity

the psychiatrist packs a bag

he gets in his car and he drives

he has a cabin a hundred miles from the city

he’ll stay there for a few days

and work on a journal article

a team of representatives

from the company that manufactures the drug is on the scene at the mall

they know who the psychiatrist is

they know where he is

they will keep an eye on him

to make sure he doesn’t develop a conscience

people are dying in the mall

they’re bleeding on the concrete floors

the “shooter” is moving from shop to shop

killing them

the news crews are parked a few hundred yards from the mall

the anchors are already speculating about why the boy is killing people

and how he got access to a weapon

advisors to the President are preparing notes

the President will go on television and repeat his promise to open more community mental-health centers across the country

so more psychiatrists can drug more children

and display their knowledge about the brain

psychiatric care and “mental health” have to be the answers because they fit so well into the scientific fairy tale

and politicians can recite it so easily

families of the dead victims in the mall are starting to be notified by the police

the boy with the shotgun is already dead

he killed himself

his brain is still firing with the last remnants of the drug that pushed him into another world

none of this will be mentioned at the memorials or the funerals

in the White House they are deciding who will fly out tomorrow to deliver a speech and comfort the families

Exit From the Matrix

in his cabin

the psychiatrist is working on his journal article

he’s cooking a steak on the grill

the sun is setting

the nocturnal animals are waking up in the woods

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

10 comments on “A boy and a psychiatrist

  1. Jeffrey A, Friedberg, Nee Free says:

    Ever true, ever true, ever true, yes, and the media and “the White House” (whatever THAT really means) will ever and ever prepare their notes from their notes made of notes from notes in a falsified melody of anthems, and hit-parade pop, and drinking or drug songs, marching songs, religion, and nonsensical TV jingles. While everyone puts on their serious TV face and soft voices, with “delivery” worth $5-$10M a year—to SOMEBODY—and decries, or nods wisely, or comments upon how GREAT each politician looks and how INTERESTING their remarks are. As the blow-torches of erasure are turned upon the true meaning of the event, EXACTLY as Jon has mapped, from his own blowtorch imagination and natural born freedom.

  2. AdamXYZ says:

    You nailed it.

  3. mark b says:

    When the meaning of “society” falls away due to the awareness of it’s artificial construct, dosing people with ‘Fukitall’ is quite lucrative. I have arrived at the conclusion that the game is ‘fixed’ to stay broken because that’s what makes money. And they all say…”Duhhhhh”.

  4. Jon,
    Thank you for pointing out the dangers of psychiatric drugs which are handed out like candy. Most people probably know of someone who has been seriously hurt because of these drugs, which tells us how vast a problem they are.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Nailed it.

  6. Tracy says:

    Jon, thanks again. Your writing is refreshing, unlike most of the pathetic crap out there that just dances around the issue, you did nail it as usual!

    As for that shrink, maybe he should turn that grill right up and sit on it. Then he can be dosed up with several of their poisons. Then we will see how good he thinks the fucking drugs are.

  7. like a series of snap-shots of an all-to-familiar situation. sad.

    re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama: http://eyebama.onehumanbeing.com/2013/08/14/a-boy-and-a-psychiatrist/

  8. everything is just so […] insane

  9. BlessUsAll says:

    The cow who was pumped with antibiotics and GMO feed and then was murdered so his flesh could be flipped on the psychiatrist’s grill is just as much of a sacrificial lamb as is the drugged-up boy. Agribusiness and pharma: both spew multiple poisons, amass much money, and kill many victims.

  10. […] A Boy and a Psychiatrist by Jon Rappoport […]

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