NBC’s Meet the Press hits lowest rating in 21 years

NBC’s Meet the Press hits lowest rating in 21 years

by Jon Rappoport

August 15, 2013


Another media ship is going down. Break out the champagne.

The big-3 Sunday morning news shows are basically politicians talking through the screen to their colleagues in Georgetown. Gibberish from idiots to other idiots.

In so far as the shows reach the general viewing public…

The unspoken premise of This Week, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation goes like this: Given the fact that America is making constant war to expand the imperial corporate empire, the military industrial complex is suffering a hernia from carrying so much money, multiple agencies are spying on everybody all the time, the medical system in America is killing 2.25 million people per decade, millions of acres of untested GMO food plus Roundup are a runaway health disaster, the Fed Reserve is a private banking monopoly posing as a government agency, the Mexican border is a sieve for the Sinaloa Cartel to kick off their Washington-approved drug routes to a distribution hub called Chicago, only “the cops and thugs should have guns,” the government-sponsored mental-health monopoly called psychiatry is destroying the brains of countless numbers of children, vaccines are filled with toxic ingredients, the federal government is pouring wet cement on the Constitution every hour of every day, more people are using food stamps than are working, our children are learning how to become little robots in school, the free and independent individual is an anathema, television is brainwashing 300 million people, and all presidents are vetted to ensure they’ll support a Globalist planet…NONE OF WHICH WE’LL TOUCH ON IN THE NEXT HOUR…


Well, David, gurgle, gurgle, ahem, and then we have, but of course, some people believe, although I would say…”


These Sunday morning shows should be a ring of Hell, where sinners experience an eternity of soul-eating boredom and rage.

The challenge for David Gregory (Meet the Press (NBC)), George Stephanopoulos (This Week (ABC)), and Bob Schieffer (Face the Nation (CBS)) is: how do I make the interviews and conversations sound real, when more and more viewers realize we’re just doing another trance-induction?

The basis of hypnotic trance is: no authentic context. That’s it. The victim narrows his focus, under the direction of the hypnotist, producing a free-floating state devoid of any significant external connections.

David Gregory’s ratings-dive to third place, among the Sunday puppet shows, is mainly the effect of him failing to affect a persona that enhances the basic hypnotic effect of the non-news. He’s just a bland gray egg.

He doesn’t produce the sing-song mesmerizing rhythms of Bob Schieffer, who learned that trick as an anchor. Stephanopoulos, the “boy wonder” from the Clinton years, works an earnest front for the This Week audience, pretending he’s really “searching for answers” to weighty questions.

Gregory is basically a poor actor. He’s clueless about how to present clueless news. And he replaced the popular Tim Russert, who made his reputation by liking every disingenuous moron he ever interviewed.

The Matrix Revealed

The Sunday morning news-talk shows were invented to transmit the impression the networks were doing “public service by exploring political issues in greater depth.” They became prestige items for corporate advertisers.

The Sunday shows also evolved, over the years, to present the entirely phony idea that, on all major subjects of interest, the two political parties in America hold widely diverging views. Media companies, of course, specialize in that nonsense. The public must never learn there is basically one political party in the US.

Absent any prurient scandal, mass shooting, or disaster, these shows hobble along until election season, when they really swing into gear and feature The Horse Race. At that point, they vibrate between giving free ad time to candidates and asking deep thinkers to assess how the competing election PR teams are doing in their efforts to rope in voters.

In general, the Sunday morning viewing audience is supposed to feel they’re peering through a window to obtain insiders’ views on topics of great import.

David Gregory is dying on camera. Perhaps Mr. Wackadoodle, Chris Matthews, will ascend to the Meet the Press throne.

However, in the endless op to persuade Americans that the two-party system encompasses the whole spectrum of political thought, the Sunday shows have already been upstaged by more asinine and, therefore, popular installments: MSNBC and FOX. There you can find bigger hacks and hustlers shoveling 24/7 manure. They don’t bother with the niceties. They just pile it on by the ton. There, also, the proof of the pudding is in the eating during election season. If there is any lingering hope that newspeople believe the Constitution holds a shred of validity, those networks dispel it when they start wall to wall campaigning for the latest presidential crime figures.

Exit From the Matrix

About-Face on the Nation, This Weak, and Meat the Press don’t stand a chance. They’re relics of a time when lies were supposed to be delivered politely.

The three major networks should bury those corpses and use the time to re-air the most outrageous partisan political moments of the week, from FOX, MSNBC, and CNN.

A special segment, called Operation Mockingbird, would feature a CIA spokesman delivering “the best lie we planted as a news story in the past seven days.”

A final feature, played for comic value, The NSA Spies on an Entirely Innocent Private Citizen, would highlight the blow-by-blow tracking of an American at work and at home.

And then it’s on to golf, infomercials for vacation paradises and juicers, and Mail Your Money to This Particular TV Preacher Before It’s Too Late.

Not to worry. I’m developing an exciting Sunday show called The Food Stamp President. We’ll take cameras into the homes and cardboard boxes of formerly employed Americans who are learning a valuable lesson: Dependence means never having to say you’re sorry. We’re negotiating with a primary sponsor. Planned Parenthood. They have deep pockets, via your generous tax contributions to the federal government.

The overriding message? The gov will always and forever save you, but you should abort all those extra family members before they come into this world. It’ll give you a stress-free existence.

Other sponsors? Cell-phone companies. “Talk is cheap, and we’ll prove it. Sign up for your gratis phone. The White House loves you.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

27 comments on “NBC’s Meet the Press hits lowest rating in 21 years

  1. Greg says:

    Nobody— and I mean NOBODY— goes after the Corporate Criminal Press like Rappoport. That’s what brought me to this sight and that’s what will keep me coming back (among other things).

    It always makes my day when he decides to set his sights on these cowardly, falsely glorified, bought and paid for TRAITORS to the American public.

  2. Jeffrey A. Friedberg says:

    At the next media gala (probably hosted by Matt DamonRoseanne Barr, or Ed Asner), we arrange for a thousand balloons to drop, displaying Jon’s MATRIX REVEALED, and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX. The godless media will no doubt combust spontaneously from within and burst into flames 🙂 Hahahahahahah!

  3. rc rochelle says:

    Scathing–and perfectly factual. I never ever watch TV, because anybody with a functioning brain can plainly see the lies. My brain thanks me for it everyday.

  4. C Mickels says:

    Excellent post! Smokin’ hot!

  5. Jon,
    Thanks for mentioning the Fed Reserve is a private banking monopoly. It is about time all Americans were aware of that. This post could have been written by Paddy Chayefsky. Time for “Network 2.” Long live Howard Beele.

  6. Thanks Jon – another spot-on reality check! Re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama…

    link: http://eyebama.onehumanbeing.com/2013/08/15/nbcs-meet-the-press-hits-lowest-rating-in-21-years/

  7. Larry Schaeffer says:

    Rappoport is hands down the finest reporter in Amerika today and shows the MSM for what it is.
    A sad circus of pathetic […] clowns of delusional fuc#ers. I really believe they think we cant see though the LIES. But the Banksters are not stupid. They realize the centralization and control of media has slipped though their hands and they are scared. Any ass kiss-in MINION who can’t cut it in the programing game will meet quiet liquidation from the tube. Every single day more Americans are figuring out who the real enemy is. Now I’m just waiting for the 100th monkey to kick in. Carry On.

  8. Bobby says:

    And why shouldn’t it? NOTHING, nothing of value whatever, can be learned from ANY MAIN STREAM MEDIA NEWS OUTLET. NOTHING!! Certainly most young people know this by now.

  9. hp says:

    NBC should be put out of its misery for what it did to George Zimmerman.
    Regardless of guilty or innocent, they tried to frame George with premeditated malice.
    Editing (‘fixing’) those audio tapes is an insult to even our pretend justice.

    Right In front of God and everyone they lied and tried to frame George Zimmerman.
    When caught they apologized for “an error made in the production process.”
    They think the only error was getting caught. I spit on them!

  10. kozandaishi says:

    Jon – You are the best. Spot on with laser-like clarity, and hilarious as hell, as well. “A special segment, called Operation Mockingbird, would feature a CIA spokesman delivering “the best lie we planted as a news story in the past seven days.”” Keep on keeping on, and keep on telling it like it really is, my brother.

  11. OzzieThinker says:

    Jon, I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. Perhaps, both are necessary. Good job!

  12. 440Dodge says:

    NBC CBS ABC CNN FOX et. al are living dinasaurs. The half-truths and propaganda these outfits shovel at us on a daily basis is unbelievable. The difference between ‘alternative’ internet media, where typical websites / forums allow for presentation of all evidence and allow a free-flow discussion with feedback etc., as contrasted to the garbage shoveled out by [the mainstream] U.S. media is like listening to a high-power FM stereo system with a 32 band EQ and Cerwin Vega 3-ways, compared to an AM radio in a 1960’s vintage automobile.

  13. Jeffrey A. Friedberg says:

    Jon’s insight and sense of humor trigger new ways of seeing stuff. I think I’m late to the game but I’ve got some clarification here of Government as Religion. If Government is a new religion, and politicians its priests, then Grgory and his fellow media slime are the Religion Police—the kind that go around beating people with sticks. In this case, however, it’s with the blowtorch of public assassination by words, which have become weapons of oppression. But here’s the clarification triggered by Jon, somehow: because life is no longer as hard as it was, say, 100,000, or 2000 years ago, or even 50 years ago, religions based upon a god or gods as protectors, saviors, etc., are “no longer needed” to brace Humanity for its ingherent struggle through life into death. Ergo, paranormal-based religion is fading away, and being replaced by the new secular or civil religion of Government. In this regard, Government now advertises how it takes away the pain of existence and guarantees salvation—on Earth, not in heaven. It even has its tithes, commandments, hell, heaven, priests, saints, and religion police. I can hardly F&^%$-ing wait for Jon’s next gambol through the Fog with his own blowtorch! 🙂

  14. Rick D says:

    “They’re relics of a time when lies were supposed to be delivered politely” ….

  15. Joey says:

    Canadians too have given up on the media matrix.
    On Canadian news it’s all smiling idiots who believe they can still force the war on terror and the gay issue on the majority while leaving out the important subjects, like homeless, unemployment and media/government corruption.

    In the end, it’s all just shyte.


  16. zeropt says:

    “Gibberish from idiots to other idiots.” True and simple state of facts regarding what politics is all about or maybe what it´s been turned into by easily corruptable people not fit to get a job in the open market. Commenter Greg just nails it, he took the writing out of my fingers. 😉 Love your writing, Jon.

  17. RRivers says:

    Truth be told, with the mainstream media’s track record on real news, and real information, and with larger portions of society realizing just how much they and their families, past and present, have been lied to, by the “Big 3,” they should just drop their whole CIA driven news teams, and hire actors, to come in and do a show similar to HBO’s Newsroom, and let it suffice for any attempt at news. I can proudly say that even though I have a TV, I have not been mesmerized with any news programming by the “Big 3” or the other cable news networks for years. If I want news I go to the internet, and when the internet is gone, I’ll depend on word of mouth over anything they broadcast on radio or TV.

  18. sth_txs says:

    I figured out these shows were garbage years ago. You can stop watching and come back a few months later and nothing had changed. Worse than another bad soap opera.

  19. […] NBC’s Meet the Press Hits lowest Rating in 21 Years […]

  20. kirk says:

    the media dinosaurs, like their forebears, are going extinct. i won’t even bid them a ‘good riddance’ after their decades of propagandizing under the guise of ‘reporting’.

    the only thing all will notice with the demise of the lame stream media propaganda machines is that truth is now ascendant.

    best trade of the century: lame stream media extinction with the consequence being the truth will be ascendant.

  21. […] via NBC’s Meet the Press hits lowest rating in 21 years « Jon Rappoport's Blog. […]

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